
My Boss Is A Lady

Staring casually into his eyes, the tears she has been holding in her eyes broke loose within the lids of bondage and rolled down her cheeks. It didn't take up to a minute before her eyes turned red. "You really didn't care, did you?" Her shaky voice nearly succeeded in bringing the young man in front of her, to his knees. "I-I di-did... This is a mis-take... Don't be li-like this..." "Like what?!" She screamed! Her hand already flying in the air towards his face... But... Someone held her hand from behind. Prepared to vent the anger on the person behind her through redirecting the slap meant for the man in front of her, she turns unsuccessfully forcing her hand out of his grip. The hot tears that were gushing down her face this whole time dripped more profusely. Her red face started calming down when she saw the man behind her. Her pink lips forming an oval shape that signified her shock. "Haoran...?" The man smiles handsomely with his eyes displaying happiness in them. "Yes... It's me" She slowly buried her head into the chest of the man and wept in pain, punching his chest lightly and murmuring. "Why didn't you go? It's an opportunity that can't be-?" "It isn't an opportunity that will make this company flourish. If it is, it won't make me leave you" Hearing his voice made her cry the more. She looks tattered, and poverty seems to be her identity. The siren of the police vehicles engulfs the air and the man who attempts to run away got handcuffed before he even realized he needs to move. The eyes of Haoran scan Haozi dreadfully as the woman cried on his chest. "Where are the others?" ******* Experience the journey of Haoran and Ai Mi as they work hard to retain the biggest company of Japan, and discover so many missing people in their lives. Standing for each other is their virtue.

novel_lights · Urbano
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62 Chs

She's Leaving.

Zhi Ruo closes her eyes as a tear escapes it in relief.

Phew! That was close!

"So, what did he say? Is he coming?"

The tear that was rushing down the face of Zhi Ruo froze instantly when the boss turn to look at her.

"I'm not sure, Ma'am. He said he wasn't interested, but I gave him my card and asked him to call the number if he changed his mind"

A deep breath came from the manager making the rest of the employees tremble in fear.


Without another word spoken, the workers squeeze themselves through the small door and exited the office immediately, including Zhi Ruo.

The young woman grabs her phone on the desk in front of her and quickly tapped on her contact list. She went to her recent calls and tapped on the first number listed, and as it dialed, she lifted the phone to her ear and waited for the receiver of the call to pick up.


"We found him. Haoran"


Haoran is seen in his room sitting behind the door with his knees up and his elbow relying on them. His head is down and his unkept hair is swaying with any slight movement he makes.

The window in his room is widely open and any creature can easily fly in. The curtains to it are moving to indefinite directions because of the breeze flowing into his room.

His eyes are closed, his mouth is slightly open and his hands are formed into loosed fists.

By his side is his phone. Zhi Ruo's card and the company's card are on it.

His eyes are fixed on the screen of his phone even though his head is down. Gosh, picking the phone that used to be very simple for him, now feels like a total a burden.

He raises his head up but looks down not too long after hearing the continuous vibration of his phone.

It's Mei.

He takes the phone calmly and sighs. This really isn't the person he wants to talk to now.

After a long time of staring at his phone, he stands up from the ground, walks to his bed and pounce on it tiredly.

He kept the phone beside him, not caring if it'll continue ringing or not.

What does Mei want now? Is this just another attempt of trying to make him drunk once again?

Or is Jia planning another... Attack? On him?

Jia and Haoran has never been on good terms, ever since Mei brought him to the family and introduced him as her husband to-be.

It was a very long day for Haoran, and Mei didn't even notice him at that time. She was by the side of her beloved man, and forgot her brother, because she wasn't a momma's girl.

Haoran chuckles. Remembering those days are provoking and annoying and...

Argh! God, he doesn't even know what to say at the moment.


Haoran grabs his phone tightly, expecting to see an alert, or probably Zhi Ruo texting him...

Wait... He never gave her his number.

Gosh! If Mei was here, she'd tell him he really needs to work on his game.

Someone offering you a job and you didn't get any digits?

Who does that?

I mean, what if she was a ghost? That's how he'd collect something that isn't meant for him!

Thinking of things like this makes Haoran feel sick!

He eyes the phone and tapped on the notification on the lock screen. Inputted his password, and saw a voicemail left for him by Mei.

It's a short mail but... Anything short is important, as they say.

He holds on the play button for a long time. But when he finally releases it, the voice of Mei begins to pierce his ear like a sharp knife, even if the phone isn't so close to his ear.

"I know you might be thinking... What does this girl wants now? I'll tell you what, I'm leaving with Jia to the US tomorrow, so you won't be seeing that annoying girl of a sister anymore..."

Haoran's expression remains as cold as ever. Just like a iceberg, anyone who sees it right now can shiver even without a cause.

Well... His face is the cause, that is.

"It would have been better if I say this staring at your beautiful brown eyes... But, I don't think that is a good idea. I love you, Haoran. As a sister... Your twin sister. I've always had..."

A tear escapes Haoran eye as he listens further.

"But if my husband is the reason why we aren't together... Then... I don't think there's anything I can do"

The chest of Haoran heaves with disdain as he pauses the mail and cleans the tears that just began to flow down his eyes.

She will take the side of some stranger... To her brother? Does she even have eyes?!

That guy is using her for his own benefit! But she's not getting it!

Jia was nothing three years back. He managed to win the attention of a pretty young lady who always patronized his mum when she wanted to buy some goods. His mum was a petty trader.

When this young lady and Jia started dating, the woman invited him for an interview in the company where she works at, and Jia got the job in a jiffy, and his position was ahead of this young woman.

Sure enough, they were both happy. But Jia thought that was his escape route to freedom, and he dated other girls who dumped him because of his woman issues.

But that young lady was so blind and so deaf, that her twin brother thought she was under a spell or something.

That young lady was Mei. And her twin brother... Is Haoran.

Jia has used his sister just enough, and Haoran is going to prove to her, that he is not a good husband material!

He grabs his phone but drops it on the bed again. Laughs scornfully and just laid on the bed.

But if he comes in between them, people will mock her and look at him as a home wrecker, which he doesn't care about.

All he cares about is Mei. But he doesn't know if she even knows that.

He stares at the ceiling for a short time and then closed his eyes.

Mei is gone. And it seems like she's not coming back.


Cheng is seen eavesdropping through the closed door with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.


Just a moment ago, he was happy to hear the record of Mei's voice...

But right now... He feels like he just got drained.

Ever since he saw Haoran and Mei, he knew that they were almost the perfect twins any parents could ever wish for.

But when they started growing up... Things changed.

Cheng withdrew. With closed eyes, he took in a deep breath.

Haoran. Why you?