
My Creation, My Plaything

Excerpt : This man was my art came to life. Had I seen him before? Maybe that's why the image is almost identical to this man. He stepped closer quickly and pulled up a cloth napkin wiping my drink up, his lips with the piercings curved into a smile as I looked at him still in shock. "Nancy, Freya, I'd like to introduce my cousin, Mikeal. He just got back into town yesterday." Henry spoke as he sat down, I could feel Nancy glaring at me wanting me to say something to him instead of just starring at him like a deer in headlights. I snapped out of it as he took his seat throwing the napkin to the floor for the waitress to pick it up. He was not a very well mannered person, but then again I wasn't being very well mannered either and Nancy will definitely scold me later about that. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mikeal." My voice came out very soft and quietly. Nancy looked at me and smiled quickly she looked at Henry who was smiling kindly at his cousin. "I'm so sorry Mikeal, my older sister is not use to being around people very often, she usually hides away in her home like a hermit." Nancy laughed a little, as I raised my brow looking at her, if she was only interested in Henry why would she want to bad mouth me in front of Mikeal all of a sudden? Usually when they did this she couldn't wait to get her and the other man out of the way so she could go head first into her plan to seduce the main attraction. Looking at Mikeal, piercings, tattoos, bad boy and everything I designed him to be like. He was not Nancy's normal type, but then again who isn't attracted to at least one bad boy in their life, but did she plan to take them both? Just was I was about to say something to her while picking up my new drink, which was a tequila paralyzer, I was interrupted by Mikeal as he leaned forward grinning at Nancy. "I'm sure I could find many things to do with her while she is home alone, and many ways to get her to make sounds, though they may not be words." After being forced to change her main character in her book, Freya is doing a favor for her sister only to discover something very disturbing about her sisters' new boyfriend's cousin. What will she do? What will he do to her? Freya's life gets flipped upside down as she tries to discover where the inspiration to draw this man before even meeting him came from and what he truly is. Could it be love? Or just a deadly coincidence? [the cover is my artwork] [this story is my original work, do not take from this site without my permission]

ReviveMae · Fantasía
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43 Chs



Finding her bound to the chair in the old wing of the mansion where my mother stayed made my blood begin to boil again, worse yet was seeing Henry putting his lips on what was mine. After he was knocked out and my little lamb passed out I got her out and my father placed her in a room for the time being. Walking up to Henry as he began to come back to, he looked at me as I punched him so hard if he was human his neck would of snapped.

"Mikeal what the f*ck!" He growled at me as I went to throw another punch before I smelt his cologne, the vanilla mixed with something I haven't smelt in a very long time, plague death. I stopped my fist before I hit him again and pulled his head up to me staring into his eyes noticing hints of cloudiness as it slowly disappeared and Henry was left just glaring at me.

"Henry, was there a woman around you, about 5'5, thin with long blonde or black hair, it would have been as long as Freya's hair and not curly." I asked quickly still holding onto Henry's chin as he pushed me back and stood up slowly leaning against the wall.

"There was a few like that why?" His voice was labored and raspy, as turned and punched another wall.

"Was there one with fascinating eyes? Eyes that were almost like the galaxy?" I could hear the shift in Henry and I must of nailed it, he had been around her. "Edgar's wife. She must of felt your desire for Freya because of her numbness to the magic." Henry came to me, his eyes looking shocked as he looked at the chair and could smell Freya's scent in the air.

"Mikeal, understand I would never take her I'd.." I spun around and grinned at him cutting off his sentence.

"It wasn't you my cousin. She's such a dangerous witch. She's a demon witch and she hates me." I snarl as I punch the wall again. "Couldn't have me so married the next best thing, my brother, now she comes to try to ruin my life. I hate women, they are such jealous cruel creatures." I spit on the floor before I look back at Henry. "I'm going to see Freya." Henry nods at me, his face is paler than usual but he'll be okay, probably imagining if the witch's spell had made him actually do horrible things to my little lamb and what I'd do to him when I found out. I walk out and head to the room Freya would be in, walking through the doors and seeing her laying in such a large bed surrounded by light baby blue blankets and pillows, she looked so innocent, so beautiful. Hard to believe that she's so, different when she wakes up, picking and choosing when to say and do things, and the power she exuded at the dress shop was amazing. She isn't a human, not fully anyway, not a chance being able to block magic. I notice my little lamb is waking up, when she does she sees me leaning slightly backwards profile viewed and glancing over to her grinning at her.

"Welcome back love." My voice rolls over my tongue so effortlessly.

