
My cruel Alpha, my sweetheart

Step into a world where deceit and destiny collide .Rebecca, a Cinderella in her own right, finds herself thrust into a dangerous game of thrones when her own stepmother and sister conspire against her. In the kingdom of Clovera, tyranny reigns under the ruthless rule of Frederick, Blaze's uncle. But beneath the facade of a crippled royal, Blaze harbors a secret revolt plan. Rejected and cast into the outcasts' haven outside Clovera, Rebecca discovers a new purpose alongside Alpha Asher, who unbeknownst to them, shares ties with Blaze. As they train and plot against the tyrant king, sparks fly, but an impulsive move lands Rebecca in big trouble. When Blaze steps in to save her, jealousy and regret set in, leading to a tumultuous journey of discovery. As alliances form and loyalties are tested, the trio's fight against evil and ancient mysteries. Uncover a tale of love, sacrifice, and unexpected alliances as Blaze and Rebecca's destinies intertwine, and the kingdom of Clovera hangs in the balance. ... #Find it exclusively on Dre*me

Frost_s · Fantasía
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5 Chs

The unfortunate engagement

(Rebecca's POV) 

I stood before the full-length mirror, wearing my bridal attire.To be honest, I looked ethereal. My fingers delicately traced the intricate lace detailing on my double-tier wedding dress as I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. However, my heart raced with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

As I smoothed down the skirt of my dress, I caught a glimpse of my father's reflection in the corner of the room. His eyes were fixed on me, and tears glistened in his eyes. Softly, I turned to face him, saying, "Dad, please don't cry."

He shook his head, unable to find the words. I could see the guilt and pain etched on his face. It wasn't his fault, but he blamed himself for the situation. I felt a pang of sorrow for my father, but beneath it all, there was also anger and resentment towards the king. All my life, I had dreamt of finding true love, of being swept off my feet by someone who would cherish me forever. But after Casper, those dreams shattered, and now I was trapped in a loveless marriage, bound by duty to a man I barely knew. To make matters worse, he was both immobile and arrogant, adding to my misfortune.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves as my father shuffled closer, his hand reaching out to touch my arm. His voice choked with emotion, he said, "Rebecca, I'm so sorry. I never wanted this for you."

Looking up at him, tears welled in my own eyes as I replied, "I know, Dad. I don't blame you or anyone else, except the king, of course. But I can't pretend that everything is okay. This is not the life I wanted."

My father nodded, his face filled with sorrow. "I understand. But please, for the sake of the pack, try to make this work. He may be crippled and bad-tempered, but he might change in the future."

I knew my father was doing his best to reassure me, even though his words felt empty. With a sigh, I acknowledged that I had to make the best of the situation, not just for others, but for myself as well. I was the bride-to-be to the infamous, crippled nephew of the king. 

Turning back to the mirror, I brushed my fingers over the lace details on my tiny waist. I straightened my posture and lifted my chin, determined to face whatever lay ahead with grace and courage. Softly, I said, "I'll do my best, Dad. For you, for the pack, and for myself."

My father nodded, his face displaying a mixture of pride and sorrow. "That's all I can ask, Rebecca. That's all I can ask."


The royal kitchen was buzzing with excitement. The head chef Wolfgang, barked out orders to his team. 

"Come on, people, we need to get this food out in time for the announcement. The young master's special day only comes once in a lifetime!" Wolfgang exclaimed. 

The maids were equally busy, setting the tables with ornate golden ware and crystal glasses. One of them, Luna, was carefully placing rose petals on the tables when she heard a commotion outside the kitchen door. 

"Quick, Luna, the old madam is coming!" another maid whispered urgently, and Luna rushed to straighten her apron and adjust her hair before opening the door. 

Catherine walked into the kitchen, looking dapper in her suit. Her eyes swept over the busy kitchen and she smiled at the chefs and maids who were working tirelessly to make her care son's special day a success. She was Blaze's nanny but she was more like his mother because he lost his own, soon after his birth. His dad was dead as well. Both died in a mysterious car accident. Catherine had been his rock all through those tender young years. 

