

"Brother, thank you, if it wasn't for your help this time, my parents would definitely not let me participate in the draft."

Yan Shu flattered and brought the fruit plate to Yan Qing with a smile.

Yan Qing picked up a piece of fruit and took a bite, "You'll give me a fruit plate if you want to thank me? Oh, or my mother washed and cut it and you just brought it to me, your thank you is too insincere."

"Then how do you say thank you? Do you want to invite you to dinner?"

"You don't have to invite me to dinner. If you really want to thank me, then take what I say next to your heart."

"What are you talking about, brother, I will definitely remember it firmly." Yan Shu moved a chair and sat in front of Yan Qing, as if listening to the teachings carefully.

But he winked with a funny look, obviously not too serious.

Yan Qing put away his smile and said very seriously, "You have to remember that this world is not black and white, and there is no absolute fairness and justice, especially for the entertainment industry.

You have a straight temper, and you can't tolerate sand in your eyes, but the entertainment industry is a place to hide and survive, and there are too many dirty and smelly things in it. If you don't know how to change your character, you will suffer a lot.

So remember what your brother said, don't be impulsive to cause trouble even if you see something you are unaccustomed to. The entertainment industry is not a fair place. Even right and wrong have their own definitions. This circle has its own rules.

Your ability is not enough to shake this rule, just participate in your competition, and you don't need to worry about other things, someone will take care of it. "

Seeing his serious expression, Yan Shu was frightened, and said, "Brother, are you scaring me? How can it be so scary?"

"It's not to scare you, the real entertainment industry is even scarier than this. But don't worry, I won't let you encounter any terrible things. But if you see some bad behavior, such as the teacher and the students have ambiguity, someone goes through the back door and unspoken rules... you don't care about that."

"Ah? No way? Isn't "Miracle Girl" the most open and transparent without insider? And it's a popular vote..."

Yan Qing sneered, "It's just to deceive you simple people. It seems fair, but there are too many places to handle, do you think the debut position can be won only by strength? Background, marketing, votes , Navy... There are many doorways in here."

Hearing this, Yan Shu still looked like she was hit hard, because years of belief was suddenly broken. But after a while, she burst out laughing again, "Brother, aren't you an academic researcher? Why do you know so much?"

"Because you asked me to intercede with your parents, if I don't find out where you are going, can I let you go?"

Yan Shu was instantly moved, and hugged his arm coquettishly, "Brother, you are so kind to me! Don't worry, I remember all your words, and I will never cause trouble impulsively!"

"Don't cause trouble, but don't be afraid of trouble. If you encounter anything, call me at any time. Trust your brother, I can solve anything for you."

"Well! Thank you brother!"

At the same time, Gu Xiao was also comforting his sister Ruan Meng.

"Mengmeng, you don't have to worry, your brother has arranged it, you can just go to the competition with confidence."

He has a handsome and handsome face, deep eyebrows, and delicate facial features.

He was ruthless and unruly in front of the public, but at this moment, he seemed to be a different person, patiently coaxing Ruan Meng.

"But... I'm not the best at singing and dancing. If I'm eliminated, it'll be too embarrassing for my brother." Ruan Meng pouted.

She was wearing a white dress, and her facial features were only three-pointed like Gu Xiao, but she was equally delicate and beautiful. The eyes are as charming as cat's eyes, the eyelashes are curled, and the skin is fair.

The appearance of pouting red lips and acting like a baby is the most charming and cute.

"Don't worry, if your brother goes to be a mentor in person, can you still be eliminated? The competition is not just about fighting for strength. With me here, there must be you in the debut position. As long as the plan is properly arranged, even the top position can be achieved. "

Ruan Meng pouted again, "I don't want you to canvass for me! You have over 100 million fans. Even if I debut, others will say it's unfair. I have to rely on my own strength to compete!"

Gu Xiao smiled, "Yes, our Mengmeng relys on her own strength to compete. Don't worry, your brother is not stupid, how could it be possible to canvass for you? You don't need to worry about this, just play well, I will arrange it."

He saw that Ruan Meng still looked hesitant, and said, "Mengmeng doesn't need to think too much, others will try their best to canvass votes. In this circle, money, resources, contacts... are also part of strength. You don't need to think much about it."

Ruan Meng nodded, but after everything she said, she did not reject her brother's kindness.

After only two days at home, Yan Qing was called back to the laboratory by a phone call.

Yan Shu's draft report was accompanied by Yan's father and Yan's mother. However, it is only sent outside the gate, and parents and all accompanying persons are not allowed to enter, only students are allowed to enter.

Saying goodbye to her parents, Yan Shu carried her suitcase into the castle.

She has chased the games in the previous two seasons, so she is still familiar with the process.

When queuing up to verify her identity, the girl in front of her turned to greet her, "Hello, my name is Yi Zhenzhen, from Wenxin Media, which company are you from?"

She looks very sweet, and there are two small pear vortexes when she smiles, which makes it easy for people to have a good impression of her.

Yanshu said quickly, "My name is Lin Yanshu, and I'm a personal trainee."

Yan Shu's mother's surname was Lin, and she followed her parents' surname.

"I'm the only one in our company, and I'm almost the same as a personal trainee. We can take care of each other in the future."

