
My Dark Isekai Project

Itami Isaac is an ordinary high school student. He goes to Brangel High School. He went through a childhood trauma that left a scar in his heart. The more he grows up, the more he realizes how selfish humans are. He wants to change it; He wants to give them salvation. They need a lesson; they need to learn what it truly means to be a human, that’s what he thinks all the time. But he doesn't know any way to do that. When he was about to give up on humans his friend Robin showed him a way that will bring peace to his mind and salvation to the people. Now they have taken a project to teach the people the true lesson of being a human. They will transfer all the people of his city to another world to teach them a lesson. Will they be able to give humanity their long-awaited salvation? Join them in their blood-stained project and discover the heart-throbbing fantasy world together.

Israr_Hossain_Ifty · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
64 Chs

The disgrace and the Overwhelming win  

Just when the smoke was blocking Chris's vision he used his skill 'Satan's foresight' and saw through the smoke and located Itami at the edge of the arena.

Seeing him Chris smiles and shouts out his name loudly. Hearing his screams the crowd was looking at him.

Just when everyone thought that the attack decided the winner a man stood up at the edge of the arena and as the smoke faded away they saw Itami standing there while his whole body was covered with smoke and light.

Seeing him the crowd cheered for him, they were all shouting his name. Itami was releasing a kind of stream and light.

Seeing him glowing like that Eugeious picked up his sword and said "So my 5th form didn't do any damage to you".

Hearing his words Itami stretched his hands and replied "Who said that it did damage me but I healed it with my Divine Healing" Replying that he pointed his fingers at him and told him to come at him with all he got. Saying that Itami showed him a smile that clearly says that he is underestimating Eugeious.

So he took up the offer and ran toward him with all he had. He wanted to stab him in the stomach but when he was going to stab him the stream covering Itami's body turned into flame and melted his sword.

Seeing the sword getting melted he dropped the handle of the sword and distanced himself from Itami.

Seeing a skill like that the crowd and the king himself were surprised. Distancing himself, he asks Itami what kind of skill is that? 

Itami steps slowly toward him but he was Distancing himself so he stopped and said it's my 'Aura Burner' When I activate this skill a stream comes out of my body covering me in light and gas and when it covers my body completely it ignites the flame thus covering me in a high-temperature flame that only harms my enemies.

Saying that he throws his sword to Eugeious and says him to pick it up.

Looking at the situation of the dual a girl asked her husband "Isn't he making a mistake by giving him his sword?"

Hearing the question his red-haired muscular husband laughed and said "Can't you see the result of the dual has been decided, he is just playing with him".

Saying that he puts his hand on her shoulder and pulling her toward him says"I am looking forward to his overwhelming victory".

Looking at the sword Eugeious says I am ashamed of myself saying that he picked up the sword and was going to use his 2nd form 'Unplugged Rage' but that's when Itami's eyes emitted light and some chains bounds Eugeious's hands and legs and drags him to a cross which rose from the ground.

Bounded up in the golden chains he was about to hit his back to the cross but just before that Itami raised his hand and stopped the functioning of the chains.

Getting entangled in the chain Eugeious sighs and says "Just bind me to the cross and claim your victory".

Hearing his words Itami sulks and asks him if he wants to die or live.

Eugeious nods his head and doesn't say anything. Looking at him Itami smiled and placed his hand on Eugeious's shoulder and told him to be grateful. 

Telling that he looks at the faces of the crowd and seeing their feared and surprised faces he shouts and says 'Cross of sinners' It is the name of this skill that chained the great captain of the Rose Knights.

Saying that he looked at the King. When their eyes made contact Hugo stood up and told him to explain his skill.

Itami respected his wish and started explaining his skill.

 My skill create a cross made of mana and it rises from the ground and the connected chain to the cross binds the target and sticks their back to the cross.

Saying that he was going to continue but Hugo suddenly screamed excellent so he gets distracted and angry for interrupting and says while grinning his teeth "There is more my majesty please be patient and listen".

Hearing his words and looking at him he sits on his throne and says in a deep voice "There is more to the skill, just how powerful the skill is".

Saying that he signaled Itami to continue. So Itami continues his word and says "Just when the target hits his back on the cross it starts burning his skin cause the moment it touches the target it starts heating up to 150 degrees.

Saying that he looked at Eugeious and said so you understand that if your back touches the cross you will suffer a third-degree burn and if you stick to the cross for just 2 minutes it will surely burn the back of yours and will reach the spinal cord.

Hearing his words Eugeious can't believe that he just saved him from getting burned so he threw his pride away and said thank you.

Hearing the explanation of his skill the crowds were terrified by his power but at the same time, they were feeling like a god has come to protect them from evil.

Suddenly a man screamed and said "The skill is perfect to punish the heretics" saying that he started shouting "All hail to our gracious goddess Lumenia and long lives the Holy guardian". 

When he was screaming that a man wearing a black cloak put his hands on his shoulder and said "We shouldn't punish the heretics we should make them understand the kindness of our gracious goddess Lumenia". 

Instead of respecting his opinion the man told him to shut up and was going to throw a punch but a 70 years looking man stopped him with his hand and said "We will see about him later, if he is a Holy guardian or a clown" with a smug look on his face.

Saying that he held the hand of the guy in the black cloak and said "Let's go Draies".

Chris was passing through there and hearing the name of Draies he looked at the black-cloaked guy and was going to say his name but they already disappeared in the crowd.

But still, he was trying to find them but that's when Quinella touches his back from behind and asks him what is he doing here.

He looked kinda distracted but he said nothing and left the arena with Quinella.

At the exit gate, a blue-haired tall guy was waiting for someone and after some time a bulky man came with an ice crème in his hand and asked him "What do you think about that Holy guardian?"

He touches his glasses and replies, "Well, he got the power, for the time I can just say that anyway whether he will be useful to us or not we will know about it soon".

Saying that he and the bulky guy left the arena while talking. On the other side, Itami already left the arena holding his head high.

While Eugeious was devastated by the defeat, seeing the match Harold was kinda happy and sad at the same time but he was happier for Itami's win.

Just when he was leaving the arena a man called his name so he looked back and saw his dad.

Seeing him he was frozen on the site, he was unable to take even one step. 

So Eugeious takes the step and while passing him he says "Sorry my son I couldn't free you from the prison" saying that he left from there.

Hearing the words Harold looked at him with tears in his eyes and said in his mind "What the hell is he talking about?"

The tear in his eyes is a sign that he was happy to hear the son word from his mouth. While crying he smiled and left from there.

Seeing the match the faithful servant of Rosania reported about the power of Itami and hearing the report she smiled like a crazy woman and said "If I can just make him my pet I can conquer anything".

Her smile was so crazy that even the servant got scared. On the other side winning the match Itami is now taking a shower.

While taking the shower he was thinking about his mom and about the little brother that he lost".

Thinking about them his eyes become teary but he controls himself and says to him "No matter what I can't let them down and waste my father's sacrifices go in vain".

Saying that he turned off the shower and picked up the towel and wiped himself dry and got out of there. 

Dressing up he went to Chris's room where everyone was waiting for him. Seeing them he smiles and says "As I said I won" saying that he thumbed up and said "I am back" (To be continued)