
My cold ex-wife

#Wifechasing #Pampering #Cutechild After her mother's death, Izara's father remarried a young girl who was slightly older than her. In the beginning, Izara cared less about her stepmother as she had her own family to manage. After all, she was already a married woman and was very happy with her husband. That was until the sudden death of her father. After the burial, her stepmother went to live with her and her husband in their mansion. But Izara never knew that her arrival in their home will lead to the destruction of her family. After running away from her marriage while pregnant, she became successful and was leading a happy life. What happens when her husband finds her after 4 years and chases her back when she is all indifferent and cold with him? And will the little child succeed in uniting her parents with her cute smile?

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6 Chs


Izara having no time to react found herself out of the house. While being dragged towards the car, she protested "Ain't I supposed to change first? What if my dress is inappropriate for the place we are going to? No! The place you are taking me to,"

Hearing that, Matteo stopped in his tracks and looked at her several times from top to bottom. After confirming that nothing was wrong with her outfit, he continued pulling her to the car.

Izara had a white cotton long-sleeve crop top and a pair of black leather shorts. She had her hair tied in a messy bun and had a pair of white sneakers.

In the car, Matteo confirmed that Izara's seat belt was fastened before he drove off. He did not drive for long before reaching their destination.

Matteo first went down before opening the door for Izara to go down. After taking her first steps down the car, she could not help but gasp.

He f*cking brought her to an amusement park!

Izara could not control her joy and excitement as she ran towards the entrance. When was it last when she went to an amusement park? She could not even remember.

All the memories she had of the amusement park were from her childhood. And all of them started resurfacing.

The only thing she could still remember was that after the disappearance of her brother, she never went to any amusement park again.

By the time Matteo secured the car, Izara was already ahead of him so he had no choice but to run after her.

After succeeding in catching up to her, Matteo sighed and then exclaimed "Wow! Is it that cake that gave you such energy to run? Or is it that I forgot you have always been athletic and energetic?"

Blushing, Izara violently shook her head feeling a little embarrassed. "You are fully aware that it is not like that. Also, stop fooling around and stop playing with my vulnerability,"

Matteo smiled and sincerely thought that her pouting seemed cute. However, looking at her aggrieved look, he could not bring himself to continue teasing her.

Therefore, he replied in surrender "Okay! I will stop with the teasing now. So you can now stop making a fuss,"

Hearing that, the wronged and pained looked on Izara's face was rapidly replaced with a smiling and playful one.

Her small face shown brighter than the sun.

Seeing her face beaming again, Matteo went and pinched her jaws before ushering her into the park.

In the park, Izara learned that it was actually owned by her brother. Elated, she asked her brother if she could often come here to unwind.

Fortunately, Matteo did not tease her this time around and directly accepted her inquiry.

Glad with his approval, Izara left Matteo at the entrance and rushed to one of the attractions, the Ferris wheel.

Seeing her rushing through the attractions without passing through the formalities, the people around complained and called for the attention of the security guards.

Seeing her being stopped by the security guards, some people started mocking her "Seriously, who did she think she was? Couldn't she see that we have been waiting for a long to enter? What did she want to prove by crossing us?"

"She is really silly to think that we shall let her double us. After all, we are not easily bullied,"

"I think that silly is very light, what is more, suitable for her is an idiot. Did you guys notice that it seems to be her first time here? If she wasn't an idiot then why didn't she try to get information on how it works here," a lady in white said.

After being stopped by the security guards, Izara started to patiently listen to all the scolding from the crowd.

However, getting to that lady who came out of the blue, Izara thought that she did not mean anything good. The look in her eyes was that of hatred.

Seeing that Izara was about to respond, the lady quickly said "Looking at how cheap she is, she must be from a poor family. Did she seriously think that we were going to let her enter without paying just because of her pretty face or her pretty eyes?"

Hearing her accusations, many people started looking at Izara with disdain, some even started cursing at her, while others asked her to name her price for a night.

Izara was at first nervous but after remembering that her brother had her back and she relaxed a bit. She thought that if she wanted to be successful in life, she had to be strong. So, she wanted to use this experience to strengthen her character.

After noticing her calm expression, the lady's face turned gloomy.

Noticing that she wanted to continue smearing her name, Izara spoke first "First of all, I wanted to excuse myself to the crowd. As you guys noticed, it's my first time here so I didn't know I had to take the line and pay,"

Her words actually caused more people to speak "What?! So she really never came here before because she was so poor that she could not afford it,"

Izara was stunned. The term 'idiot' must be used on these people instead of her. How could a normal individual be so stupid and dumb?

Before she could even refute it, more people started discussing "If she could not afford it before, then what proves that she can afford it now?"

"Also, how can she lie so bluntly? Which Park is free nowadays?"

"There are only 2 possibilities. Either she never went to an amusement park since she was born or she is a foreigner,"

"Either case she will still be in the wrong. If it's her first time then it means that someone must have brought her here. Then didn't the person tell her the procedures she had to follow and how things work here", this time around the lady spoke.

Izara felt that she was being targeted by the lady. Being her first time out of the house, she couldn't think of how she offended this young lady and simply shook her head.

If these people thought that she was easy to bully, then she will show them who is the real master of the game. Bullied once, bullied twice, give back tenfold.