
My Cultivation Prowess Peaks after I Buried the Great Emperor's Corpse

Lin Wudao transmigrated and obtained an invincible system to bury corpses. So long as he buried the corpses of the powerful, he got to take over what they had or what they touched as his bonus. What was more, those items he stood to win were the enhanced versions. The minimum level was enhanced by ten times! “You’ve buried the corpse of Jiang Taichu the Great Emperor. Your cultivation prowess just increased by 10,000 years!” “You’ve buried the corpse of your fiancee, Jiang Qingxue. You get the essence of the immortal, which is enhanced by 100,000 times! It’s thus upgraded into the essence of harmony. You will become the Immortal Emperor after the extraction of it!” ...... Ever since he acquired this system, Lin Wudao had embarked on an invincible journey of advancing history and dominating the world.

Green Mountain Demon · Oriental
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620 Chs

Selling Ancestors, the Item Goes to the Highest Bidder

Traductor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


The void rippled slightly.

Immediately after, Lin Wudao walked out of the space tunnel step by step and arrived back in the secret chamber with the great demon of Mountain Tu's stone statue.

"What a wonderful trip..." His low voice sounded.

As he recalled his experiences and feelings in the City of Heavens, his heart was still filled with disbelief. The supreme talisman had given him too much of a shock.

This time, his horizons had been broadened.

At the same time, the greatest feeling Lin Wudao had after his trip to the City of Heavens was that he was just too poor.

To think he could not even afford the cheapest thing in the Myriad Treasure Tower.

"It seems that I have to work harder..."

He gathered his thoughts and walked out of the secret chamber.

"Governor, are you alright?"


Seeing Lin Wudao come out, Zhao Mang, who had been waiting outside, immediately came up to him.