
Adult life.

Just as Leo had suggested, Mia decided to have a positive outlook towards life. She ate well, took her meds and visited therapy for the next three weeks. At first, therapy was difficult because she didn't know exactly what to say but the middle aged woman was nice and made her feel comfortable. She didn't feel like a patient around the woman because sometimes, the woman suggested for them to go out and have a cup of coffee or just walk around then she would throw a few normal questions to Mia. Mia would answer them comfortably and the woman would nod like she had gotten something out of it to help her heal even though Mia didn't think there was anything important in those pieces of information she gave to her. 

But in general, she realised she was becoming better. She also stopped locking herself in but instead, she went out more even if it's just to buy groceries or get a snack.