
my brother is saitama (by times)

My brother is Saitama. Brief introduction: I was forcibly teleported to another plane by the irresponsible God.   And he was also a punch man who ran across the monsters.   Ye Yao said that the pressure is really great.   What, my brother is actually Saitama.   monsters, I'm sorry, it's really possible to have a brother to do whatever you want.

I_am_a_otaku_30 · Cómic
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13 Chs

CHAPTER 2 mission

While preparing dinner, Ye Yao silently thought about how he would make a name for himself in this world, and then embrace the scene of the beauty returning.

  But if you want to make a name for yourself, you must first have strong strength otherwise, you will be cannon fodder.

  But now he is completely an ordinary person, and now there is absolutely no means to make him stronger, he can't eat the weird cells, and after eating this stuff, it is estimated that he will be finished.

  Therefore, Ye Yao planned to ask the Lord God who brought him to this world for help.

  After all, he is also an apostle of the Lord God now, and I believe he won't be disappointed.

  "Lord God, Lord God, is there any way to make me stronger now?"

  Ye Yao waited for more than ten seconds and found that the main god actually ignored him.

  Just when he wanted to swear.

  "Do you want to become stronger? It's not impossible to want a strong strength. We have opened a system store for you. The abilities in it have everything you need. The ability to destroy the world is a lot, but you need ability points. Redeem, so you have to work hard to complete the tasks issued by this seating system to obtain ability points."

  Ye Yao's eyes lit up when he heard what the Lord God said.

  "Does the system store have a lot of superpowers in anime, right?"

  "Then I can survive in this world, after all, those weird people are not that weak."

  Ye Yao has been thinking about what he should do, how to break away from ordinary people, how to get strong strength.

  Unexpectedly, it would be so easy to acquire powerful capabilities.

  It was a surprise to him.

  "Boy, don't worry, do you think the things in this system store are so easy to pick up? Take a good look at the exchange prices of abilities in this system store."

  "It's not that there is no powerful ability, but I am afraid that you will not enjoy it now."

  The words of the Lord God pouring cold water made Ye Yao's excitement slightly lowered.

  But he had to see what was so expensive in the system store.

  Ye Yao meditated in his heart to open the system store.

  I saw an Unreal Board in front of me. Is this the system store?

  There are (equipment) (ability) (props) (lottery roulette) four boxes appearing on the system store, just like game options.

  However, as long as (ability) and (lottery roulette) are on, the other two options are dark and cannot be opened.

  Ye Yao had no choice but to open the box of (ability).

  With the fall of the action.

  The 4 boxes that were extremely monotonous just now have become cool patterns and ability introductions.

  The Eye of Straight Death: 300,000 Energy Points

  Vector control: 300,000 energy points

  Vampire ancestor bloodline: 250,000 energy points

  Burn Devil Fruit: 150,000 energy points

  Dark magic: 120,000 energy points

  Seeing these prices, Ye Yao's mouth twitched.


  Ye Yao continued to click the box of (Raffle Roulette).

  A big roulette wheel appeared in front of Ye Yao's eyes. Ye Yao was dazzled. On this roulette wheel, he had a lot of good things. Human blood...

  Of course, garbage items accounted for seven out of ten, what kind of canned herring, original black stockings, rusty kitchen knives...what the hell is this, especially the original black stockings, it's too ghostly.

  Ye Yao was already unable to complain.

  Then check the price of the lottery roulette.

  It takes 1000 energy points to draw once.

  Of course, it's useless for me now to be more and less.

Because Ye Yao doesn't have energy points now. Various superpowers have been waiting for a long time.

  Ye Yao was simply conquered by all kinds of cool abilities.

  But ah.

  If you want to get these awesome abilities, you need energy value to exchange them.

  "Lord God, tell me how to get energy points, I can't help it."

  "As long as I have energy points and exchange for powerful abilities, in this world, how can I say I can walk sideways!"

  Ye Yao has already begun to fantasize about how he will kill the Quartet in the future and embrace the beauty.

  "Huh? What are you thinking about." The Lord God suddenly laughed.

  "Didn't this seat say that after completing the tasks issued by this seat, you will be able to obtain energy points?"

  "Another method is to kill the disaster weird in this world. The stronger the strength and the higher the evaluation level, the more energy points you will get. So, don't daydream about you kid, just your strength. , Don't stuff people's teeth between the weirdos."

  "Hey hey, Lord God, don't say this, okay, I don't want face," Ye Yao said angrily.

  "Boy, you are now the apostle of this seat, that is to say, you are the person of this seat, so this seat will not embarrass you, so let's give you a lottery and roulette once, of course, can you Winning a stronger ability depends on your luck. If you win a weaker ability, it is your own problem."

  "There are still tasks that are generally issued depending on the situation. Therefore, it is the fastest to get energy points by killing monsters. Good luck, but don't die in this world easily. This seat is very busy, so I will leave you with the system. If you don't understand anything, figure it out for yourself, and wait for this seat to come back to you when you have time, and you are an apostle of this seat, don't embarrass this seat."

  The voice of the main god gradually disappeared from his mind.

  Ye Yao took a deep breath, and being found by this kind of the main god can only show that he was irresponsible.

  As a result, he ran away like this now, even his own apostle didn't care about it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  It's literally.

  I have to say that it is a miracle to have such a main god.

  Ye Yao was starting to feel helpless.

  "Xiao Ye, hurry up and help bring the hot pot utensils over. We are really lucky that we grabbed the special beef today."

  Saitama walked over with the hot pot in both hands and said to me.

  Forget it, live the life in front of you first.

  After having a hearty hot pot with Saitama.

  He walked back to the room, and then slowly began to recall the plot of the original Punch Man.

  I remembered something said by the original Saitama.

  The evil in the world shows no sign of disappearing. This is something that has not changed since before I became a hero, which means that I do not influence society.

  Ye Yao agreed with these remarks.

  The world will not change for one person, nor will things end because one person is too strong.

  Also, Saitama's overly powerful strength caused Saitama's feelings to gradually fade.

  Maybe this is the price.

  Ye Yao thought to himself.


  "Mission Issued"

  A mechanical voice rang from my ears.

  It doesn't seem to be the voice of the rogue main god before, this is the system that the main god said.

  Then the system panel popped out.

  Side mission: Kill a disaster weird at will

  Reward: 1000 energy points

  "Is the task here now."

  "Moreover, it's a bit difficult to kill a weird person," Ye Yao muttered.

  At this moment, Ye Yao's heart moved, remembering that the Lord God seemed to have given a chance to draw roulette just now.

  For a moment, he showed ecstasy.