
My Beloved Archmage

Betrayed by the person he loved, and after losing everything. Ethan in his last moments meets the person who has unconditionally loved him. Luna, The Archmage who had loved him one-sidedly for a long time confesses her love for him in his last moments. After his death, Ethan Regresses in time and returns to the first year of his academy days. Ethan swears to live without any regrets... However, things are more complicated as he founds out the truth about Luna's past and her connection with the death of his parents... Follow Ethan's journey as he overcomes every challenge to save his beloved Archmage. ***** This is going to be one of the good ones that I have written in a long time. The elements of the story are, Magic, Academy, Mages, Unique Bloodlines, Kingdom building, Revenge, Romance and Adventure. ***** After the first chapter, every chapter will be around 2000 words so there will be only 4 chapter every week. I hope you like this story. So don't forget to leave a comment as it helps me stay motivated to write more stories like this. [ Note- The Cover art doesn't belong to me]

RYZ_WN · Fantasía
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23 Chs

A Friend

Part 1

Try and Try again, Despite failures, Despite the humiliation, Despite the anger...you have to try and try again. Preserving is the key to success for people like me.

Tring! Tring!

The sound of the alarm clock blocked my concentration. I was meditating since yesterday to form a mana vessel in my body. I thought that it would be somewhat easier than the last time but that was not the case.

With the way, I was now. There was no way I qualify as a student of this academy.

The alarm clock didn't belong to me but to my roommate. Despite the alarm ringing so close to his bed, he slept like a baby.

" Davis, Turn the alarm off!" I shouted from the other end of the room and didn't receive a reply.

Angered by this, I got up from my bed and kicked the butt of the sleeping beauty.

" Ow Ow Ow!" The Boy got up screaming.

Tring! Tring!

" Are you an infant? Why did you set the alarm when you were not going to even wake up?!" I shouted.

The Boy got out of the blanket...Half naked, and dishevelled grey hairs. His blue eyes and perfectly structured mature face deceived everyone into thinking that Davis was a decent human being.

In reality, the boy was a mess...indulging himself in liquor, flirting with different girls at the same time and using his money to bribe the teachers and students.

" You could have just turned off the alarm, why did you have to kick me?... That hurts!" He spoke loudly.

" I don't know you just piss me off sometimes even if you don't do anything," I smirked and replied.

" You Devil!"

" Whatever, Just get ready, you and I are going to be late for the class."

The boy checked the clock and hurried to change his clothes.

Ethan was already changed into his uniform, making sure that there are no flaws in the way he dressed. After that, he arranged the books that he needed to carry for today's lessons.

" Let's go, I am ready," Davis spoke.

'You didn't even button your coat.' Ethan spoke in his mind, rather than telling him to correct it. He wasn't his caretaker so how he dressed was not his problem.




" We will have a quick test of what we learnt this week." The Rune Language teacher announced.

In my past life, I attended this same class after leaving Julia's class. Jameson Forger was the teacher of this class.

A man in his thirties had started to face the problem of visible hair loss. His skin had a pale colour and he wore round glasses. Jameson was considered one of the teachers who were kind towards their students despite their ranks.

However, the reason why I joined the class was not because of him.

It was because Luna was also attending the same class this semester. For some reason, she is not attending today. I remember that she didn't have regular attendance in any of the classes.

Maybe because she is practising with her mentors...

Being a talented student has its perks, you get various learning opportunities and a free environment to do whatever with your time as long as it helps you to grow your capabilities as a mage.

Since I was lost in thought I wasn't paying attention to the class and didn't notice that the professor was standing right beside me watching me sarcastically.

He slammed his hand on my desk, Jolting me out of my thoughts.

" Student, Ethan, Do you not plan to write the test?" He asked grabbing my shoulder tightly.

" Ah, I am sorry I will do it," I spoke realising my mistake.

" *Sigh*, This is your first day, right?" He asked.

" Yes, This is my first day in your class teacher," I replied.

" No need to give the test, you can stay put." He said and left.

Well, If he says so then I don't mind not giving the tests. Seeing me relaxing in my seat, Davis glared at me from his seat.

I monitored the faces of the students giving exams. Some didn't mind giving the tests while there were people who hated it or were showing a nervous expressions.

' I should start forming a mana vessel, it shouldn't be that difficult this time.'

Thinking about that made my head hurt, last time I had the help of that person but there was no way I would associate with her ever again.

No matter how risky this might be, despite the pain, I would have to get it done myself...

While I was in the middle of various thoughts about how I will solve the issue of my mana vessel the bell rang. Jameson quickly finished collecting the paper and left the class.

" Oye...Let's go eat something." Davis spoke.

" Yeah, I am also feeling hungry, Let's go." I agreed and walked beside Davis.




On our way to the canteen, I could hear others whispering about me. However, both I and Davis ignored them, it was only a waste of time to argue with someone like them.

Food was more important than them...

After leaving the academy the only thing I regretted was not being able to eat the food served in the canteen...