When I first arrived, I made a friend. Yan Shu was very happy, and hurriedly agreed, "Okay, we will pay attention to each other in the future."

Yi Zhenzhen obviously came prepared, and told Yan Shu a lot about other students while queuing.

"There are many strong students this season, and there are several favorites to win the championship. For example, Yu Meng from Fangyuan Entertainment retired last season due to injury and stopped in the top 12. This time, it is for the top position. There are also stars. Yu Xia Ling, who has been a trainee in H country for seven years, and has already debuted, has a lot of fans, and the chance of winning the championship is also very high. You should know about Si Tingting, an Internet celebrity with five million fans before her debut. …"

She is very familiar with every student, and Yan Shu doesn't know these things. This is the advantage of having a company, and you can get some news in advance.

Yan Shu listened with admiration, "You know a lot..."

Yi Zhenzhen didn't care, "Other companies know these things, it's nothing."

At this time, another girl walked in at the gate.

She is wearing a white dress with delicate and beautiful features. Although all the beauties are present today, her appearance is still amazing.

She is slender and small. She is struggling to drag a large suitcase, clumsy and cute.

"Who is this, so beautiful!" Yan Shu asked Yi Zhenzhen in a low voice.

Yi Zhenzhen shook his head, "I don't know either, it's the first time I saw you. But if you want to say you are beautiful, you are more beautiful. When you come in, many people felt some pressure." She said with a smile.

In the entertainment industry, the first thing to look at is a face. Under the same conditions, people with excellent appearance conditions will walk more smoothly.

"Ah?" Yan Shu is used to herself, and has heard a lot of praise from others about her beauty, so she doesn't feel much.

"And she doesn't have an advantage in height. A small person looks fine, but standing with a tall and long-legged person like you can easily be crushed."

Yan Shu waved her hand, "Let's look at her strength. Maybe she is super strong, and she is so beautiful. Her height is nothing."

Seeing Ruan Meng approaching, the two stopped talking about this topic.

"I brought three mobile phones, how many did you bring?"

"Ah?" Yan Shu was at a loss again, "Why do you bring so much? Don't you have to hand over your mobile phone when you go in? You won't be allowed to use it."

"Shh, keep your voice down, that's why you have to bring a few more. Hand in one, and hide the rest quietly and use them secretly, so that you don't get caught or photographed. Otherwise, you don't know the information outside at all. Are you stupid?"

Yan Shu was shocked again, she didn't know anything about this kind of operation.

"Didn't you bring more? Then I'll lend you one. You have to know what the outside world is saying about you, so you can make adjustments, otherwise you won't know where the audience hates it, and it will be too miserable to be scolded from the beginning to the end. ."

Yan Shu's heart was moved, and she was used to the existence of mobile phones. It was a little difficult for her not to touch her mobile phone for three months. She thanked in a low voice, "Thank you so much."

"It's okay, you are beautiful, and you must have a lot of shots. I will follow you to get more shots. It's mutual benefit!"

She spoke calmly and generously, and was not annoying at all. Yan Shu laughed, she still likes straightforward and frank people like Yi Zhenzhen, compared to people who are smiling face to face but do things behind their backs.

After signing up, entering the castle, assigning a room, and about to hand in the mobile phone, Yan Shu hurriedly called her parents and brother.

The next call will be at least a month away.

"...Well, pay attention to your body, don't stay up late, and remember what your brother said. Okay, bye."

In front of the A library, Yan Qing hung up the phone and entered the library.

He came to check some information. He chose a few books that he wanted to use, and found a seat at random to read.

He was wearing a simple white shirt with slightly rolled up cuffs, revealing a small arm with beautiful lines. A pair of hands with slender fingers and well-defined joints rested on the book at will.

The bright skylight outside the window fell on him, creating a beautiful silhouette.

He frowned slightly, his eyes focused on the book. The eyelashes are long and dense, not like boys' eyelashes. The bridge of the nose is high and straight, the lips are pressed into a straight line, the jaw line is extremely beautiful, the neck is slender, and the Adam's apple is looming...


A small voice sounded, but it didn't attract anyone's attention.

Then, on the same day, a photo of the immortal god Yan in the library A was blown up on the Internet.

"What kind of fairy is this, when did our A University produce such a handsome man, I want all his information in one minute!"

"Ahhh! Groundhog screams, how can there be such a good-looking man! Are these eyelashes real? For the first time, I have the feeling of swinging on the eyelashes."

"This beauty, this Adam's apple... I unilaterally announce that this is my husband!"

"Hand control welfare, this hand is like a cartoon hand! The lines are too beautiful!"

"A person with a good-looking profile is not necessarily good-looking from the front. If they are good-looking, they would have been exposed long ago."

"I have been careful to hide the male **** for so long, and finally I can't hold it anymore. The photo of the male **** that I have kept privately will give you a sense of the positive appearance. [Picture]"

"My God! I thought that the side face was enough, but this frontal photo is even more amazing. This face value is much higher than the little fresh meat in the entire entertainment industry!"

"Mom asked me why I knelt down and licked the screen. He is too good-looking!"

"Why hasn't this person made his debut yet!! Someone write a letter to ask the male god to make his debut!"

"Debut? Come, let me show you the resume of the male god, it is not that he doesn't want to debut. The country won't let him!!!!"