
My Cursed Demon

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT) A Cursed Prince, which everyone saw as the demon God. He was cursed to do many things he didn’t want to. He was a great warrior and was never in history defeated in battle. He was feared by many and he was seen as a threat to other kingdom. *** The Prince Lorcan was excellent in Fencing at a very small age. He came with the head of the chief Army each time he return from the battlefield. He made other kingdoms fear him, he had most kingdom in his control and this made the villagers saw him as a Wicked Prince. He killed whomever went against him without thinking twice. As a Princess from a The Great Kingdom Santok. She was seen as the doll of the family, she was dressed up in Elegant gown with Heavy Jewelries . She hardly stepped out of the house. She was really guarded in the palace. She was King Albert’s only Princess and she never left the walls of the Palace only on Occasions. She rejected Suitors because they were either too Proud or Greedy for her Father’s wealth. Most Princes from Far Nations came to seek for her hand in marriage just to take leadership as the next king. She didn’t want that, she wanted true love. The Kingdom of Santok was slowly falling apart, then he seeked help from King Reagan, and a condition was given to him stating that his Princess must marry his Son. This was a big deal for King Albert so he had no other choice than to accept just so that the Kingdom would retain their Pride. Now The Princess is forced to marry the Rumored Demon. How would she cope? Find out! ^ ^

Author_Seraphine · Fantasía
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302 Chs

Chapter 20: How dare he?

It was Morning. Reina woke up to see Lorcan still held her really close. She turned to look at his face, his eyes were closed and few strands fell on his face. She smiled at him then she gently pushed the strands back. Then she turned her face to get up from the bed when he held her arm.

(Gasps) she looked at him. His eyes were still closed.

"Where are you going Wife?." He asked.

"I need to go take my bathe, can you let me go now?." She tried freeing her arm.

"No, stay with me." He whispered and pulled her back to bed.

"Okay but only for some minutes." She laid with his head on her lap.

"Can you touch My hair?." He looked up at her. She never expected to hear him say that.

"Why?." She asked.

"You should learn to be a good Wife." He grinned.

"But I'm not a bad wife." She frowned.

"You don't know how to seduce me." He got up and sat straight then he slowly crawled to her looking into her eyes. He held her neck and stared down to her lips.

Reina closed her eyes expecting his soft lips on hers but it didn't happen. He climbed out of bed and left the room.

"What just happened?." She asked herself just then she remembered she hadn't rinsed her mouth. Her breath was bad, but still, he would've told her that instead of leaving like that.

She sat in front of the Mirror. She wondered why Xenia had put on heavy make up on her as if there were an occasion.

"You're looking beautiful My lady." She smiled arranging her hair.

"Thank you Xenia but why all these?." She pointed to the makeup.

"You need to look pretty for His Highness."

"About him, I need to tell you something." She smiled.

"Tell me My Lady." She decorated her hair with beautiful gold pins.

"He kissed me." She halted as she looked down to her finger.

"(Gasps) He kissed you?." She asked in surprise and she nodded.

"Not just that.." she blushed as Xenia's eyes widened in excitement to hear more.

"What else happened?."

"We had deep romance and.." she stopped.

"Oh Good Heavens, finally you let him in." She touched her cheek.

"We just had deep romance and he sucked and licked all my body including..." she shyly scratched her neck.

"Of course I understand. You're finally growing up. I'm happy about this. You mean he sucked you. How did it feel?." She teased.

"It felt..it felt really good. My mind stopped thinking for a moment. It was just so good and you know His Highness is quite romantic." She looked down to her hands.

Xenia turned to her left and noticed Lorcan standing. He placed his hands on his lips telling her to be quiet then he walked to her with his hands at his back. Xenia bowed and left and he was alone with Reina.

"Oh really Wife?." He whispered and she sat frozen. She slowly looked into the mirror to see Lorcan besides her.

"Your Highness."

"I didn't know I was that romantic Reina." She felt his warm breath on her neck.

"I was in the middle of a conversation with my maid Your Highness." She looked away.

"Well I'm sorry I dismissed her. I only want to spend time with You,Wife." He titled his head to kiss her neck when she stood up.

"I don't want you." She walked to the window and stood looking at the sky.

"You're angry with me again." He said calmly and walked to her. He held her waist fro behind.

"Look at me." He ordered but she didn't turn.

"Look at me Reina." She found herself turning around with her eyes meeting his.

"Now tell me why you're angry with me." He pulled her closer.

She softly pushed his chest. "You made me want you and then you left without a word." She placed her arms across her chest.

"Well I'm sorry Wife but I had work to do."

"I guess that was more important." She turned to look out of the window again. She just wanted him to hold her. His touches meant so much to her, she loved the way he touched her and she wanted him to do that every single time.

"Yes." He grinned then she looked at him and then looked away.

"I didn't mean it that way Wife." He came closer and put his arms around her waist resting his head on her shoulder.

"Should I tease you now?." He slowly traced his finger to her neck then down to her arms.

"How many mistresses do you have?." She asked.

"A thousand and one." He grinned still kissing her neck softly. She felt quiet.

"Not surprised. Soon you'd get another Wife." She frowned.

"You'd be my only Wife Reina"

"Prince Theodore has two Wives Lorcan. He once had a wife and now.." she halted.

"I'm not even surprised cause he even tried.."

"He did what Reina?. Did he touch you?." He held both her shoulders.

"He didn't hurt me." She lowered her gaze.

"But he tried touching you." He said as if he knew exactly what happened. He already knew the kind of person Theodore was.

He slept with the maidens despite The Kings warnings. He didn't really cared if he took away the regions he owned. He loved women. He could take all the women in the world but he dared not touch Lorcan's Wife.

Lorcan knew that this would happen cause Theodore had already told him but he didn't know he'd do this sooner. How dare he?

He just wanted trouble. He knew touching Reina would bring fight and he just wanted Lorcan to show Reina the beast in him.

"Don't go fight him Lorcan." She begged as she saw his fist clenched.

"No one dares touch My Wife." He was so angry that he could do anything bad to anyone that angered him right now.

"Lorcan!." She called out .

"Stay inside." He said and left the room