
Chapter 124- New ability.

Sebastien's POV.

I woke up with a start when I felt a hand shake me, I turned around squinting my eyes at the bright, staring at my surrounding, I realized I was still in Raina's room or should I saw Kathryn which was her real name, it was taking time to adjust the her real name, so I just called her whatever entered my head at the moment and what felt right.

I sat up, smiling as I realized that Kathryn was still sleeping, she looked so beautiful, more beautiful than ever, so peaceful, I wouldn't mind waking up to this sight everyday of my life, it was the prettiest and most amazing sight, I stared at her long lashes, the freckles scattered on her face, but what made them more endearing was the fact that it actually didn't make her look weird or hideous, it made her more beautiful and breathtaking.

I smiled as I traced the shape of her eyebrows with care, her lips moved slightly and I bit my lips at the sight of the pouty lips moving even in sleep, she was a sight that could take long to just behold always, she was my everything and still is.

"That's enough staring." I stilled when I heard Matteo's voice, I should have thought about the fact that he or Gabriel or even Lyn would bump in here.

I kissed her forehead and I could see the smile form on her lips and face, and I felt like blushing but I reminded myself that I didn't want to blush for Matteo to see, he would never let me leave it down, if he knew how much I was so terrified of him looking at me right now.

"Why are you looking downwards?" Matteo asked and I looked at him with a raised brow, he simply shook his head, he knew that I was trying to hide something,but what made me thankful was that he didn't know what if was, or he would definitely make sure I would never forget it.

"You woke up early to annoy me?" I asked and Matteo and he chuckled, I smiled as he threw the car keys for me.

I sighed as I remembered what I wanted doing last night before I fell asleep, I wouldn't blame myself or Kathryn for falling asleep, she made me fall asleep too, something I used to have difficulty doing, being around her made that go away, I felt refreshed and always giddy and excited around her, she made me feel all like I was on top of the world, but I was and  still was on top of the world because of her, she was the completion of me.

"So would you go check it out or not?" Matteo asked and I scoffed, it was unlike him to be impatient and it looked like he was impatient today.

"Are you okay?" I asked and Matteo nodded, he looked very stressed, I gasped as I recalled how emotions vampires behaved when they were tired or under lots of stress, I now understand why Matteo sounded and behaved upset.

"You don't have to accompany me, I'll go alone." I said softly, as much as I needed a partner with me, Gabriel was tired, Lyn was tired and most especially Matteo is tired, I had the chance to fall asleep with Kathryn by my side and they did not have the chance.

"It's dangerous." Matteo stood up beckoning me to follow him.

"You need to rest, I already rested and I'm full of energy." I said pushing him to the his room, father's house was really big, it had lots of rooms, it could also accommodate more than ten more, I smiled as I realized I had called him father and how he accepted me, I was happy he accepted me, some wouldn't and would even met me close to their daughter if they knew the person, but I was happy for everything that was happening so far.

I realized everyone still slept, or they were still in their rooms, I went out quietly, I needed to check the area like I planned.

And I still felt weird, much weirder than I expected to feel, I don't know if it was the ability that was about to come, I didn't even know what it was,but one thing I knew and know for sure was the fact that the energy I felt even while feeling weird was strong, whatever it was, discovering it would make me know real power.

I took the jeep and left immediately, if I wanted to do whatever it was I was planning.

I hope my daddy won't wake up easily and decide to look for me, and I hope Matteo won't be around to tell him where I was going, though I knew my dad will survive, and he said he'll be flying, and I laughed.

I parked the jeep outside the drinking arena, it looked like it was busy here, I sighed as I saw the douches I hated seeing whenever I am.

They sighted me and walked closer smirking at me, I shook my head, I did not come here for this, but it looked like they won't stop till they crossed me, it didn't scare me, but I didn't have time for this.

"So you're back in town?" Silas the most annoying douche asked and I faked a smile for him.

"I just came for a visit." I said and excused myself from the circle they already made around me, I knew they wanted to fight, but I didn't feel like fighting with them.

"Don't go to far." Peter tapped on my shirt dragging me closer, I scoffed.

Peter the second douche who had been the cleaning tissue to Silas, he was a pretty good slave and right now he was acting like one.

"Like I said earlier," I turned facing them and they all stared at me, "I have other things to do, and this," I gestured to them and they glared at me, "so I don't really have time for this, maybe next time." I said pushing them them.

I drove to the place I wanted to check, I needed the City's news distributor, they didn't publish bad news, they made the city look like it was perfect, they stopped him from posting bad happenings, so the could have a perfect place, but they didn't care I knew that it was happening right now, I knew that the city was far from safe, but I wanted to know how the danger was.

"Hey Mr Smith." I waved to the City's news distributor, who just halted when he saw me, he walked closer staring at me and I knew that he knew I was coming and he knew something.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"I should ask you that, I came to see you." I replied and he kept glaring at me, I realized the sudden empty shop and I wondered what happened to the vampires I saw,they all went away, I wondered if they knew that it was me or if they did it out of respect.

"You brought trouble with you." Mr Smith breathed hard, "I don't want to be in trouble." He added shaking staring at the left hand side of his store door, it looked like the reason of his quietness.

I felt a sudden chilliness, and I saw ten vampires make an entrance, they started whistling and Mr Smith shook, I held his hand slowly and moved closer to them, "after this is over, you will give me what I want." I told Mr Smith and he nodded.

For some weird reason, I wasn't Feeling weird or uncomfortable, I felt suddenly charged with strength, the first Vampire came and I threw him to the floor.

I went close to him, holding his neck higher, I felt a surge of energy burst through me and I let him go in shock, and he landed on the floor with a big thud.

I didn't know what happened, but it felt like holding him that way, made his powers enter my body.

They all came to me at once and I made Mr Smith invisible, I held them all at once, in immense and faster speed, sending them all to the floor.

They looked at me like I had grown two heads,I looked at them like they were overreacting, but I knew that they had the right to stare.

I now understood why I felt that way since yesterday,my abilities and power had increased and grew immensely and the weirdness I felt was just my body adjusting to the new power and ability. 

I could evaporize everyone and I could take powers too, it scared me,I hoped no one noticed.

I sighed as I prepared to go back home, it was a little adventurous and Mr Smith had told me what I wanted to hear after I had sent the Vampires away.