
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Ciudad
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20 Chs


Skill, in the world known as Javes, there exists something special called "Skill." Within every human lies the magic known as Skill. Like a predetermined destiny written since birth, Skill emerges as a random gift, making each individual unique with unforeseen talents. Skill is not just an ability; it's the key to unlocking doors of opportunities in this world.

During the dim childhood years, Skill is a suppressed melody, waiting for its time to shine. As the body grows, so does Skill, shaping character and paving the way for untapped possibilities. Like an ever-expanding embroidery, Skill guides life's footsteps, playing a crucial role in creating one's destiny.

For those who comprehend the power of Skill, it is more than just an ability; it's a guiding light towards achievements and success. In this ever-spinning world, Skill is a valuable asset to navigate the ocean of life, helping one discover the true meaning of their existence.

Skill can be both a light and darkness for someone. Because Skill is random, not everyone is born with a useful Skill. Some unlucky individuals possess useless or even dangerous Skills.

For those born with extraordinary Skills, their future is already bright. However, for the less fortunate, they must struggle in a grey world.

In this uncertainty, Skill becomes the determinant of destiny. For those adorned with exceptional Skills, their future is engraved with perseverance and success. Yet, for those carrying useless or dangerous Skills, life's path becomes a dark labyrinth full of obstacles, like shadows haunting existence, potentially bringing disaster or a storm of despair. In the creeping uncertainty, there's a bitter fate for those born without a chance to obtain a meaningful Skill. Some unluckily acquire futile Skills, as if marked by a tragic destiny binding them to helplessness.

For those entangled with useless Skills, the future becomes a battlefield of despair and uncertainty. In this harsh world, life without valuable Skills is purposeless suffering, like walking on open ground without guiding stars.

Individuals born with dangerous Skills don't always bring glory; instead, they become a curse shrouding life in chaos. Sometimes, if someone possesses a dangerous skill, they might be killed immediately to prevent future chaos. In this tragedy, they are trapped in a spiral of darkness, trying to defy an ever-unfriendly fate.

Skill sometimes becomes a hindrance for some people.

However, in the shadow of that tragedy, imperial law stands tall as the guardian of security. Every citizen, like birds watched by an eagle's eye, is required to report their child's Skill upon reaching the age of five. This age is considered a critical threshold, where the seed of Skill begins to grow, and children start understanding and controlling the power they carry.

This regulation is not just a rule but a foundational protection to prevent the emergence of future threats. In the empire's strict policy, there is a belief that by knowing and managing children's Skills early on, potential dangers can be identified and addressed before blossoming into a disaster.

The age of five is deemed a critical threshold where preventive policies become defenses against the rise of dangerous individuals. Every Skill report serves as a defense screen, maintaining peace within the sturdy walls of the empire. Though harsh and unforgiving, this law is implemented to avoid greater tragedies in the future.

So, at the age of five, the imperial authorities will classify a child's Skill as "safe" or "dangerous."


In one of the tomb rooms, precisely on the first-floor chamber, there were three individuals consisting of two men and one woman scribbling on blank sheets with wooden pencils.

Among them, the man dressed entirely in yellow appeared to be working the hardest. He continued writing on the blank sheets tirelessly. Whenever he made a mistake, he promptly discarded the scribbled paper and replaced it with a new blank one.

Is it still challenging to translate the text on the coffin wall despite using the translation Skill? Or is the Skill not perfect?

Fanden, standing beside Dexta, observed how earnestly Dexta worked. He continued recording new letters and symbols successfully translated by Dexta's Skill. Meanwhile, Tuer sat down, enjoying her lunch while waiting for Dexta to translate all the text on the coffin wall. She seemed to be relishing her meal!

Doesn't Tuer have any pity for her brother?

Fanden thought angrily. Somehow, this feeling made him intolerant, maybe because he knew what it felt like to be an elder sibling. "Tuer, don't you want to help your brother?" he whispered to Tuer.

Tuer, glancing at her busy brother, then put on an innocent face, "Don't worry; my brother has an excellent translation Skill. He can translate it on his own without needing someone help," she said casually while continuing her lunch.

Dexta, who secretly overheard his sister's words, felt confused. He was praised by his sister for his great Skill, yet he didn't feel joy. Dexta then remained silent in frustration, continuing to translate the text on the coffin wall.