
My Boyfriend Is Half Robot

Lia is a beautiful and intelligent girl who has a unique interest in the eyes of her friends: aspiring to become a robotics engineer. Lia often gets bullied at school because of her interest, but she remains steadfast in her dreams and passion. Lia has a strong determination to pursue her dream and takes pride in her fascination with robots. She is also skilled in playing video games with a robot theme, which gives her a lot of knowledge about robotic technology. On the other hand, Jake is the heir of a conglomerate who was born with a super strong robotic hand. However, he keeps his robotic hand's abilities a secret and finds it challenging to maintain that secrecy amidst his curious friends. Jake tends to be shy and not very confident in front of a crowd, but he has a kind personality and always helps others when needed. Lia and Jake meet at school and become close friends due to their shared interest in robots. However, their different backgrounds and characteristics become obstacles in their friendship. When Jake starts falling in love with Lia, conflicts and obstacles arise because Lia feels unable to accept Jake with his robotic hand. However, over time, Lia begins to open up and understand that Jake's robotic hand is not important if it doesn't change his good personality and character. Lia eventually falls in love with Jake, and they start a complicated romantic relationship due to their differing backgrounds and characteristics. They learn to embrace each other's differences and strive to understand each other's perspectives and desires. Despite facing many difficulties and conflicts in their relationship, Lia and Jake ultimately decide to stay together and fight for their relationship. The love story between Lia and Jake serves as evidence that true love knows no boundaries and differences, but only requires trust, understanding, and a willingness to fight for each other.

Ariefwiguna · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Unveiling the Veil

Lia is a beautiful and popular girl in school. She has a hobby of reading, watching science fiction movies, and playing video games, especially those related to robots. Lia wants to be like a robot, having superpowers and being able to save the world.

Meanwhile, Jake is Lia's close friend. He is the son of a wealthy person and has a robotic right hand that can transform when Jake is in trouble. However, Lia is unaware of this.

At school, Lia talks about her obsession with becoming like a robot, and Jake just laughs. "What are you going to do, Lia? Buy a robot costume and shout 'Transform!' in front of the mirror every morning?" Jake jokes.

Lia replies with a smile, "Maybe, who knows, there might be aliens that come to attack, and I have to save the world."

Jake raises an eyebrow. "Aliens? Are you kidding?"

Lia shakes her head. "No, I'm serious. I want to be able to save the world."

Jake smiles. "Don't want to be a robot, Lia. You won't be able to handle it," Jake says.

Lia looks at Jake admiringly. "Why? It's nice to know, robots are strong, they never feel pain, and they're always admired too."

Jake smiles. "Robots are indeed strong, powerful, they never feel physical pain, but there's one thing you don't know."

Lia is confused. "What don't I know, Jake?"

Jake says, "Sometimes, the robot also likes to cry, not because of physical pain, but because of emotional pain."

Lia smiles. "You're making things up, Jake. Robots don't have hearts."

Jake says, "One day, you'll see a robot cry."

Lia smiles sweetly, thinking that Jake is also daydreaming just like her.

Unbeknownst to them, their conversation is overheard by their school friends. After they finish talking, Andy, their serious-minded friend, suddenly speaks up, "It's a pity, isn't it? She's beautiful, but her mindset is still like that of a child."

Lia asks, "What do you mean?"

Andy says, "Beautiful girls are usually elegant, not daydreaming about being a robot like a child."

Luke says, "Enough... enough... it's a person's right to have their own interests and hobbies."

Andy leaves while teasing the two of them, saying, "Okay, robots, I'm going now!" He laughs and runs away.

Lia feels offended and hurt by Andy's attitude and words, but she is grateful that Jake understands her thoughts.

News about Lia's obsession with becoming like a robot spreads quickly in school and becomes the subject of mockery among her friends. Some of them are disappointed because they expected Lia to be graceful and beautiful, while others are shocked and join in mocking her.

Student 1: "Suddenly she wants to be a robot, this Lia! What if she gets sent to a robot factory?"

Student 2: "Lia, don't come to school tomorrow in a robot costume, we might get scared."

Student 3: "If there's a robot competition, Lia will definitely participate. We'll support her from a distance."

Student 4: "It's obvious, Lia is more suited to be a robot than a human. Her behavior is already like a robot that can't connect with humans."

