
my chimera days

This is a story about a animator named neo getting isekaid and being turned into a chimera it my first book i hope you enjoy

Master_flame · Fantasía
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6 Chs


Ahhh i finally finished the animation o better go check on Him...

In the dark a dark figure slowly walks toward a door near the end of a rather small looking corridor as he approaches the door a bright flash happens.

bamboozled from what happens he tries to open his eyes he cant.

What happened the last thing I remember I was walking to one of my roommates room.

Hopefully whatever happened didn't get to them ok now that I've finished worrying for other. Ahem cough cough WHY ON GODS GREEN FUCKING EARTH CANT I OPEN MY EYES.

From the dark he hears isn't that vulgar language for someone who just ####

some static blocked the voice of the pers-thing infront of me.It sounded neither man or female.

Then ;Are you done thinking now I will give you two options 1 would you like to go to a kingdom or 2.a Fairley safe forest

Then a concerning sound was made Ding made usually from a message

pov inside mind:IM Fucked I don't know where I am this person is talking about sending me away some where and I still can't open my fuckinh eyes to see shit.

then the sound of laughter erupted little worm your decision seems to be made for you bye.

Wait what do you mea...Ahhhhhh as I feel if I'm being dragged away by some odd force i also feel my body reshaping itself.

pov transfer

Boom a loud ruckus could be heard inside a forest as flashes of light vibrantly erupt throughout the forest.in the middle were two men one with a sword and a halo behind him.The other in dark robes with multiple kunai in one hand.

the one and black robes says you will be a great expirement . while the one with a halo says mev this is the end of your experiments I will end this in the name of the void.Good look with that Kujaro then in an instant he fires 3 beams.

kujaro does two taking one to his right arm. Immediately he swings his sword making a vacume absorbing air and bending light. kujaro imedatley goes invisible and the air around mev turns green saying you think this will help than slaps the suction instantly destroying it.

mev throws kunai straight up and to both sides.kujaro instantly fires wind bullets knowing two of three going into the air two the ground. then behind mev a triangular formation appears . then he says chimera construction firing at kujaro.kujaro proceeds to say void redirection deflecting the attack back into the forest.

as they fight kujaro leads mev to a ambush that Immediately kills mev but before he dies he grinned ear to ear and says obliv...ion immediatley a black sphere ingulfes everyone around him just before they kill him then the ball implodes then nothing is left.

pov change

im now inside this dark object its also slimey in hear. outside of what he is in a slime like creature goes over to the egg and tries to eat it at the same time a beam starts zooming near the location till BOOM. animals Immediately scurry of thinking they will be the next victim of whatever made that noise.

Then after a boom sound accured I felt more pain then what I thought possible. my skin felt as if it was reshaping again it also feels as if on fire needles peirced my whole body.

30 mineuts later...

huf huf huf That was the worst I start pushing agint the hard surface until crack crack crack.Im finally out as I breath fresh air finally somthing feels right but wrong at the same time .my limbs are short and I have claws tiny blue scaley arms an eye on the right paw I opened it and I had one little horn and had the body structure built like a stitched up baby dragon plush.one eye pupil looked like a gear and the other of a dragons eye.

I could also see a little blue panel top right of my vision feeling like an idiot for not noticing.as I concentrated on the panel it enlarged.









skills:sin of gluttoney, chimera stitching, body manipulation, high energy manipulation

titles:The one frowned upon by gods, incarnation of gluttoney, chimera experiment

huh is this for real if this is an anime why couldn't I be mc material liked by gods and not have a sin as a title.if I am apart of one ep 1 should never ever ever be named pilot I would rather eat my own shit then do than have a 1st episode named that.

Authors note:1st book ill probably make alout of grammar mistakes but hope you enjoy.