
My Death Contract

Meredith is still heartbroken from the break up of her first love. Her boss gives her a high stakes project that her best friend schemes for a chance to marry one of the CEO's sons. That scheme becomes reality when she meets one of the billionaire sons in elevator and he threatens her into a marriage contract til death do they part.

Adrienne_Peterson · Ciudad
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219 Chs

[Bonus chapter]Confused

**Author's Note: Thank you for your support and enthusiasm. I have received quite a lot of summoning pens for bonus chapters. Please continue to vote so I can continue to release more chapters! (^V^) **

"Thank you for inviting us." Meredith looked away from the view to talk to the host of the event, Mizuki Dubois as she closed in on her.

"Yes, I added a plus one to Brayden's invitation as I do most invitations," Mizuki waved her hand dismissively. Meredith wondered if this woman in front of her was the same woman who had gone to brunch with her just a week ago."You didn't tell him what drink to bring. Didn't you meet not that long ago?"

"Whatever he chooses will be delicious," Meredith finally answered Mizuki's question. She had just been thinking about how Brayden had great taste. "It always is."

"Yes, he is…" Mizuki mumbled a little too loudly. Meredith was certain that Mizuki meant for her to hear her.