
Chapter 1. The First Day Of School

The first days of school are always the worst in my opinion. I don't know why they just are for me. I had gotten to my locker and opened it to hear a voice behind me.

" Hey Yuna remember me? "

I turned around and see a very familiar girl wearing our school attier.

"No-, "

Then it clicked.


I hugged her as tight as I could. I mean I haven't seen her since 6th grade which she moved and never saw again, but seeing her now made me guess she moved back.

" So what happened when I was gone? Did you get a boyfriend? " She asked curiously since she has been gone for a few years.

" I don't have a boyfriend, but all you missed was a lot. How about we go to the coffee shops across the street and chat cause I don't wanna be late for class, " I said soon to close my locker right after getting my books for all of my classes.

I started to look at my schedule when she snatched mine and handed me hers. I looked at it and all we had were PE and Art together.

We looked at each other sadly for us to finish each other's sentences sadly, " No.. "

" We.. "

" Only.. "

" Have.. "

" Two.. "

" Classes... "

" Together, " We finished the sentence in unison.

The bell rang as we looked at each other with sadness.

" Bye I will see you in PE, " I said before I ran off.

" Bye! " She replied.


I walked into class a little sad from not having Heejin in my class. I walked over to a random desk since we were waiting for our teacher to give us our assigned seats.

" Hey Yuna! "

I heard another voice behind me and some laughs so, I turn around to see him Jungkook.

" O-oh hi, " I saw him which made me expression brighten.

" Really...thought I liked you! " Him and his other started to giggle and laugh, and I could tell me cheeks started to heat up from embarrassment and my crush was right in front of me.

At this point his laugh made me forget about Heejin.

" N-No I didn't, "

I looked down when everyone of his friends started to hit their desk out of laughter.

" Excuse me Mr. Jeon please be nice to Miss. Lee, " The teacher had finally walked in and slammed her papers on her desk to get our attention.

" Yes, " He said.

" Yes what? "

" Yes, Mrs. Kim, " He sat back down.

Everyone giggled a little at him and so did I, but I earned a smack on the back of the head from Jungkook who had sat behind me.

" Okay time for your assigned seat! " Mrs. Kim seemed happy for the assigned seats.

She smiled as if the scene just before never happened.