
My Best Friend is the Demon King

What would it be like...if you suddenly had a stranger as a roommate.....however he's a 2000 year old demon that possesses many abilities that are frankly......well WEIRD and seems to make your life worse rather than easier when random monsters,creatures and demons barge into your life and carry on a war that began over a millennium ago?........I guess that's my life now......(Some one save me)

Jason_Antwi · Fantasía
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17 Chs

Let's go Demon Hunting.

A few weeks after that incident, Junichiro had tried numerous times to activate his ability, but he still hadn't been able to achieve this feat. "Do I really have some kind of power...?"



"JUNICHIRO!! WHAT ARE YOU SPACING OUT FOR, BASTARD!!!! THE CUSTOMER ASKED FOR A DECAF AND YOU ARE JUST STANDING THERE LIKE A PLANK OF WOOD! BE A LITTLE USEFUL, DAMN IT!!" Brooke knocked on Junichiro's head with he fist in anger. She then exhaled and started to take the order with a smile. Diavolo, who saw the whole thing, tried to hold in his laughter. Junichiro wept in silence throughout the shift as his head throbbed. "All apart of a day's work", He thought.

After the shift, He was about to leave with Diavolo when he noticed something strange. Brooke was taking a different route from the one she usually took home. "Uh...Diavolo.....I have to go do something---here are my keys! Go ahead!" He shoved the keys into his hand and sped off before he could say another word. He followed Brooke slowly until she got to a construction site. It seemed to be a two storey house, but it hadn't been completed yet. He noticed her taking something out of her bag. A long brown cloak, black nose mask and an axe. "Is...she going to kill someone!!??" Junichiro followed her into the building. She was walking through all the dust and rubble when she noticed it, and Junichiro noticed it as well. When he did noticed it, his heart started to pound. Before them, was a 10 feet tall dog like creature. It was black in color and had enormous spikes growing along it's spine. It noticed Brooke and began to approach her but she didn't seem a bit phased. Junichiro wanted to do something but he was frozen. Right when the monster was mere inches from her, Junichiro saw one of its legs fly in the air as it tumbled down. Brooke run around it slashing off its legs one by one. The creature shrieked and started to regenerated It's legs back. Brooke was started smiling, and then her Right eye began to glow a bright emerald color. The spikes on the monster's back were detected and started flying at Brooke at an incredible speed, but she evaded them with a pinpoint accuracy, almost as if she could see through the attacks. When the spike attack was over, she ran towards the beast, jumped with extreme force, blowing dust everywhere. With a single swing, the beasts head was detached from it's body. The body fell down.....and Brooke sat on it, pulled out a cigar and a lighter and lit it. "I know you are there....Come out already." When the person stepped out, Brooke threw the cigar away. "Junichiro?!!!!" She became flustered and threw the axe away. "What the hell is this- Brooke?!!"