
Chapter 1

On one of the tallest mountains in the word lay a massive structure, it had multiple walls separating each residential area, and at the center was a large tower. Which seemed to be where the master of thus large structure lived. Of course this 'structure' was none other than Hidden Mountain Sect. The sect is very famous for constantly dishing out genius disciples that change the world constantly.

In fact, this story is about one of those geniuses, the strongest and most powerful genius. Who rose to the top in a matter of months. The one given an accidental opportunity, that should've never existed. A loophole in the balance of power you could say, and said loophole, has fallen into the hands of a specific pre-teen. By the name of…


An extremely loud shout reverberated throughout the sect, and everyone within heard it and face-palmed. They all were thinking the exact same thing.

'What the hell did he do this time?!'

Of course it was just as they thought, he did do something again, yes again, this isn't a very rare occurrence and it happens almost weekly. No one in the sect dares to stop him since he is the son of the sect-master, a rowdy and adventurous youth who will turn 13 soon. Everyone in the sect has seen and heard of him, even outsiders of the sect know of him. But this is mostly due to the sect masters loud yell that happens every now and again. Anyway.

A boy could be seen frantically running away from two white-haired elders, one in black and the other in white robes. If you saw them you'd immediately know their identity, they are the Yin-Yang Primal Elders. And currently they are chasing after a boy who is running for his life, and this boy is none other than Kenzo.

Of course they are not seriously chasing him, they are just walking at moderate speeds waiting for him to tire. The poor boy cannot even escape because their cultivation is so high they can catch up in a few strides.

Soon, they were outside the sect, Kenzo who is still sprinting, possesses Immense stamina even though he is just an Qi Refinement Stage, Cultivator. Of course this is because he constantly works out under his fathers orders, and his stamina is at least 2x what it should be.

Soon the were nearing a cliff, and Kenzo who was a step away from it looked back towards them not realizing his situation.

Elder White furrowed his eyebrows preparing to catch him if all else fails.

"Kenzo! This is far enough, its time to go back and accept your fathers punishment!"

He said, hoping the boy would stop immediately because of his strict sounding voice. But unfortunately, he underestimated the stubbornness of a pre-teen. The boy stuck his tongue out and actually did a front flip to dive off the cliff!

Elder Black's eyes widened, she grinned and said.

"Little White, let me take care of the boy, you got tell our old friend that his idiot son, may have a few scratches when he returns."

With a sigh Elder White nodded, he turned to look at the boy descending the cliff on more time, with a look of pity. He turned his back only to hear a loud bang, it sounded as if thunder struck behind him.


He turned around only to see the cliff he was just looking at gone, and the boy who was just smiling in a steaming crater with a bruise in the middle of his eyebrows.


Both Elder's White and Black shouted at the same time. They instantly appeared in front of the boy who was seemed unconscious.

Elder White was at a loss for words, he couldn't even speak, all he could do was silently approached to scan his body with divine sense. He wanted to make sure there weren't any internal injuries, and boy there were.

Every single bone in the boys body was shattered, his muscles in tatters, his heart barely beating and his breath faint and shallow. His meridians and dantian where shattered, his cultivation base was gone. The boys injuries were so severe he may as well be dead…

His eyes widened, his mouth kept opening and closing, his whole body was shaking rapidly. His breathing was ragged and his chest was constantly moving up and down, his eyes turned red and beamed a cold light. And in sync the two elders yelled at the same time.


Their combined yell shook the whole mountain, an icy chill went down the spines of all who heard it. And then the sect master opened his door, thinking someone had attacked he rushed over to the two elders. And not even a second later an even denser pressure enveloped the whole mountain. The disciples felt they couldn't even breathe, they felt as if they would be crushed into nothingness.

The sect masters divine sense spread out beyond the mountain..

10miles… 20miles… 100miles…

It kept going and going as far as it could reach, but there was not a soul was in sight. And enraged yell could be heard, it was infused with so much Qi that you could hear its whisper even if you were on the other side of the world.


The sect master was heavily hit by this the most, emotionally and physically. It made his chest hurt seeing his som like this, he immediately brought him back to the sect.

The previous outbursts of pressure immediately dissipated, in fear it would aggravate what little time the boy had left. The boy weakly raised his head to stare at his father, and repeated the words he heard in his mind.

"Father… I shall return… from destruction comes rebirth.. remember… the Phoenix must burn to emerge."

And with those lines being said, Kenzo closed his eyes and his breath stopped. His heart also stopped beating, he died with a smile on his face. And that was because he knew something others didnt, and that was the notification he heard when he was hit.

[You have been blessed by fate, an immense opportunity that shouldn't even exist has been granted to you. But never forget, all kinds of powerhouses will now come after you. From Mythical Creatures, Immortals, Demigods and Gods. All of the sort will try to kill you, for you, Kenzo Dawn, have inherited a System. One that should not have existed because of its balance breaking power. One that can make any being drool in greed, just know you've been warned.]


The center of the sect, the burial ground of Kenzo.

Three days after his death, the sect was still silent, for they all were in mourning for seven days and seven nights. That is until a voice could be heard emanating from Kenzo's coffin. Everyone in the sect could hear it, it sounded ancient and divine.

[Suffered death and was buried and rose on the third day.]

Almost immediately after a heartbeat could be heard, it was steady and powerful. With each beat all the Qi in the area started to be sucked in rapidly. Soon a massive vortex was seen, it turned into a pillar sucking Qi from the very atmosphere of the earth. They sky split open and the light of heaven poured down onto the coffin.

The mountain was shaking violently, the sect master and elders were already present witnessing the scene. Thats when the sect master remembered the words of his son before he passed. He then started grinning from ear to ear, he started laughing madly as if he was insane.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So you received some kind of opportunity little Ken, this is wonderful!"

The elders looked at him weirdly, and then shifted their focus back onto the coffin, not daring to question him.

Elder white had a look of astonishment on his face.

"With so much Qi you'd think someone was breaking into Nascent Soul Realm."

The others nodded at this fact, and then it all stopped. No more Qi was being absorbed, and the shaking stopped, the coffin shook and the lid was flipped off. A figure stepped out of it in a white robe, though everyone thought it was strange.

The one that stepped out was indeed Kenzo, but he felt completely different, his whole demeanor was filled with dominance. And his aura screamed it aswell, it was as if his entire being was telling everyone else that it was above them.

He walked up to his dad and smirked before hugging him while saying.

"See, I told you I'd be back."

The old man shivered with relief that his son was back, a single tear streamed down his face as he sighed with a smile. He let gonof his son and said.

"Welcome home, Little Ken."