
My blue carnage system

The human race is at war is at war with the vicous variants and when they needed help more than ever, They started to come forward. Humans had hidden in the shadows for hundreds of years, people with abilities. Some chose to share their knowledge to the rest of the world in the hope of winning the war, while others keep their abilities for themselves. Luchan had lost everything to the war, his home his family and the only thing he had inherited was a crummy old wooden box that he couldn't even open. But when the box had finally opened, Luchan was granted a system and his whole life turned around. He completed quest after quest and become more powerful, until one day the system gave him a quest he wasn't sure he could complete. "It is time to kill!" "You must torture a human to death in 24 hours" "Your body will continue turning into a blue skeleton until the task is completed" But everyone thought that was the apocalypse and no one knew that the real apocalypse was about to start. After a few hours of the apocalypse the world government said that they were working on a tech called Hibernation pod a few years ago and it was now completed and we shall used it to make humans sleep for 2,568 years so after all this is over they can recreate the human population but no one knew that the world government was planning something malicious. Other work: starting off with the weakest ability in the apocalypse.

Oshane_WALKER · Real
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42 Chs

Reaching first order

"10,000 meters away" Luchan said as his breath clearly gotten much heavier.

Luchan flew down on the green jungle ground and began walking to Jace direction. All of a sudden akin to a roar was heard in front of him.

"What Th.." Luchan was trying to say before he saw a horde of beast rushing towards him. Luchan put up his defensive stance as he prepare to start fighting at any moment.

But the monster ran right pass him, Luchan immediately began wandering what might caused it then he began remembering what is teacher told him when he was 14 years old.

Creatures respect the food chains law the weak run from the strong while the strong hunt the weak.

But before Luchan could decide what to do he saw a skeleton man in silver armor with two sword and they both was letting off dark aura.

Seeing that Luchan rushed up to the skeleton man and making his Trident appear in his hand before activating the Lightning Jab ability but as soon as it was about to touch the skeleton man body it blocked Luchan attack with grate difficulty.

Alp of a sudden Luchan was knee in his stomach making blood drip from his mouth.

AHHH!!! Luchan said as he struggled to stand up on his feet but if that was all a act he he spun his hand around making the Trident appeared in his hand.

The Trident hit the skeleton man armor making crack mark starting to appear around the spot where Luchan attack it.

All of a sudden Luchan fist was cover in a blue light with is top speed and strength he punch the Skeleton man in its face causing it to slowly turned his head as its eye socket began glowing red.

All of a sudden Luchan arm was cut off by the skeleton man but it immediately grew back shocking the skeleton man.

Suddenly before the skeleton man could even move he was kicked in his face by Luchan forcing him to step back a few steps.

Luchan was kick in his stomach by the skeleton and dropped to his knee spitting up blood "Its time to end this" Luchan said as he stood up and activated all of his abilities.

All of Luchan skills was activated bombard the skeleton man with all his skill causing its body to be on the ground.

All of a sudden the skeleton man stood up surprising Luchan but he quickly used his Trident and make it slam in the skeleton unprotected head shattering it.


Luchan began vomiting blood "HAHA"

[You cannot reach level 21 before you get your first job and evolve to First Order. All Soul Power acquired during the evolution process will be recorded and calculated once the first class has been successfully acquired].

[All Soul Power absorbed has been calculated. You can choose one of the following jobs -

1) Swordsman

2) Magic swords man

3) Necromancy

4) Blue carnage]