
My Dear Wives Are Powerful Demons

"Darling, please don't leave me ever. because I will never be able to live without you" Violet said as she looked into his eyes. "Are you idiot, how can I leave such a beautiful wife, who loves me more than anything in the world, I am already in love with you very very much, I will never do that" Robert said as he kissed her "Ummm~~~" Violet moaned with pleasure, because every time he kissed her it feels different unique. ______________________________________ Daily update of 2 ch/day

Demonic_Core · Fantasía
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9 Chs

I Love You For Infinity

Robert reached alice's house after some moment, after leaving amalia to his home.

Robert opened the door and was welcome by two flying girls towards him.

Robert caught them. And then hugged them tightly.

"Missed me already?"Robert patted their heads

"Of course without you, I was getting bored."Alice said with a sweet smile on her face

"Me too, me too, I also missed Darling~~" Lucy said as she enjoyed Robert's pampering

"Where is Violet?." Robert asked both of them. After they got inside the room. And Robert sat on sofa with Lucy on his left side and Alice on his right side.

"I don't know, the moment you left the house, she also left without saying anything." Alice replied to him

"I think she must have gone, to ask about dark demonic core, she have many contacts on earth, and see also had most contacts on demon world also." Lucy replied as she hugged Robert.

But at this moment. Purple circle was formed on the wall. And Violet came out from there. She jumped on Robert the moment she saw him.

"Darling, missed me or not?" Violet ask as she rubbed her face on his chest. She sat comfortably on his lap.

"Of course I missed, how can I not miss my little violet, when she is so cute." Robert kissed her cheeks. And said with slow voice in her ears.

Violet blushed when he said in her ears.

"Where were you?" Robert asked her.

"I was doing many things, which one do you want to know?" Violet said

"All of them." Robert said to her.

"Well then I have to short it out in simple words then, the first thing I did was I made a vacation trip for all of us, second thing I did was to ask about dark demonic core, and the third thing was, I ordered one of my servants to look out for someone I met in childhood when I came here." Violet replied

"Don't stop violet, tell us everything about dark demonic core?" Alice said, she never liked suspense.

"Well, well what can I say, no one in the contacts of mine ever heard about dark demonic core, so that's why we can find about demonic core, by using it in my dimension which will also prevent any mistakes or harm to darling" violet said

"Lucy let's go... We are going to shopping for vacation!!!" Alice said as a picked up Lucy like a sack of potato.

"Stop!!!... I don't want to.... I want to go with darling" Lucy said to Alice in panic.

"Why... Don't you want to surprise darling... By our sexy swimming suit" Alice said to Lucy in her ears with perverted smile on her face.

"I...I... But I still-" Lucy wanted to say something but Alice already walked towards the red circle on the wall.

Robert just watched shocked as how easily Alice made Lucy fall in her trap.

"Darling don't worry, Alice is not a stupid, she is gone because she knows that I will never tell anything about me in front of anyone, she just respecting my privacy, as for Lucy well she is you can say little stupid" Violet explained Robert about why Alice left suddenly.

"So what are the real things you are doing after you are gone, since no one is here anymore, you can tell about it now right." Robert said as he made her look at him and kissed her sweet lips.

"Aren't you going to say, those comical words about being sisters and not hiding anything from each other or not having any privacy among family, every novel and anime's main character who have many girls always says that?" Violet asked as if she wanted to know every thought of him

"I have no such rights to ask any of you something like that" Robert said very simple but he explained everything in his simple words. Because Robert knows that will never happen. He can just look at their eyes when they look at other. There is not a bit of care and their eyes for each other let alone love and thinking the other one as sister. It only happens in novels and animes. In real life there is no such thing as sharing your lover with someone else.

"Well that's what makes you special you are not like delusional like other humans, you think like us, Demons. And Demons always takes whatever they want." Violet said as she hugged him tightly.

"Well I cannot say anything about it, maybe after you three putting demonic energy inside my heart my personality changed" Robert said with confusion.

"No you are wrong, Personality never change, you are not the first human to turn to demon , in history millions of human have turned to Demons, but their personalities remained same, there morals about when they were human remained same, and they died miserably in demon world. Alltho some survived but they just hided themselves in the human world." Violet explain that he was really special.

"Violet can I ask you something? It's a little personal if you don't want to tell you can just hug me and I will know you don't want to tell okay" Robert asked as he looked in her purple eyes.

This time violet was silent, not like every time when she was inner full energy to reply to him everything, because she can just look in his eyes and know that he was about to ask something very personal, it's not like she don't want to but she have never told anyone about her real self to anyone else.

"Why are you lying to me?" Robert suddenly asked surprising her.

"Huh?." Violet was surprised she expected something personal but he asked about why she is lying to him

"Dark demonic core, you said you never had about it, but you are lying about not knowing right?... It was obvious in your eyes and from your voice you can only for them not me... and Dark demonic energy... You also have it inside your core... I also don't know but I can feel it.. I cannot feel it inside Lucy and Alice" Robert told her about dark demonic core which he felt from her.

Violet turned silent. She never thought that he would be able to feel her demonic core. Because only upper level Demons can do that. Even Lucy and Alice have to sense with their demonic energy after touching. To feel someone's demonic core, you need a very high level sense of demonic energy. And she underestimated the power of dark demonic core.

"Well if you don't want to tell me, it's all right you may have some personal reasons, I just don't want you to do something foolish and harm yourself because of it, okay" Robert caressed her face lovingly and said with slow and deep voice.

"Darling, I am sorry, please don't be angry, I didn't mean to lie to you, I just wanted to tell you when you were ready to hear about it" Violet said while looking down at his hands.

"How can I get angry, when you are making such a cute little face, don't worry as I said before, as long as it doesn't have you, you don't have to tell it, it's not like I will never find about it, since it's my power now, of course I am curious about to know how it works" Robert said as he patted her head.

"Darling, altho humans can turn to Demons but they always turn to weakest Demons, and I didn't wanted anyone to use you just because you were weak, and your Pride get damaged because of it, so I thought of the second way of turning a human to a demon, I killed Demon king's only son who was born with special bloodline of dark demonic core, and give it to you, you don't remember the night before you met Alice right? The truth is you have already died with a car accident by having your heart failure... It's just that I made you reborn by using spells and by giving you Dark Demonic Heart, now you have most potential in the whole of universe, you just need to work hard, as for me you don't have to worry about it, it was demon king himself who wanted to kill his son because of fear of Betrayal so he made a deal with me that I will kill is son for him and he will open the Door of Everywhere. But he didn't knew that I took his son's heart. And after he opened the door again after 300 years I came back to earth again. And I met you. And yeah I did not new about you being with Alice as I was to tired after giving you dark demonic heart because it took everybody of my demonic energy" Violet explained everything to him without leaving any detail this time, she was afraid of him being angry.

Robert just looked shocked after consuming everything she told him. After some moment.

Robert hugged her tighty.

"Thank you so much violet, you have done so much think for me and you are not even willing to tell me about it, how can you be so good, aren't Demons born evil... I love you... Love you so much.. thank you for loving me" Robert said with words full of love and gratefulness

Violet smiled sweetly.

"Not more than me, I love you for Infinity" violet said in slow and sweet voice.