
My Bizzare Adventure

johnathan_roman · Cómic
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3 Chs


A man named silan came back from his usual job, a job that barely gave him enough money to eat. He couldn't bear it anymore he wanted to punch his manager in the face, he face planted onto his bed.

He often dreamed about being in a fantasy world's, but today he dreamed of a man who had everything he wanted. suddenly a earthquake shakes his house.

the earthquake didn't kill him as it was a small one. But silan had to get up and see if any of his paperwork was damaged so he did that, but his sealing that was actually old and was getting rusty, dropped on his head crushing him. His sealing fan was straight metal.

he suddenly woke up in a dark room.


Silan's POV

"What the hell" silan thought out loud "what is this place?"

"this place is a realm that is unseen to anyone who has not reached peak evolution" a man voiced loomed over silan.

Silan felt as if his body was getting crushed by his shear words, as if a truck had dropped on him

"I am the the god of reincarnation, Carnum! Carnum declares " you have three wishes and you can decide the world to go to, as how you look as well."

A/N [I'm bad at name's]

Silan still felt the overpowering aura, but it wasn't to bad anymore. "My first wish will be something that can let me obtain a skill instantly and improve it infinitely."

"My second wish is a system that can help me level up myself with a lottery and quest's that don't have penalties"

Silan felt like he was going to faint "I will save my final wish" silan saw a blue screen apear saying "hello host" before passing out.

Carnum was impressed that the human from one of the weakest worlds could survive in his domain for so long, that being said he wasn't very impressed. He sighed why did he get charged as the god of reincarnation he was the BEST in his class.

nevertheless Carnum read the kids mind to see what world he wanted to be sended to, that world is...

short because It's like 1:23 and I cant think of new concepts anymore.

johnathan_romancreators' thoughts