Lia feels angry and her heart is hurt because her friends are mocking her desire to become like a robot. She feels sad that her friends can't understand her desire to be a superhero and save the world.

Jake, seeing how hurt Lia was, tried to comfort her. "Don't let them bother you, Lia. They just can't understand your dreams."

Lia looked at Jake with a sad gaze, making Jake feel sorry and angry at the bullies.

"Jake, I don't know what to do anymore. My friends keep teasing me because of my strange desire to become a robot. I feel isolated and misunderstood," Lia said sadly.

Jake felt concerned seeing his friend in such a state. He then comforted and supported Lia, "Don't worry, Lia. You don't need to feel sad or insecure about your unique desire. You should be proud of your uniqueness and don't let the taunts of others make you feel less."

"We can be superheroes together, Lia," Jake said with a gentle smile. "You don't have to become a robot for that. We can use our real powers to help others."

Lia smiled. "You always know the right words to comfort me, Jake."

Jake laughed. "That's because I'm your good friend."

Lia and Jake continued their journey to the cafeteria, discussing their dreams of becoming superheroes and saving the world. They knew that their dreams wouldn't be easy to achieve, but they would never give up trying.

At school, Lia began to feel more confident about her dream and obsession of becoming a superhero. She received support from Jake and some other classmates, and although there were still people who mocked her, she learned not to care about them.

Whenever Lia felt desperate, Jake was always by her side to provide encouragement. "You're not alone, Lia. We will achieve our dreams together."

In the schoolyard, Jake and Lia were sitting and enjoying the surroundings. Suddenly, they saw Dimas, their senior, approaching.

"Hi, Jake, Hi Lia," Dimas greeted with a friendly smile.

"Hi, Dimas," Jake replied with a nod.

Lia just smiled and continued enjoying the view.

Dimas then noticed Lia with admiration. "Lia, right? You're so beautiful," Dimas praised.

Lia felt a bit shy and replied, "Thank you, Dimas."

"Your friends said you're into robots, right?" Dimas asked.

Lia felt somewhat surprised by the question. She didn't know what her friends were talking about. "Yes, I like robots. Is there something wrong?" Lia asked in confusion.

Dimas nodded understandingly. "Ah, I see. I like girls with unique interests and uniqueness," Dimas said with a smile.

Lia felt uncomfortable being scrutinized by Dimas. "I'm sorry, Dimas. I have to go now," Lia said while standing up.

Dimas was slightly taken aback by Lia's sudden desire to leave. "Oh, okay. See you later, Lia," Dimas bid farewell.

After Dimas left, Jake noticed Lia's awkward demeanor. "What's wrong, Lia? Do you feel uncomfortable with Dimas?" Jake asked.

Lia shook her head. "No, it's just... I feel uncomfortable with his questions. I feel like he's prying into my life," she answered.

Jake understood Lia's feelings and comforted her. "Don't worry, Lia. You don't have to feel uncomfortable. Maybe he just wants to get to know you better," he said.

Jake noticed Lia's frustrated face and asked, "What else, Lia? You seem annoyed."

Lia sighed deeply and answered, "Many people keep prying into my strange interest in robots, Jake. It annoys me and makes me feel uneasy."

Jake nodded and understood Lia's feelings. "They just don't understand, Lia. Don't let them make you feel inferior or bothered. Stay focused on your interests and keep fighting for them."

Lia smiled brightly upon hearing Jake's words. "Thank you, Jake. You always understand me."

"Of course, Lia. We're friends, right?" Jake replied with a smile.

Meanwhile, Dimas, still curious about Lia, continued to gather information about the fascinating girl. He approached Lia's group of friends and started a conversation.

"Hey, you guys know Lia, right?" Dimas asked.

They nodded, and one of them answered, "Yes, why?"

Dimas smiled and replied, "I just want to know more about her. She's really interesting."

Her friends provided information about Lia, including her peculiar interest in becoming a robot. Dimas raised his eyebrows and said, "It seems like Lia has an intriguing side. I want to know more about her."

Dimas became even more interested because, in addition to being beautiful, Lia's unique interest only deepened Dimas' admiration for her.

After school, Lia and Jake decided to go to the city's video game center. They were both excited, especially Lia, who loved games with a robot theme.

Upon arriving, Lia saw all kinds of games she loved, from fighting games to simulations. "Wow, this is so cool!" Lia exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Jake laughed at Lia's excitement. "You're really thrilled, huh? Let's play this game together," Jake invited, pointing to a particular game.

