
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Ciudad
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20 Chs


An introverted big brother and an extroverted little brother, huh? It's a combination that exists in every family.

According to Mazel's recollection, he remembered that he and Wenny didn't talk often. The relationship between them wasn't particularly close, but also not distant. They only touched in brief moments, like silhouettes passing each other without a word.

Mazel often observed Wenny from a distance, noting the differences between them. Mazel tended to be solitary, deep in thought, while Wenny appeared more expressive and social. Perhaps these differences made the distance between them noticeable.

Although rarely speaking, Mazel felt a small magnet bringing them together in silence. Unseen, yet powerful enough to create a fragile yet undeniable bond.

Mazel admitted that despite only touching in a handful of moments, their differences created their own dynamics. Like two different forms uniting in an unexpected balance.

Well, I guess Mazel and Wenny are the type of siblings who only talk when they need to...

Fanden sat on the old wooden chair, pondering and muttering as he looked back on memories of Wenny and Mazen together...

After a while, Wenny emerged from the bathroom with a towel hanging over his shoulder.

Wow, turns out he not only has a larger body than Mazen but also a more muscular physique...

Wearing only a short white towel, well-developed muscles were clearly visible all over his body. He looked so well-trained that there was no fat left on him. His body resembled a sculpted and carved statue. It was as clear and solid as a statue.

Fanden, currently sitting on the bed, looked at Wenny's imposing figure. With a body like that, it made Fanden feel quite envious.

Surely, many girls are after him...

"What's up?" Wenny asked suspiciously.

"Nothing." Fanden panicked and averted his gaze.

Wenny went to the wardrobe and quickly put on his clothes.

"Bro, is there any message from mom today?" Wenny asked.

"I don't think so?"

Wenny frowned, "What kind of answer is that? Haven't you checked the mailbox?" he asked.

Fanden turned his face, trying to avoid Wenny's gaze. He forgot to check the mailbox, even though Mazen's mother used to share her news regularly by sending letters, at least three times a week!

"Hah..." Wenny sighed, annoyed with his brother's carelessness.

Fortunately, Wenny quickly went to the front door of the apartment to check the incoming mail.

Looking at Wenny's behavior, quickly avoiding a debate with me, it seems that my behavior like this is not much different from the original Mazen's behavior.

Mazen's original nature was often careless and tended to forget small details when focused on something, especially when trapped in research in his workspace. In his memories, Mazen always became so obsessed with valuable findings. His joy in researching new discoveries often made him less aware of his surroundings and even forgot the time.

As if engraved in memory, Mazen's carelessness and excesses when focused on his research created an image of him forgetting the reality around him. Perhaps, this negligence became one aspect that enriched Mazen's personality and, so far, brought Fanden's original nature into Mazel.

"It seems there's no letter from mom today," Wenny said while sorting the letters he held. "Only bills... Oh, there's one letter for you, bro, from your fiance," continued Wenny.

"Really? Give it to me," Mazen quickly requested.

Wenny handed the black letter to Mazen and arranged the other letters on the table. The letter Fanden received looked mysterious, black in color, and sealed with wax depicting two doves. In the upper right corner, Adel's name was clearly written.

The two doves turned out to be the symbol of the leading fabric supplier company in the Province of Senn, from the Surn City. The explanation of why Mazen received a letter from this fabric supplier company was revealed. Mazen was arranged to be engaged to the daughter of the company, and this was not without reason. This arrangement happened at the request of his mother, who wanted to expand her influence and pursue her ambitions.

The ambition of his mother was reflected in this choice, making Mazen a part of the plan to expand the family company's influence and success. Mazen, accustomed to such arrangements, took a small knife from the drawer and carefully opened the letter.

The letter then opened, and many words written by Adel began to appear.