
Chapter 37 Transfer the Ownership of the Bar

I vaguely felt that he stroked my stomach with his big palm. I didn't know what he was doing, so I moved a little out of refusal.

In a daze, I was carried to the bed, and I fell asleep again.

The next day!

I felt dizzy because of drinking alcohol the day before. I sat on the bed for a long while, and my phone's notification rang a few times.

I only checked my phone when I felt less dizzy. It was Demi whom had sent messages to me.

"How was the model last night? Did everything go well?"

I held my forehead and felt speechless. I typed, "Hello, didn't you know that I couldn't have s*x for one month after a miscarriage?"

Not long after my message was sent, Demi suddenly called me.

As soon as I picked it up, Demi started to make noises. "Sh*t, why didn't you tell me earlier? I gave that model a nice tip yesterday!"

I stretched a bit, got out of bed, and pulled the curtains open. "I'll buy you something you like the next tine we go shopping. By the way, I met Camilla last night."