"Everything looks great here. Keep up the good work," She said, nodding approvingly." I can now rush back to check on the young master. " 

She hurried back upstairs, rubbing her hands together in anxiety. 

Catherine entered Blaze's room, finding him sitting in his wheelchair with his back turned towards her. She smiled softly, knowing that he was probably lost in thought. 

"Good morning, my boy," she said as she approached him. 

Blaze turned his head slightly and grinned. "Good morning, Catherine. Ready to help me get ready for the big announcement?" 

"Of course," she replied as she began to gather his clothes. "But tell me, Blaze, why do you continue to act crippled? It doesn't suit you." 

Blaze's grin turned into a frown. "It's necessary, Catherine. I have my reasons." 

"Reasons that you refuse to share with me," Catherine sighed as she helped him out of his wheelchair and onto the bed. "Sometimes, Blaze, I feel like you don't trust me." 

Blaze looked up at her with a pained expression. "That's not true, Catherine. You know I trust you with my life. It's just...complicated.I thought you already knew how much I trust you. You are the only one who knows this secret about my so-called disability. The only one in this whole world apart from the doctors that I had bought off for the false reports. " 

Catherine nodded as she began to dress him. "I know. I understand, my boy. But you must be careful. You know how the other royals view weakness." 

"I know," Blaze said, gritting his teeth. "But I have to do this. For my own sake and the sake of our empire." 

Catherine finished dressing him and helped him back into his wheelchair. "Whatever it is you're planning, Blaze, just be careful. I don't want to see you hurt." 

"I won't be," Blaze said, determination in his eyes. "I have everything under control." 

Catherine shook her head, knowing that she wouldn't be able to dissuade him. "Very well, my boy. Let's go announce your engagement to the world." 

She paused for a moment, then turned towards him and asked, 

" By the way, who's the bride? I hope it is not the one your uncle chose for you at the last minute." 

Blaze smirked. "You know I have great bedroom skills. Getting a woman by my side isn't a difficult job. And no, I would never take anything that God forsaken uncle of mine hands me down out of courtesy. He took over my empire and acts like I am the parasite. Besides, if he is marrying me off to a gold digger, it's only for him to buy her off, to kill me later. " 

Blaze was twenty-five years old. According to the Royal werewolf traditions in their kingdom, any bachelor or mate less wolf at that age was to be officially engaged. Otherwise, it was thought to be a disgrace for the entire family. Blaze's disability fiasco restricted his dating life as well. Hence his uncle, Frederick, the king called all his Betas and Gammas on the previous night of his birthday eve, for an urgent meeting."I need a bride for my nephew tomorrow, " he had announced. " And I will reward her family with an Eastern palace and sure shot position in my inner circle for their next three generations, irrespective of their current allocation. " 

The room had fallen silent. One would think with such a lucrative offer, everyone would be spurring for the post. But that was exactly the opposite of what happened. 

Knowing how cruel Blaze was, no noble dared to trade a daughter's life for some earthly goods. 

" Okay then. Every one of you, write down the names of all the unmarried women in your households. We will be drawing lots. " 

And chits were passed around as everybody wrote down the names with utmost precaution. 

Rebecca's father too was part of that gathering. He was one of the Gammas, working in the Royal office. The chits were collected and verified before they were taken for a lucky draw. Anybody who tried to hide any member was immediately sent for execution. The rest were then taken to the back room. 

After what was an intricate few minutes, a woman came in with a name and a few gifts along with it. 

" Congratulations Mr Bastion, " She announced as Rebecca's father held his breath. He was the scapegoat. One of his daughters was going to be sacrificed to the brutal, cruel, handicapped, worthless heir, Blaze. Tears started rolling down his cheeks even before a name was called out. 

"Your Stepdaughter, Stephanie has been chosen to be the perfect bride for prince Blaze on his birthday. And your family will be graced with all the gifts promised to you before and much more. " 

With that, the meeting was adjourned as Mr Bastion sat there with a heavy load.