
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Ciudad
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20 Chs


"Bro, I'm heading to the post where I'm on duty. So, see you later," said Wenny to Mazel, breaking the silence around Fanden.

"Alright, go on with your duty."

Wenny, who had informed Mazel about his task, stepped away from the group, accompanied by three others. Meanwhile, the rest continued their steps towards the grand tomb complex.

With the departure of the guards, the remaining group consisted of researchers, archaeologists, and carriers. They continued walking, facing a tomb even deeper.

The group finally arrived at another door inside the tomb. The door showcased ancient carvings made of hardened earth, reminiscent of doors from thousands of years ago.

We've finally arrived! exclaimed Fanden, but his joy was tainted by the thought of the upcoming inspection that awaited them.

As Fanden had disclosed, the guard in front of the door requested identification cards before allowing them to pass through the ancient door.

I never expected Mazel to go through this every day! It's like entering a national vault he complained.

Fanden and the group entered the room, greeted by the scent of musty wood lingering in the air. A familiar aroma, like the smell of a grandparent's home.

Inside the room, the darkness dominating the entrance gate of the tomb was replaced by the soft light from oil lamps installed along its walls. The light illuminated every corner, revealing the beauty and mystery of the room.

The group that accompanied Fanden soon dispersed, heading to their respective workplaces. Their footsteps echoed on the tomb's floor, producing a distinct sound as if walking on the ruins of a tomb.

Alright, let's get to work!

With determination, Fanden hurried to the place where Mazel usually spent his time, ready to begin his task.

He knew that researchers and archaeologists working here didn't have fixed workplaces. They had to move around as needed for the progress of their research. However, there was one room that always served as Mazel's place. The room was located in the farthest corner of the tomb, where a coffin believed to belong to a king or queen buried here was situated.

Fanden arrived at the door of that room. He knocked softly and then opened it slowly. He saw Tuer, a Caucasian woman with brown skin, sitting in front of a table filled with documents, books, and research tools. Behind her, a tightly covered coffin was visible, draped with thick fabric.

Tuer was a hardworking woman, and she, along with Wenny, was one of the few people in this tomb who always chatted with Mazel.

"Hi, Tuer. How are you?" greeted Fanden.

Tuer turned and smiled. "Hi, Mazel. I'm good. Have you just arrived?"

"Yes, I just went through that rigorous inspection. I wonder why they're so vigilant? Is there something dangerous here?"

Tuer shook her head. "Don't joke like that. Although this place has been cleaned by the 'Fossor,' there's still a possibility that this place is dangerous. Also, this is a tomb purchased by our company. Surely, many people would want to steal or loot information or relics from this tomb. That's why they have to ensure the security and confidentiality of this place."

"Ah, I see. I understand. But doesn't that mean we can't work freely here? Won't we be disturbed by those strict rules?"

Tuer smiled again. "Don't worry, Mazel. We can still work comfortably here. As long as we follow the proper procedures and don't violate research ethics, we won't have any problems. Besides, we're not illegal workers, and the company that employs us has government permission to manage this tomb. So, we don't need to worry."

Fanden nodded. "Okay, then. I trust you. So, what are you working on right now?"

Tuer pointed to the table in front of her. "I'm trying to translate some ancient inscriptions on the walls of this room. I'm sure there's something important and interesting hidden here. Maybe, there's a clue about who is buried in that coffin."

Fanden approached Tuer's table. He saw several papers containing ancient writings and their translations. He also observed some rewritten notes displaying the inscriptions on the room's walls. Many scattered papers were on the table, all containing Tuer's efforts in translating the writings on the wall.

"Wow, this is very interesting. Can I help you?"

Tuer raised an eyebrow. "Sure, but are you sure you can read these ancient writings? It's not an easy language."

Fanden smiled. "Of course. I'm a professional archaeologist. I've been studying this ancient language for a long time. I'm sure I can help you."

Tuer nodded. "Alright then, let's collaborate. Who knows, we might find something extraordinary here."