
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Ciudad
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20 Chs


Black hair, brown eyes, wrinkled shirt, slender body, handsome features he has never seen, and a somewhat deep facial line…

This... Fanden is instantly shocked as helpless and confused suspicions flood his mind.

A bathroom in an ancient European style and a floating castle that would never appear on Earth can only mean one thing!

"Could it be that I have transmigrated?" Fanden opens his mouth slightly.

He often read web novels during his college days and fantasized about scenes that only appeared in novels. However, he momentarily finds it hard to accept the situation when he suddenly finds himself in it!

If not for the throbbing headache that keeps his mind tense but clear, he would surely suspect that he is either drunk or under the influence of drugs.

Calm down, calm down, calm down...

After taking a deep breath, Fanden tries hard not to panic.

At that moment, when his mind and body become calm, memories start flooding back as they slowly appear in his mind!

Mazel Defanzen, a resident of the Kingdom of Ownen located in the Western Continent, Senn Province, Ponek City. He is also a graduate of the archaeological program at the favorite university in the Western Continent...

His father is an ordinary historian in the Southern Continent. His name is not widely known, providing just enough income for the family's needs...

His mother owns a renowned boutique in their area. She works tirelessly every day managing her boutique. His mother is, arguably, busier than his father...

He also has an older brother who is five years older than him. His brother is an Imperial Soldier who sacrificed himself during the conflict with the Southern Continent. Bereavement benefits are sent to their family as a form of concern from the Empire...

He also has a younger brother who is only one year younger than him. They live in an apartment with two bedrooms together...

Their family is considered well-off, and their situation can even be described as without shortcomings. Currently, Mazel and his younger brother are trying to live independently without assistance from their parents; they decided to live separately from their mother and father...

As an archaeology graduate, Mazel understands knowledge about ancient ruins and historical artifacts. However, after transmigrating into Mazel's body, Fanden feels confused with scattered memories and knowledge. Moreover, his environment feels alien with the 90s lifestyle.

In Fanden's confusion, Mazel Defanzen now gradually realizes the differences around him. He feels tired after transmigration and decides to check his pocket, where he finds a small stone with a strange pattern he has never seen before.

"What pattern is this?" Fanden whispers softly.

The stone has a "の" pattern with a creeping cold sensation emanating from the stone he's holding. It feels like a shock!


Fanden feels an inexplicable horror. Instinctively, he leans backward and releases his grip on the stone.

Due to the sudden shock, he falls to the floor; fortunately, he is not hurt. He feels that the air around him is roiling, as if there are faint murmurs echoing within it. The feeling is akin to hearing horror stories told by his parents when he was young.

He shakes his head, believing that everything is an illusion and just his imagination. Fanden regains his balance and carefully examines the stone, trying to remember if it is related to the world he is currently in. Carefully, he puts the stone back into his pocket.

Fanden then chooses to check the room rather than get dizzy thinking too much!

The room is filled with a gentle aroma that reminds Fanden of the past. The walls of the room are adorned with posters of famous musicians from the 90s, and a shelf is filled with music cassettes. Clothes with the typical style of that decade are neatly arranged in an old wooden wardrobe.

Fanden feels the balance between his previous life and his transmigration starting to waver. It's as if he is split between two worlds that are so different. In that confusion, he steps towards the dressing table, examining pieces of old glass scattered on it.

"This life is so different... like slipping into another world I never knew," Fanden whispers to himself. Curiosity and confusion pervade every thought, as if he is in the historical ruins that Mazel meticulously studied as an archaeologist.

He decides to open the wardrobe in the corner of the room. Inside, there are several magazines and notebooks recording beautiful memories he once experienced. Fanden contemplates, feeling the intense emotional vibrations of Mazel. Sadness, happiness, and countless shades of life envelop him.

In an instant, Fanden reaches an old leather bag lying on the floor. In it, he finds some personal items that, for some reason, are not entirely unfamiliar to him. Family photos, Mazel's beloved pen, and a myriad of memories carried from Mazel's figure.

He takes a deep breath, trying to digest everything that has happened. "Even though this isn't my life, there's something familiar here. It seems I have to learn to accept both of these identities," Fanden thinks, his eyes gazing out the window, witnessing a world that feels both new and familiar at the same time.

With mixed emotions, Fanden continues to explore the room, searching for clues that could help him understand this new situation. Meanwhile, Fanden, now becoming Mazel, begins to contemplate how he will reconcile himself with Mazel's former life.