
My Crystal System

A normal school year for an 18 year old girl named Quinton is turned into chaos when she discovers a family secret that changes her life forever. The past is revisited, secrets are revealed, and an organization run by an unknown individual is revealed to be the biggest threat of all. {story also on wattpad, Pocket FM, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and soon Goodnovel} (Originally know as: Decisions: What is Quinton's secret?

abstractwritzerr · Fantasía
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30 Chs

Wendy's Family Secrets

Wendy was just as shocked as the others at them being locked inside the house, it wasn't her intention at all but the others would think it was if she didn't start explaining soon. "What do we do now? How are we going to get out of here!" Amelia said As she paced back and forth.

"Wendy what is going on?!", Athena asked, and Wendy looked at them "I don't know, there was a protection spell places on the house, but it only activates if the house itself is attacked or if my parents died, so...", wendy said, her voice trailing off as she realized, "wait....", Wendy looked around the house. the house wasn't attacked, so this only meant one thing. Wendy walked into the kitchen quickly searching for something and she finally found it, a orb like crystal that she could contact her parents with.

She activated the orb and closed her eyes, thinking of her parents and waiting for the orb to register her thoughts and call them, the orb began to glow in and out as it sent the call, but after a few minutes it automatically hung up, "usually they'd respond...", Wendy thought to herself as she tried calling again. but again, no answer. Wendy wasn't really the type to show emotion, it was something she'd had since she was younger. she couldn't express her emotions, and she didn't understand them, but she could feel them. this usually lead to her being seen as weird by other kids her whole life, she couldn't ever make lasting friends because people always looked at her as a dull person. the only people who didn't look at her that way we're her parents, they knew that even if she couldn't show it, or understand it, she still loved them. 

Athena could see the range of emotions flickering across Wendy's face, even if they were fleeting. Anger, fear, sorrow, and something else that she couldn't quite place. She stepped closer to Wendy, reaching out a hand for support. "Wendy? Do you...do you think...", Before she could finish the question, there was a loud banging on the front door, jolting everyone in the house.

whatever the loud bang was that hit the house, it didn't mean any of them good. Amelia walked over to the window, with the safety spell cast on the house, whoever was attacking couldn't get in without breaking the spell through destroying the array. "What the-", Amelia said In shock, as she saw someone outside the house, whoever it was was shooting at the shield that covered the house with their powers, and it seemed to be doing little damage, but it was still doing damage, and that was a problem. "I think this might have been some type of trap.", Quinton said, walking over to Wendy. "Wendy, do you know of any way to get out of here? Any way at all?", Quinton asked, and Wendy couldn't think of any possible way out. Her parents often kept a secret room locked though, and never let Wendy in there, she never understood why, but it was their only last resort, they needed to get in that sealed off room.

"There is..." Wendy said, her voice quiet but steady. "There is a secret room that my parents always keep locked - they never let me go in there. But it's the only place we haven't checked yet. We might be able to get out through there."

The others looked at her, hope flickering in their eyes. It was risky, but they had nowhere else to go. "Where is it?" Amelia asked.Wendy led the way to the hidden room, her steps cautious and careful. The others followed closely behind her, their own steps echoing in the silence. "It should be just through here," Wendy said, stopping in front of a dark, heavy oak door.

Athena and Amelia exchanged a glance. This room didn't just look off, it looked wrong. It was hard to place why, but something just seemed so...off.

At first glance, the door looked odd, first off, it had no door handle, and it wasn't a push door either, this was confusing to everyone but Wendy, who'd seen the door before, she remembered her parents saying something that allowed them to open the door, as if the door to had a spell on it. Wendy wracked her brain, trying desperately to remember what her parents had always done to enter the room. There was something they always said - some kind of password, or magic phrase perhaps?

She glanced back at the others, a frown on her face. "I can't remember what they say to open it," she admitted. Candice stepped up and walked over to Wendy, she had a suggestion but wasn't sure if it would work or not, "do you know any spells that can enhance past memories?" Wendy considered this, her face scrunched up in concentration. "There's a memory enhancement spell," she said slowly. "I've only ever been able to do it once, I'm not sure if it will work..." The others seemed to collectively hold their breath.