Lia agreed, and they started playing together. They exchanged strategies and helped each other reach the next level. They even engaged in some competitions with other players and managed to win a few matches.

After several hours of playing games, Lia and Jake left the video game center with smiles on their faces. "You know, I think I prefer games about robots rather than becoming a robot," Lia said.

Jake laughed, "Who knows, maybe you'll find a way to become a robot in the future."

Lia shook her head while laughing. "Yeah, who knows." They continued their journey home, discussing the enjoyable experience they had just had.

It was getting late, and they each went back to their homes.

Jake sat in his room, contemplating his right hand, which had been transformed into a robotic hand. "What would Lia say if she found out?" he murmured to himself.

Jake felt anxious and afraid to reveal his secret to Lia. How would Lia react if she found out her friend was half-robot?

While pondering this, Jake remembered their conversation at the video game center. Maybe Lia wouldn't be surprised, he thought. Maybe she would accept him for who he is, even if his hand was different from others.

Feeling a bit relieved, Jake made the decision to talk to Lia about it.

In another place, Lia contemplated her thoughts about her dream of becoming a robot who could fight for justice. She felt confused because she also enjoyed playing video games about robots, but she didn't know if her dream of becoming a robot was just a hobby or something more serious.

"Lia, you seem troubled. Is something bothering you?" her mother asked, noticing her daughter deep in thought.

"Ah, no, Mom. I'm just thinking about a few things," Lia replied with a sigh.

"Alright, what is it? Can I help?"

"I enjoy playing video games about robots, but I also want to be like a robot who can save the world. But I'm confused if my dream is just a liking or something more serious."

Lia's mother smiled gently. "That's a good question, Lia. But you don't need to rush to find the answer. Let time give you the answer."

Lia smiled. "Thank you, Mom. I'll try not to overthink it."

"Yes, that's for the best. Now, have you had dinner yet?"

Lia shook her head, "Not yet, Mom."

"Alright, let's have dinner together," her mother suggested, holding Lia's hand.

Lia felt calmer after talking to her mother. She knew there was nothing wrong with having dreams, and she would continue to explore whether becoming like a robot was just a hobby or a more serious dream.

The next day at school, when Lia was sitting on a bench in the park, Jake approached her and sat next to her.

"Lia, there's something I want to tell you," Jake said with a serious tone.

"What is it, Jake?" Lia asked, looking at Jake with keen attention.

"I have a secret that I've never told anyone, not even to anyone else," Jake said, feeling nervous.

Lia looked at Jake with great curiosity. "What is it, Jake? I'll definitely listen attentively," she said.

"I'm half-robot," Jake said firmly.

Lia fell silent for a moment. However, her face remained calm. "Half-robot?" she repeated, trying to understand what Jake was saying.

"Yes, my right hand is a robotic hand installed by my father," Jake explained.

Lia nodded slowly, then looked at Jake with a gentle gaze. "You know, Jake, I know you're a great friend. You've always been there for me when I'm sad. But one thing, Jake, you don't have to lie just to make me smile," she said, a little disappointed.

"I've already told you before, and you thought it was a joke. Now you still think I'm joking. Now you have to follow me." Jake forcefully pulled Lia's arm and led her to a certain place.

Lia followed Jake with curiosity. They arrived in a dark and empty room. Jake then pointed to a chair and asked Lia to sit. "This is where I conduct experiments with my robotic hand," Jake said.

Lia looked slightly surprised, but she still sat in the chair and observed carefully. Jake took out a chip from his body and showed it to Lia. "This is what allows me to control my robotic hand," Jake explained.

Lia carefully examined the chip and asked, "So, you're really half-robot?"

"Yes," Jake replied shortly.

Lia fell silent, not knowing what to say. After a moment, she finally spoke slowly, "That's enough, Jake."

Jake didn't give up. "Okay, look at this," Jake said, showing his hand to Lia.

Lia, who was engrossed in playing with her phone, immediately turned and looked at Jake's hand in astonishment. "What do you want to show me, Jake?"

"The power of my robotic right hand," Jake replied, picking up a large stone nearby. "Watch this."

Without further ado, Jake smashed the stone with his strong robotic hand. Lia watched in surprise and shortly after, she fainted.