
My Crystal System

A normal school year for an 18 year old girl named Quinton is turned into chaos when she discovers a family secret that changes her life forever. The past is revisited, secrets are revealed, and an organization run by an unknown individual is revealed to be the biggest threat of all. {story also on wattpad, Pocket FM, Scribble Hub, Royal Road, and soon Goodnovel} (Originally know as: Decisions: What is Quinton's secret?

abstractwritzerr · Fantasía
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30 Chs


Quinton rushed over to her father, and she helped him bring the boy inside. Both her and her mother were equally surprised and concerned, "Dad, who is this?.... What is going on?!", she questioned in panic. In the span of a week so much had already happened to her. She has to do a project with the two most entitled human beings on the planet. She'd experienced some weird phenomenon with her own body, and she didn't know what it was. Some dude was killed in a forest, and she was being questioned into it, and now her dad's brought some random boy in there house.  

This clearly couldn't get any worse-, suddenly, the phone started ringing, over and over again. Nobody wanted to pick it up, Nix walked over to the couch and lightly sat the young boy down on it, then he made his way over to the phone and picks it up, placing it to his ear. "Hello?" he spoke, cautiously.

An officer was on the phone. He responded, "Mr. Bailey, i greatly apologize for the sudden call but,", the man paused for a moment and cleared his throat, "you work in the construction field, am I correct sir?" he asked in a questioning tone. 

Nix looked around the living room at his wife and daughter before he placed the phone back to his ear and sighed, "Yes, I do, has something happened?", he asked in question. The officer over the phone. Must have been messing with something, as sounds of fingers over a keyboard could be heard, and the sound of another voice was faint in the background, before the officer spoke again, "you did stay after hour's tonight, according to the head of construction here, and I was calling to ask if you would be able to come in for an interview in a few hours.", Nix had only just gotten home, he was exhausted and the last thing he wanted to do right now was sit in an interrogation room and be quote on quote 'Interviewed', "I apologize, officer. But I have just arrived home from work. I am exhausted, this wouldn't be the best time to interview me.", the officer sighed. It made sense to him, and he understood the exhaustion," very well sir, we can schedule for a different time, later in the morning?", he proposed.

Nix paused for a moment and then spoke, "very well, I believe I can do ten thirty?". It was currently five o-clock, so he would have a little more than five hours of sleep. It was better than nothing. "Hmmm... deal, I think we can fit you in for ten, thirty sir." the officer spoke. 

As Quinton's father spoke with the officer, Quinton looked at the boy on the couch, he looked to be close to her age, and for a moment she'd forgotten her own age. She had a birthday not too long ago, so now she is 18. She began to wonder why her father even brought this boy to the house, but she didn't ponder on it long as she turned and walked into the house library. Nobody but herself really ever went into the library. The books were rarely touched, so they were quite dusty.

She reached up and began skimming through the shelves, trying to find something that could be promising to her troubles, then she came across a book that caught her eye. "Soul bounding.... this looked like a fantasy novel instead of something informative, but it's better than nothing I guess.", she reached up and grabbed the book, slowly pulling it from the shelf, as she looked at it, she could see dust covered it completely, and she wiped the dust off the front cover and looked closer at it, the book was a paperback, and whoever made the books last name was scribbled out, so well to the point that she couldn't make it out, even if she tried, "that's.... odd." she sighed as she opened the book and wiped more dust from the pages, all the dust flying everywhere made her cough, and then she huffs as some dust got into her nose somehow, "damn how long have these books been left here.", she shook her head and then went and sat down at a table in the library, there was one lantern lit on the table, the fire in it moving around, creating a moving red Shadow on the walls and table. "Long, long ago, humans and non-humans alike, lived among each other in harmony, a Truce if you will, it was the peace that anyone would dream of, but one day that peace had been disturbed, many years humans were warned that there actions would have consequences, in a world where peace was implemented, horrible things we're going on behind the scenes, a group of human individuals know as VOID, they would capture creatures, under the noses of their fellow humans and do scientific studies on them, the creator of VOID is unknown, but one thing was for sure." Quinton didn't know what this book was talking about, but VOID was quite a known organization, the thing was that they only hunted off the dangerous mythical's list, she'd never heard of them capturing creatures and studying on them like they were toys, that sounded like nonsense.... but then again, she didn't know what to believe.

She continued to read the book, "VOID was and still is our enemy. The reason mythical creatures went into hiding was simple. People pushed them to it.... creatures were disappearing more and more often as VOID got bolder, and when this started happening, VOID knew that it was nothing a little money couldn't handle. they just bribed people with a little money.... and those people gave in instantly, and just like that.... the peace was broken between the two, as the creatures were willingly given away to VOID, the people blinded by there greed.", Quinton was surprised, this story seemed too vivid to be just a story based off fantasy events.

Candice walked through the halls of her parents' big mansion, she couldn't wrap her head around the past few events, what was supposed to be a normal week to work on a project was now chaos. "I need a cup of Chamomile tea.". She sighed and shook her head, as she made her way into her grand library, she walked over to the bookshelves and was searching through them for something to read just to get her mind off things, but she paused as she came to a red book. It was a light red book, and it definitely stood out from the others. 

Something told her to take the book out, so she did. She opened the book, and it was blank, "now why is there a blank paged book in here?" she groaned in annoyance and flipped through the pages that were all empty.

She then flipped back to the very beginning of the book and on the once blank page words began to appear and her eyes widened. She immediately dropped the book in surprise, "what the hell?!" she immediately covered her mouth at her profanity, but it scared her, she couldn't help it. 

Reluctantly she bent down and picked the book up, her eyes on the words that had appeared, "Table of contents.... Truce?" she said in confusion, and she didn't know why but her hands started tingling and glowing or something, scaring her half to death. She didn't know what was happening to her, but she had no time to panic. She quickly closed the book and put it back on the shelf. She shoved her glowing hands in her pockets, as she heard the door to the mansion open, she walked out of the library and looked down over the banister, an eyebrow raised as she saw that her brother came in, he was back from his business trip finally, "Barren!" she smiled, she couldn't hug him like this unfortunately, but she was sure happy to see him, "hey sis, it's been so long!" he chuckled with an air of excitement as he walked over to his sister and hugged her. 

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