


/"What was that?/" I asked Eva once Brianna have left. She's not supposed to hit someone although, I wanted to get Brianna beaten with a belt, I wasn't really about to do that.

/"She was looking at you like you're a snack and her hormones were off/" Eva replies in a disgusted voice I didn't even know she can master.

I turn to Damien with big eyes, hoping one bot would be able to help me with the other one. He just smiled, and opened his arms for me, I went there willingly waiting for him to pick me off the floor.

/"Eva is jealous, Brianna wanted to have a threesome with you and Eva. It was all over the place, you have Eva programmed only to share you with me/" Damien explains things to me making my mouth drop into an O shape.

/"She is?/" I ask still not believing what I just heard, Damien nods his yes to that. Well wow that's something, I guess my program does work after all, I did make Eva more jealous around me.