
My Cursed Mate


Alexa_Wright_81 · Fantasía
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84 Chs

Chapter 55

Andreas's POV 

I lifted my gaze to stare at my love, but she was gone. A minute ago, she was standing with that woman from earlier but now, they had both disappeared. I excused myself from the conversation I was in and went in search for Isabella. I just had to stand in the middle of the hall to realize that she was not in the room. 

I didn't want to get worried yet because she didn't tell me she was going anywhere. So I followed her scent which led me outside the mansion and I found her there, gazing into the sky with an awed expression.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around waist from behind. "I thought we agreed not to leave the guests to themselves."

"I had to see Raya off", Isabella answered without looking at me. "Do you see that?" She asked as she pointed up at the sky.