
My Beloved Mythica

A tragic love story between a vampire and a human girl. The vampire, Blake Frost, lived for so long that his mind was breaking piece by piece. But he found her and made her his, for eternity.

Ema232001 · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 1


How annoying.

I twist the wrist of the man in front of me, making him drop the Swiss knife.

Crack! "Ack!"

His wrist bones shattered. My other hand slams his head against the wall behind him. I let go of him as he slid down, fainting from the pain. Or maybe he passed out in fear after seeing my blood red eyes.

How dare he, a human no less, have the audacity to attack me! They're growing more and more fearless.

I sneer as I watch him twitch in pain and in fear, as his primal instincts warn him even in his unconscious state, to run.

Too bad, he won't get away even if the heavens decided to save him.

I bend down to pick up one of his legs. I drag him in even further in this dark alley, where no one would care about his screams. Screams of agony are the usual in this corner of Rome. Filled with typical criminal activity, no one would bat an eye at another scream echoing in the dark night.

~~~~~~ Time skip to a couple days later ~~~~~~

She's not here either. Where else should I look?

My right hand brushes my hair back in frustration. I look down from the roof of a skyscraper.

I'm about to go crazy, I'm right on the edge. I can't. Without her it's too hard.

I stare at the night sky in despair. " Oh goddess, I'm at my limit. Give me what my blood craves or I will spill the blood of thousands once again." I chuckle darkly, sneering as I run my hands up and down my face, then clenching my hair in anger.

The goddess of the darkness can hear all of it's creatures' voices, including mine. However, I receive no reply.

" I'll wait no more than one day." I growl as I start running across the roof heading to the edge. I jump down.

As light as a feather I land on a tree, within a park miles away from the skyscraper I was just on. One of the many perks of being a vampire; though I am stronger than every vampire I have met thus far. Well, I am one of the oldest vampires, it would be strange if any of the newborn are stronger than me.

I start running at an inhumane speed all the way till my apartment. I slow down as I reach the alleyway leading to it. Traveling along the shadows, I enter soundlessly, though my heart and mind are anything but quiet.

To calm the constant rage I feel without her, I try to hibernate as much as I can when I'm not looking for her.

' You have only one day, ONE DAY, goddess.' I clench my hands tightly as I lay as still as a statue in bed.

~~~~~~~~~ Dream land of our lover boy~~~~~~~~

I lay under the bright sun, eyes closed, body relaxed. The only way I ever feel relaxed is near her.

It's so peaceful. Is this yet another one of my dreams? If she's here... will this be a good dream or a nightmare? Will I see her die once again?

Either way, both are welcomed as long as I see her.

Eyes still closed, I spread my arms to feel my surroundings. Fresh grass, the smell of the sun and nature. And a hint of cherries in the air. Her scent. It's never changed, even throughout the centuries.


My eyes feel so heavy. My whole body is. I can only move my arms in slow motion. I feel around me, until I feel the sensation of skin and the familiar sparks.

She's here.

I run my right hand further up my beloved's arm. It's been one hundred and thirty one years since the last time I've held her in my arms. 'Finally. Finally, I can hold you again.'

I felt a sticky substance as I reached her shoulder. I was yet again hit by another familiar scent.

Blood. I gasped for air as it got harder to breath. The blood started to spread until both her and I were in a pool of blood. The sun faded along with the grass, now replaced with blood.

I was finally able to open my eyes and turn over to my beloved. I crawl over to her and drag her motionless and still body into my embrace. I hug her tightly, with rare gentleness I haven't shown in the past century.

" Sweetheart, wake up, please. Please, I love you. I'm sorry, I need you. Don't leave me. It took too long this time." I sob on her neck with my arms around her waist.

We started to sink in the blood. But I didn't let go. I will never let her go. Never. Even if the heavens and earth stand against my way. I can teach them another lesson if they want.

I growl as I hold her even more impossibly hard. I closed my eyes as the blood had reached my chest. I lift her head close to my face. As if kissing a fragile angel, my angel, I press my lips against hers as gently as I usually did in the past.

Afterwards, I whisper into her ear, "Wait for me, just a bit more darling."

We were then fully devoured by the blood as I felt her ice cold arms wrap around my neck.

The blood started to turn into water as it gradually disappeared. But so did she.

Everything turned white. I was left in a white space, as I stared at my now empty hands.

I could feel the pressure of a powerful being a few feet away from me. So this is how she decided to contact me this time. How annoying, just show up by yourself, don't drag my angel in blood.

" Where is she?" In a low whisper, my voice comes out hoarse.

"Sigh." The first thing the goddess does is sigh as she looks down at me. "... I still can't understand why you're so obsessed about that human."

I stay silent, sitting, still looking at my hands that had held her a moment ago.

" She's not your soulmate. I never gave you one." She sighs once again. " I can't figure out how you connected with her soul, without the help of a deity at that."

" Where is she?" I growl lowly, in no mood to listen to the ramblings of a senile and bored higher being.

" And why do you always have to threaten me? Do you know how hard it is to do what you keep demanding?!"

I finally look up to her. Her face is red as if steam will come out her ears. I say nothing as I stare into her eyes.

"... It's too early, she's not yet 18." When my eyes turn blood red she starts panicking. " You just need to wait two months!"

Still silent, I slowly stand up. I walk towards her. For every step I take she takes one step back. The strongest vampire she created is a threat to her.

I stop a couple steps in front of her.

" Where is she?" Now full of anger and authority, I question her, in a tone no longer a whisper as before. " For every minute longer you make me wait, the blood of every being on this earth will have their blood spilled." Sneering, I look down at her threatening in contempt.

" You- you can't do that again!!!" She screams, eyes wide open in fear.

This happened last time as well when they made me wait too long. Humans, werewolves, vampires, including all supernatural that I came across were massacred. I went mad.

Multiple higher beings came down, yet lost to me. That's why they're all afraid.

Of course, I couldn't kill them, but they couldn't kill me either. As both, they and I were immortal.

They could only give me what I want and clean up the mess I made.

" I dare you to test me." My lips raise in a cruel and dark manner. I tilt my head to the right slightly, waiting for her answer.

She takes a step back in fear of the history that may become the present depending on her next actions. " O- Okay, okay. Calm down. She's in New York, as a high school student. Her name is Mythica Anderson." She jumps back to create distance between us.

Starting from the edges, the White area we were in starts to turn black. I watch the goddess blend into the darkness. I close my eyes, waiting.

"Hah." I take a deep breath as I wake up. I raise my right arm, placing my elbow on top of my eyes.

" I'm on my way, sweetheart." Tears trickle down as I whisper out loud.