
Chapter 144 Husband and wife

Why didn't he call for help now? Shouldn't he call Dylan when he was taken away?

Seeing Dylan staring at me, I shrugged my shoulders and said indifferently, "Without my permission, she rummaged around at home, so I called the police."

He pinched his eyebrows and felt a little helpless. After a pause, he said to the phone, "It's too late tonight. You can stay inside for a night and learn a lesson. I'll ask Joe to deal with it tomorrow."

"Dylan..." Camilla wanted to continue, but the call was hung up.

After hanging up the phone, Dylan looked at me and said somewhat helplessly, "Why did you call the police? Just change the lock."

I lowered my eyes and played with my fingers. "You gave her the key? Or did you help her record her fingerprints? If you want her to go in the future, tell me in advance. Let's calculate the proportion. I'll sell the house to you, and I'll move out."

"Lacey." His tone was a little heavy. "We're husband and wife!"