
The hall of portraits

They stopped in front of the grand doors. The doors swung open and Melissa took in a sharp breath. Beautiful, ornate paintings lined the walls. They were all so elaborate. Underneath it described who was in it.

The Black Sisters: Bellatrix (At the back), Andromeda (left), Narcissa (right).

The Blacks: Orion and Walburga, Sirius and Regulus

The Malfoy's: Lucius, Narcissa and Draco

"Mione come here," Melissa said. Mione walked over to her friend. The portrait Melissa was looking at was one of the people with black hair. The young woman was holding a baby. Underneath it read:

The Snape family: Severus and Anastasia with baby Mia

Hermione turned to her bloodless sister. Then she realised. Melissa Molly Weasley was actually Mia Minerva Snape. Mia walked over to Tom and they engaged in a conversation whereas Hermione began to stare at the portrait that was directly behind her. It read:

Proud parents Tom Marvelo Riddle and Bellatrix Druella Riddle with their newborn baby girl Hermione Anastasia Riddle.

Hermione looked at Tom who was staring at her intently. She rushed over to him and hugged him. Tom was slightly taken aback but returned his daughter's hug.

"Come on Mione, Mia let's remove your glamours then I can answer your questions," Tom said.

The girls exchanged a look and burst into fits of laughter. They ran out of the room still giggling.

Tom's last thought was: Women!