We waited in line until our turn came, not speaking about anything in particular.

Davis, just like me didn't like to talk much if there are other people around who are unrelated to the conversation. While waiting in line we were only thinking about what to order.

Thinking about food made me drool but it wasn't only me, some other students were also drooling over it...It was just that good.

" What would you like to order sir?"

I wasn't prepared, I still hadn't decided what to order.

" Come on bro, Order something...anything" Davis spoke impatiently.

" I would like 4 steaks, 2 garlic bread, a dessert, your special soup and one plate of salad," I ordered so many things.

" When did you start eating so much?" Davis complained but instead of replying, I completed the payment.

I paid 2 silver coins at the counter and receive 4 meal tickets to collect the food from the counter.

After submitting our meal tickets we received the food in a tray...For me, there were two trays as one didn't fit everything.

" Hey, Guys!" A Familiar voice that I hadn't heard for a long time.

When we turned towards the voice, a girl wearing a second-year student uniform ran towards us. The girl had short brown hair and a beautiful facial structure with a few speckles around her nose. Her figure was also alluring as many first-years gawked at her from behind when she walked.

" You guys...Are you enjoying life in the academy?"

She smiled as she spoke and got closer to us. Her hands stretched toward my tray...

" This is mine... Get your own," I stuck my tongue out to tease. It was childish but I have always been like this with her.

" You didn't buy for me...wait are you going to eat that much!" She spoke with a surprised face.

" Yes, Is there a problem?"

Fuming at my response the girl turned around and left to get her food.

" She is hot," Davis spoke.

" Hey, she already has a boyfriend," I informed Davis.

" No need to remind me that, I already know."

" Aren't their other girls you find attractive?"

"..." Davis fell silent, I couldn't help but giggle seeing his experience. There was no way Davis wouldn't have his eyes on more than one person. He wasn't the type to keep wasting his efforts on someone who will not give him the time of the day.

" You know, It's because of you that we have to hang out with her...Not that I mind, she is a great senior."

Soon we found an empty table to put our food and started eating.

As soon as I took the first bite of the steak, my mouth was filled with a phenomenally juicy mix of sweetness and spices. On top of that chewing on the meat was neither too easy nor difficult, it was perfectly cooked. I couldn't stop until I finished my first stake and had to wipe my mouth with a napkin before the droplets of my saliva fell over the table.

The garlic bread and the soup were also tasteful as every portion I ate was so fulfilling for my taste. The heavenly treat continued and I didn't notice that Janice had already arrived with her plate of food.

" Cute...like my little piglet." She commented after seeing me eat.

Instead of replying to her, I focused on eating the food. There was nothing more important than that at this moment. This body needed to gain some weight and grow as tall as possible.

" By the way, I had thought you would be sulking and hiding somewhere," Janice spoke once again and added, " Everyone knows that you don't have a mana vessel. You are the talk of the entire academy."

"..." Instead of replying to her, I only glared.

" You don't want to talk about it," She guessed it right.

I finished eating everything before both of them could and got up from my seat.

" I am gonna go for the alchemy class...I will meet you in the afternoon."

Leaving those two I headed for the next class...

Even though I said that I don't care about people talking bad about me, sometimes I wished to make an example out of someone.

But there is a better way to silence them, instead of using violence. The only problem was that it takes time.

. . . . . .

Part 2

After Ethan left, Davis and Janice ate their food in silence until Davis initiated the conversation.

" So, What's your boyfriend doing nowadays?" He asked.

" He is gone for practical lessons for a few days." She replied.

" Tell me, is he not affected by people talking about him all the time?" Janice asked.

"...I don't pay much attention to what the other person is feeling. It's his life, but I have been his friend long enough to know that he is just ignoring them for now."

" Meaning, he is just pretending to be calm, right?" She spoke with a sad expression on her face. " Say, Do you want to continue being his friend? I mean...Staying with him will also make your life somewhat difficult. I don't think the Augustine family would want to keep him. Maybe he will be kicked out of their family soon, don't you think?"

"..." Ethan didn't say anything and with a blank expression looked at Janice.

" What?"

" Nothing...I was just thinking that–"

" I am not a good friend," She completed what he wanted to say and then added, " Look, the only reason I bother to hang out with first years is that my family told me to make connections. Ethan is just one of those first years...And, now he is not worth wasting my time over him."

" Is that so?" Davis spoke in a low tone.

" Isn't it the same for you?" She asked.

" No, He is my friend." He spoke with certainty and got up before finishing his food.

" Wait, don't tell me you are getting angry because I bad-mouthed your friend."

" No, I just don't feel like seeing your ugly face anymore...Makes me want to puke everything out."

" What?"

" Stay away from me, bitch because I am not so lenient like Ethan...If I hear you insult my friend ever again, I will make it so that you would have to hide your face your entire life."

After saying that Davis quietly left her on her own. She looked surprised by his unexpected behaviour but could not say anything to him.

3rd chapter, late but here it is.

RYZ_WNcreators' thoughts