
Chapter 1

It was a beautiful sunny day, Gabrielle headed her way to their small farm. She was wearing her favorite blue shirt, jeans, and her dusty boots. She loved the sunny weather, the crisp air, the smell of the woods. She has the sweetest smile, she would greet anyone she meets along the way. She was exhausted with work and life itself, that she decided to go to their ancestral home.

She was just in her teens when she already set goals for herself. She wanted to be a lawyer. She wanted to help those in need. She has the biggest heart for people. She cries whenever she sees a beggar on the road, when a child cries because of hunger, when an old woman went to her to ask for food, she is the kindest woman.

But in order to achieve that title, she needs to work and study hard. And so, she tried to pursue her dream. It was not as easy as what you think, she sacrificed a lot - her time, effort, money, hobbies. But then, she failed. Along the way, she lost herself. She lost the balance of pursuing her dream and living a life. It was heart-breaking. She was devastated. No, it's not because of love.

She wiped all the tears flowing down her face. She took another path, she started anew. This time, she succeeded, she thought. Gabrielle is now an Economic Development Specialist. And she asks herself again, am I happy? Is this what I really wanted? Sometimes, even when people sees you as a successful person, you could not really feel it and still question if you made the right decision, and if you really are successful.

On her way to their farm, she met her old friend Rowena. They were best of friends, but since Gabrielle studied in the city while Rowena stayed, they lost communication. She hugged Rowena when she saw her, and turned her look to this sweet little baby Rowena was carrying. When the baby smiled, her heart melted, she almost cried. She was overwhelmed by how such a little creation of God would touch her heart and somehow fill whatever is missing in her. After the small talks, they said their goodbyes, and went their separate ways.

It is then that time that Gabrielle have a clearer goal. What would really make her happy? What would really make her successful? She wanted to be a mother. She wanted to have her own little family. She wanted to raise her own kids. But how? She doesn't have boyfriend ever since. Yes, Gabrielle is a 25 year old woman, and never really had a boyfriend.

She's beautiful - thick brows, doe-eyes, long lashes, and crimson lips. But well, even if people would say that she would be a prefect girlfriend, nobody dated her.