Wendy took a deep breath, steadying herself. She closed her eyes, raising her hands in front of her, palms facing outward. The air around her seemed to crackle with energy as she began to chant a series of words in a language they didn't understand. 

For a tense moment, nothing seemed to happen. But then, slowly, an image began to form in Wendy's mind. She gasped, her eyes fluttering open. "I see it," she whispered. Closing her eyes again she touched the door and began to speak the words to take the spell off the door, as she did the door began to glow and a doorknob appeared in front of her. As she finished the spell the glow on the door dissapeared and she grabbed the doorknob and opened the door.

When she opened the door, there we're many things in the room, a desk full of books, scattered all over, a bunch of boxes, and another desk with computers set up and a giant circular thing sitting in the middle of the room. Wendy knew her mother studied magic and was a professional mage, but she had no idea what her father did, besides doing 'computer work', as he called it. The giant circular machine in the room seemed to be connected to the computers. They didn't have much time to be nosey though, as the banging outside the house grew louder.

They began trying to find a way out of the house, and Athena walked over to the set of computers, she wanted to see if there was anything on the computers they could use. Alexander noticed this and was shocked, she wasn't aware that Athena knew how to work computers. "Have I been so busy with work that I didn't even notice the talent my own daughter has...", Alexandra thought to herself, feelings a little guilty. she tried her best to be the the best mom for Athena, but work had been tough on her and it was hard for her to get any free time. This would be something her and Athena would have to talk about eventually.


After a few minutes, Athena had finally found something helpful in the computers system, it was a program with no name. She clicked on it since it was the only program she could even find. The moment she clicked on it, the giant circle like machine began to glow. The others backed away from it for safety purposes. "This must be the on button.", Athena said, looking at the button which was blue. She took a deep breath and pressed the button.

As soon as she did the giant Circle like machine that was in the middle of the room began to glow brighter, as the computer began loading.

Athena looked at the machine as a glow began to appear in the middle and get bigger as the number on the computer slowly reached 100. When it did, the computer screen changed.

'Portal boot up was successful.'

The computer said, and Athena quickly ran to the other's to let them know. "I know this may sound crazy, but that is our only way to safety, that's a portal, it's our only exit.", Athena said, and Quinton stepped up, there was no need to tell her twice, it was either go to a unknown planet or get caught by void, if she got caught, she'd never be able to save her family, so that was not an option, with her decision already been made, she jumped right into the portal. As for Dashi, wherever Quinton went,he went. He didn't know any of these people as well as he knew her, so he didn't hesitate either and went through the portal as well. Wendy then followed behind the two, she wasn't scared of the possible destinations since she had a idea of where exactly the portal might take them.

Suddenly, the computers alarm sounded.

'Error! Portal malfunctioning! Shutting down in 10.. 9.. 8..'

The computer started counting down, if it was malfunctioning, they didn't know where they'd end up at, but one thing was for sure, they needed to go, and they needed to go now. Athena and Alexandra immediately went through the portal, and Candice walked up to the portal with Barron holding her hand. and looked back at Amelia who did not even budge. "This is insane!", Amelia said in shock, they all were okay with going through a portal that lead to NOWHERE.

"Amelia, come on, we don't have much time! Don't worry, whatever happens, we'll be together through it, let's go.", Candice said, giving Amelia her hand, Amelia hesitated before taking her friends hand. And they went through the portal, right before it shut down.

And right on time to, as the shield around the house was destroyed and the attackers walked in. "Boss, I think they may have escaped somehow.", one of the people said, holding the phone to his ear, "What do you mean escaped? You said you made sure their we're no escape route's!", the voice on the other line snapped.

"I'm sorry boss, we will continue searching for them.", the guy on the phone responded, and the boss sighed. "Very well.... Just find them.... I don't care how you do it, and if you find Void's location let me know.", the boss said in an annoyed tone before hanging up.


"I'll soon have my empire, I can practically see it already.... But first....void needs to fall, only then can i take my crown"