
My Bloodline

Eric Wilson,a respected highly dignified War General. Skilled, dedicated and prominent in his work. His name has been shattered among the rocks. Oblivious to the envy around him,he was framed and disgraced for an act which no one believed would have been committed by him. But unfortunately, the mendacious evidences gave much of a reason for him to be held captive and he was coerced to succumb to the alleged crime. His family was incessantly at threat of elimination.... Scared to the bones, his wife had to save her kids and unborn kid but life got the best of her and she had to make a decision of saving her unborn child with her other kids left to face fate.

Cyril_C_Ochuba · Ciudad
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10 Chs


He looked at Michael who didn't show any emotion on his face as if saiding he wasn't fazed even if the sky should collapse, not to talk of one dead man. Michael instead asked the question he had in mind that was more important than the dead man's story.

"Who is the White deity?"he asked. To Michael, the white deity was more of a dangerous person to the country than the so called Don Matteo who has ended up dead.

Ken looked at Rhino then to Edward and lastly to Michael. "Do you think we know who the white deity is and still have to obey the Adam's family? And even if we know,to tell you that much is to sign our own death warrant".

Rhino then looked at Michael and said,"I already know that we won't make it out of here alive but if I can exchange this information for my family's life,it will still be worth it. Can I get your word that you will save and protect my family if I give you all the information I have about the underworld and the White deity?".

This got Edward angry and he replied,"It seems to me that you do not realise your own situation right now. Now let me give you a quick run down of the state of affairs.

First, this is not a business transaction where you do stock exchange. Secondly,you are our captive and we are they captors. You do not give us conditions. Thirdly, we ask you. We do not request you. Know the difference,now let's try again. Who is the white deity?".

Rhino Ignored Edward and kept his focus on Michael and this seems to touch Edward's button. As Edward was about to throw out a punch, Michael stopped him and said,"I like them, loyalty to one's family is not something to be looked down on and for that I give you my word".

Immediately, Edward kneeled saying,"And your word is my bond".

After seeing all this,Rhino heaved a sigh of relief and smiled before he started narrating.

"Within the underworld,the White Deity is more mysterious than the word mystery itself. He has an unlimited connection across the countries of our continent or more likely to say he is the hub of the connection. He rarely makes an appearance but with one word,he can great waves and storms in the underworld. His word is synonymous to law in the underworld. It is said that about 10 countries military are after him yet he still remains untouchable.

The only distinctive attribute he has is that he is always in white. It is said that he wears white all the time because he believes that he is pure in heart and with clear conscience in what in does. In the otherhand he believes that no human on earth is pure and as such to survive in the mist of all such humans,one must be the true definition of ruthlessness. He is even more ruthless than Don Matteo and his wrath is top notch. For now, no one knows as to how that human grew up.

I know you are fairly powerful across this country but know that he is powerful across countries. You might want to uncover his true identity but before you do that, you will have to dig graves for the countless innocents that may be caught in the cross fire. Now I think about it,you seem to be his only match and nemesis atleast in the way you both think..."

Reminiscing about how they used to call the underworld 'Devils pit' he chuckled. "Previously,the underworld use to be the den of people with different vile attributes. Serial killers, hired assassin,slave and sex traders whether young , matured, adult or old. There are kidnappers,arms dealer,drug dealers and different cartels.

You name it and you will surely find them in underworld. Most of this businesses where ran previously by Don Matteo's subdinates but now, it will be an understatement to call the underworld 'Hell' and it's sole master is the White Deity. It is rumoured that the White Deity is a tall handsome young man but is more sly than an old fox. It would be better for one not be involved with the underworld but should one do get involved with it.

Then there is no going back at all, your only way to get freedom is to just die. They dead tell no tales. The secrets of the underworld should never be known to ordinary people".

After listening to him, Michael stood up and looked out through the window lost in thought. Edward was still in marvel at all he heard but was still vigilant of any action Rhino nor Ken might take. Then later, Michael made a hand sign while Edward understood and commanded for Rhino and Ken to be taken away. Michael still in thought started humming a song as Edward knowing he should not be disturbed left with the others. Michael smiled while in thought

[It seems Someone has same thought process as I and is even more high handed than me in a way. Indeed a wordy opponent. I think it is time to step up somemore].

At a rural community named Lidon ,in the streets of the villa , Katherine a student of Lidon community college was seen with a joyous expression running to a building site where an older man at the age of about 43 years old was doing his work. As she got close,she teared up and started sobbing so hard as if she was not going to stop any time soon.