
My Consort Has Gone Mad!

Before entering the body of Imperial Consort Pan Yu Mei, Ju Ming only remembered three things from her old life; how to make sleeping pills, love pills and fragrant pouches. Her once carefree life roaming the city came to an end. Died by accident, now stuck in the body of the unfavored consort. Ju Ming strives to live to the fullest. A woman who cared more about food than her husband. Not paying him any attention will only attract his attention. What happens when a carefree and simple girl meets the handsome but cold prince. *First time attempt at light, fluffy and slightly humorous* Picture taken from: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/339740365620600461/

Lotuspalm · Historia
Sin suficientes valoraciones
135 Chs


The moment Yu Mei returned to her palace, she didn't stop. There was no time to waste, every second she stopped moving was an advantage for Petty Nan.

"Xiaojie, what are you doing?" Chu'mei became flustered after watching Yu Mei scrummage inside the closet like a maniac. Chu'mei had just come back from doing the daily chores when she saw how wild her lady was acting. "No time to talk, Chu'mei, grab your coat and let's go," Yu Mei grabbed the white fur coat in the closet and the blood jade under her pillow, put it under her arm and grabbed Chu'mei by the wrist. Chu'mei fought back, pulling herself away. "Why are you acting like that? You're acting as if you are on the run,"

"Yes, I'm on the run. A very crazy beast is after me," Yu Mei continued to pull but Chu'mei kept tugging away. Yu Mei didn't have time for this, she let go of Chu'mei's wrist. "Fine, I'm leaving but don't say I didn't warn you," she proceeded to leave.

"WAIT...Xiaojie, where are we going?" Chu'mei quickly followed.

"Hiding," Yu Mei did not stop running as she spoke. "Kneel," Yu Mei pointed to the ground. Chu'mei sighed. Not again. The last time her lady used her as a stepping ladder, she was aching for days. "Xiaojie..." she complained.

"Do you want me to kneel instead?" Yu Mei asked sarcastically.

"How can I do that?" she immediately got on all fours. They climbed over the palace wall and ran straight into the tiny forest just outside her palace.

She watched from a top with a very confused Chu'mei at her side. She was far enough where she couldn't be spotted easily but at the same time, could still see what was happening. She was right, he came for her… Chu'mei gasped in shock. Why was her lady avoiding Prince Nan? "Xiaojie, why is Prince Nan at your palace?" she scratched her head. Yu Mei got herself comfortable, leaning her back on the tree with both hands behind her head, legs stretched out as she smiled at Chu'mei. "Silly girl, if you knew what I did, you would also run for your life,"

"Xiaojie, don't tell me you made Prince Nan mad again,"

"Not just mad, very very mad!" Yu Mei exaggerated.

"What did you do?" She asked the moment she saw Pei Nan enter the Southern Palace with a dozen guards. "Nothing…I just lightly smashed my forehead into his," Yu Mei casually spoke as if it was nothing major. "YOU WHAT?"

"And that's why we are hiding. If he finds me, most likely he would smash my skull to pieces,"

Inside the Southern Palace, Pei Nan had just slammed her room door open, causing it to slam into the wall.

"PAN YU MEI! Come out right now," he yelled. If she could she the look on his face at this moment, she would have lost her soul. He called out her name once more. No answer. He skimmed the room, not a person in sight. Pei Nan walked in with a speed not too fast nor too slow. The moment he saw the mess in the closet, he knew it. She had run off. A small smirk appeared on his face. "So you also know how to fear," he murmured to himself. He had to admit, he was glad she was not there. If she was, he did not know what he would've done to her.

"Guards, close the Southern Palace down. No one is to come or leave. Send people to find Consort Pan. I want her found by tonight," he had never been this furious before. Even the guards felt the icy chill coming from his body. She actually had the nerves to run off after hitting him. His hand rubbed his forehead, the pain was still there. If it didn't bruise the next day, he would be lucky.

Soon, guards were placed in every corner of her palace. Yu Mei shook her head dissatisfied. "Aiya, Petty Nan, must you be so dramatic. It was only one punch, couldn't you let it slide?" Hearing her lady speak of this matter like it was nothing made Chu'mei mad for the first time. She turned her head and glared at Yu Mei. "Xiaojie, how can you take this so lightly? Your life is at stake here,"

"It's okay, we just need to wait it out…until he has calmed down," she pat Chu'mei's shoulder. It wouldn't last more than a night right?

An hour later, he didn't come out of her room.

Two hours later, still no movement.

By the third hour, Yu Mei was getting annoyed. Why must he be in her room for so long? Shouldn't he be in Fei Ning's room? Wouldn't that calm his anger down?

Yu Mei and Chu'mei were sitting on top of the tree from the afternoon until the sun set. Yu Mei didn't really think he would exert so much effort in finding her. *Growl* Yu Mei held her stomach. It's been more than eight hours since she last ate anything. Forget it, her stomach needed food. Yu Mei shook the passed out Chu'mei. "Chu'mei, Chu'mei," she whispered.

Chu'mei opened her eyes immediately. "Huh? Xiaojie,"

"You stay here; I'm going to find food,"

"Xiaojie, I can do that," Yu Mei shook her head no. Considering how clumsy Chu'mei could be, she could not trust this loyal but clumsy maid of hers. And just like that, she climbed down and left.

But where was the kitchen? Yu Mei had been walking aimlessly for the last half hour. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to go herself. At this rate, she might as well die from starvation. "My little kitchen, where are you?" she quietly placed her hand around her mouth and called out. She must have truly gone insane; she was actually calling out to a kitchen. Her already scared heart panicked even more when she heard the footsteps of guards. She immediately hid behind a corner and ducked them. She was right, they were looking for her.

"Stop," suddenly a loud voice came from a far. The two guards stood in place and bowed. "Greetings to Consort Nuan,"

"What are you two doing here?"

"Greetings to your ladyship, we believe there is a thief in the palace. His highness has ordered for us to search every area," one man lied.

"And did you find anything?"

"It's cleared in here; we apologize for alarming your ladyship,"

"Forget it, leave," she waved the pink handkerchief in hand at them, shooing them away. Yu Mei wanted to cry. She wanted to find the kitchen but unexpectedly entered Consort Nuan's Calming Water Palace. She held her breath as Consort Nuan passed by her, entering through the door next to her. Thankfully it was night, if she tried to hide in the daylight, she would be caught.

Yu Mei was ready to get out of here when she suddenly paused. She heard Consort Nuan say Pei Nan's name. This peak her interest. It was very hard for her to make out every sentence spoken by Consort Nuan to her personal maid but enough to understand the situation. Consort Nuan had never slept with Pei Nan.

Yu Mei's lips turned into a naughty smile once more. The next moment, she ran over to the door, pulled it opened and rushed in. *Screech* Consort Nuan and her maid Li Lu screamed at the same time, almost losing their wits.