"Wait, Henry, he isn't himself Mikeal, please don't hurt him!" She is almost screaming trying to jump out of bed to run to Henry, which obviously makes me want to crush his skull for getting more attention than me from her.

"I know my little lamb, don't worry." I speak slowly and lowly as I walk up to her taking her hands in mine as I lean down kissing her gently not pushing her, not with what I've learned about her today combined with being kidnapped again today. "My beautiful little lamb, let me take you home?" She nods to me, I am still not sure if she's actually fully awake or if she's just very good at dealing with all situations. She grabs onto my arm as I bring her out of the area and I begin to take her towards my car, not hiding anything as everyone has left by now.

"Mikeal, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you." Her voice was softy, it felt like it was heavy on her lips as she spoke while sitting in my vehicle. I turned to look at her as she closed her eyes again falling back to sleep. I move hair out of her face and smile a little bit.

"You could never embarrass me little lamb, it's me whose sorry for not thinking of what she'd do to you for petty reasons." I speak quietly starting up the car before I begin driving us back to our home together. Picking her up from the car I bring her upstairs of my mansion to where I made her living quarters, I put out her sketchbook from the hiding spot on top of her cabinet, which no shorty like her was ever going to find it. That should make her a little happier. Leaving her I walk to my study and call my father and Henry to talk to them about the situation.


I'm in a forest, it's winter but the trees still have all sorts of leaves, is this a freak snowstorm? I look around and realize that I'm getting cold as I look down seeing myself in only a brown leather dress with some fabric under it made of very thin material. I can feel that my feet have cloth on them but nothing else as I step in the deep snow. I can see my breath in front of me as I look around me my eyes darting everywhere, my brown curly wiping in my face covered in frost and ice. I try to yell out but I find that my throat is coarse and dry and I pick up some snow to eat, trying to ease my throat only to have the coldness from it immediately give me a horrible stomach cramp which is when I realize I haven't eaten in a while either. Biting my lip trying to grind through the pain I look around again making myself concentrate a bit more on my surroundings, and that's when I see what looks like blood a few feet from me. Walking to it slowly trying to conserve my energy in case I need to run away quickly, I look at the blood and then further up and that's when I see someone who strikes fear into me and makes my breathing quickening but I don't actually remember him, but myself in whatever this is, dream or memory, remembers him very clearly.

"He can't hurt you no more Eva." I jump as I turn to see Mikeal and his brother Edgar walking up to me in tight fitting leather clothing like what you'd see in robin hood movies.

"We promised to protect you didn't we?" Edgar spoke, his voice here though was so much more seductive and it was like how you'd imagine Shakespeare's voice to sound while talking about a lost love. My eyes dart back and forth between them seeing blood on their faces and hands, sprayed down their bodies as I back away a little.

"Wh-what are yu-yu-you?" I stutter a little as my voice comes out so low that I'm almost positive they wouldn't be able to hear me. Edgar walks up to me and tries to put a hand on my cheek making me flinch away and fall backwards, within seconds Mikeal is there to lift me gently so I'm not fully in the snow. My eyes well up with tears that I can feel are already freezing in my eyes.

"Your lips are so blue little lamb. Please don't be scared. We are us, as we were before." Mikeal's face looked so worried so sad but all I can feel is fear, this mind I'm in starts thinking about when they met outside her father's farm looking for work. How she would see them everyday and bring them lunches, how they heard every evil thing her father did in their house to her and her mother. Yet they are just evil themselves.

"No!" My little voice comes out roaring for a moment and I taste copper in the back of my throat as I push myself from Mikeal and past Edgar trying to run but my legs give out as they go very numb.

"Don't run doll, you are freezing to death. We will help, you will not be hurt." Edgar spoke to me as he picked me up, I could see the jealousy flash across Mikeal's face as Edgar started walking with me in his arms, my chubby body seeming just like what he called me, a doll.

"Little lamb, we'll take you home and you'll stay with us okay? We couldn't save your mother, but got there in time to get you." Hearing my mother was dead made me break down and begin to cry putting my face deep into Edgar's chest as I feel another hand on my head stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry Eva." They both say in unison as I slowly drift into sleep, as my real body wakes up crying and screaming and I can hear footsteps outside my room making my head snap to the side quickly. I know it's either Mikeal or the butler.

"I'm fine sorry." I sniffle a bit as I speak, it must of been the butler because the footsteps go away quickly and I'm left alone, with a need to draw out these dreams I'm having right now. I notice my sketchbook and pull it to me grabbing my pencils and erasers as well as charcoal. The night will be full of pencil shavings and black fingerprints.