
Chapter 54 Bidding

After hearing what I had said, Kellen smiled and said elegantly, ''Yes, we're excited to continue working with the Thomson company too.'' And this was the end of the topic.

After lunch, Mae saw him out and walked behind me. ''Ms. Brown, I thought that Mr. Thomson has decided BDU Company to do our accounting. Why are we going to hold a bidding then?''

"If we don't, we'll offend not only AC Company, but other accounting firms as well. As an experienced firm, AC Company might pick on our previous financial statements if we just end our cooperation like that."

Besides that, I met Kellen because I had to see if he had anything to do with what happened last night. But judging from his unwilling looks when I said that we would hold a bidding, he probably had nothing to do with it.

But I couldn't jump to conclusions just like that. I had to observe a little longer.

Mae nodded and frowned slightly. "Then why did Mr. Thomson..."