

Yumiko a 17 year old girl is paired with Arata to be her tutor. Yumiko is sunshine though her smartness is not so bright. She is nice, cute, love her mom elder brother, best friend -Kaoru. But there is still room left for someone -Arata. He is mean, smart and doesn't considers people feelings which makes him seem harsh. He is popular among girls and even boys for being handsome and cute. Will Yumiko be able to reach for her cold love -or not. Adventure with yumiko and her friends to a journey of self discovery and love

Hobi2 · Adolescente
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: "Whispers in the Night: Shadows of Tomorrow"


I lay in bed, my mind still echoing with the events of the day. The vivid dreams from the night before lingered, leaving me feeling unsettled. As I drifted into slumber, the haunting images returned, accompanied by a sense of foreboding. Suddenly, I jolted awake, my heart racing, and beads of sweat dotting my forehead.

YUMIKO (whispering to myself) Not again. These dreams are getting more intense.

I sit up, pulling the sheets closer as if seeking comfort from the enigmatic shadows that danced in the corners of my room. Thoughts of the dreams, the relentless school day.

I shake off the eerie feeling, reminding myself it's just a dream. But the weight of the unease lingers. Pushing the unsettling thoughts aside, I rise from the bed, determined to start a new day.


I splash cold water on my face, hoping to wash away the remnants of the disturbing dreams. The coolness provides a momentary respite, but the echoes persist.

YUMIKO (thinking) Maybe it's just stress. Exams, dreams, it piling up too much.

I take a deep breath, staring at my reflection in the mirror. The face looking back at me is a mixture of determination and apprehension. Today is a new day, and I need to face it head-on.


I make my way to the kitchen, where the aroma of breakfast greets me. Mom and Katori are already seated, a plate of egg and toast in front of me.

YUMIKO (exclaiming) Mom, you forgot I don't like egg!

Mom apologizes, handing me the jar of jam. I exchange morning greetings, a peck on Mom's cheek, and a playful punch to Katori's tummy. I grab a slice of bread, my mind preoccupied with the day ahead.

YUMIKO (whispering to myself) Another day, another challenge.

As I rush out the door, I'm met by the familiar chaos of school life. Late for class, a run-in with the school prefects, and the ever-looming specter of red points.

YUMIKO (muttering) Great, another red point. Just what I need.

I speed to class, bumping into someone along the way, too consumed by the urgency to offer a proper apology. Mr. Sato, the math teacher, singles me out for punishment, and then, the unfairness of it all when Arata, the top student and, effortlessly walks into the class without a word of reprimand, then I was released.

I sat beside by best friend Kaoru

YUMIKO (whispering to Kaoru her best friend) Arata gets away with everything.

The day unfolds in a whirlwind of classes and a surprise English test that I fail miserably. Mrs. Olivia, my English teacher, pulls me aside, expressing her disappointment and concern.

MRS. OLIVIA (criticizing) Do you not want a future, Yumiko-san? Your lack of commitment won't get you far.

I try to defend myself, but tears well up as the weight of my struggles becomes too much.

YUMIKO (explaining, trembling) I try my hardest, but I guess my memory is not good.

Mrs. Olivia, in an unexpected turn of compassion, offers a solution. Arata is to tutor me, a prospect that fills me with both anxiety and a strange flutter of excitement.


As I leave the staff room with Arata, he turns to me with a cold expression.

ARATA (warningly) Meet me after school at the local library or say goodbye to your future, dummy.

I'm left stunned, the weight of his words sinking in. The library meeting becomes an ominous cloud hanging over the rest of the day.

YUMIKO (whispering to myself) What have I gotten myself into?

I return to my class, the anticipation of the library meeting casting a shadow over the otherwise mundane afternoon. The challenges of school, and now tutoring with Arata create a complex tapestry of emotions, leaving me wondering what twists and turns await in the chapters of my life yet to unfold.



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