
A change in appearance

Tom lifted his hands up and the girls began to magically transform. Hermione and Mia looked completely different, not a single detail remained the same

"You girls need some new clothes!" Tom said clicking bis fingers so the girls were dressed in clothes that actually fit their new figures. The girls sat down on the sofa either side of Tom.

"Uncle Tom I understand why they took Mione but why me?" Mia asked asked she painted her nails.

"Because Minerva being Minerva thought even though I had supposedly died and Bella was in Azkaban, she believed that you were still in danger?" Tom said.

"When will I be able to meet my mother and father?" Mia asked.

"Soon hopefully Mia, but I don't know when!" Tom replied.

"When will we be able to get mum out of Azkaban?" Hermione asked.

"We'll have to speak about it at the neck meeting because I need to go!" Tom said hurriedly. He kissed the girls on the cheek before he disappeared.

The girls reapplied their glamours before changing into their ugly clothes.

"Let's go back to the idiots!" Mia said rolling her eyes before they departed and made their way towards the dungeons...