Do I love you more or the blood? That's the question that's always been on my mind since the first time I saw your face, why are you here? Are you here for me? What is wrong with me? It's fine, I now get it, you are here for me, I will get the love from you, you will love me I know that, I just can't control myself whenever I see you, is it the love? Do I really love you? Yes I love you but you are not safe here, you need someone, someone who can protect you and I am the one, I will protect you no matter what even if it means killing someone!!!!
It's the dull English summer day once again, boring as always, everyone has their friends to chill, but not me, I am alone outside the campus sitting on the bench, alone and depressed, "This place our town is so fuckin boring" the town where I live in the most boring place in the world for me, "What am I doing here? No one would ever want to be my friend" my thoughts always make me feel more depressed, I don't want to be alone but it's good for me because I'm the not the one who's wasting the crucial time in parties and fuckin some girls and then the next day forgetting about that and the girls are same too, "What's so fun about doing parties?" It's the thought always on mind, I have seen my sister going to the party, I don't know about her sex life but I remember she's not coming home for the whole night so I guess she also gets fucked by some boys…. Uh, I don't know, it's so fuckin gross thinking about my sister getting fucked by a boy, I like to bite my nails, I guess it's not the thing for teenagers cause I remember once the girls were just next to me talking but then they saw me biting my nails and their reaction was "Ew that's gross, how did he bite his nails?" And I enjoyed seeing them like that, but then I saw You Luciana biting your nails like me, you're like me but you haven't talked to me for 2 weeks, are you like me? I have started to think that you're not like me, you're the same as them but seeing you with them makes my heart saying that you're not like them, your face says it all Luciana, once you said to me that you don't like these perverts and I know you were saying the truth but you're mine, you'll always be mine, I can tell today you're trying to be as much attractive as you can, you're not wearing a bra today and I can say that makes you very sexy but do you know that if these perverts people which you think that are your friends notices that you're not wearing a bra today then they are gonna talk something about this behind your back, they're not your friend Luciana, they just want to get into your pants but I'm not going to let it happen, I love You, Luciana, I will Love you forever. I have dreamt about you, you're the most beautiful person to me, you've turned me from social anxiety introverted person to an overprotective psycho lover and that's happened because you only talked to me the first day you came here, I'll never forget the day when I first met you, when I first saw your face, it was 2 weeks ago (yes she's new in this college) I saw a car coming towards our college then you came outside of it, the air turned colder, I still remember the smell, the smell of you, like roses, I saw your face, your blue eyes gave me goosebumps, made my whole body's hairs stand up, your legs were beautiful as an angel's, you had a skirt and a top which increased your beautiness even more, you trailed your hair with your soft hands to your ear and that made you more gorgeous, "Am I dreaming? How can she be real?" I still remember the smile, the smile you gave me when you walked past me, "Whaaaat?" She gave a smile to me" I don't know why you gave me that smile but it made me feel very familiar with you but that was the smile which made me fall for you, you bowed down to pick up your hankey but I was able to see your breasts, well your half breasts, it was not visible entirely, you had no bra on that day too, you were very sexy and beautiful that day, your looks and appearance touched my heart and soul, I was completely lost in you, "she couldn't be true" I thought, I started following you inside the campus, "I have never seen a girl like her ever before, is she the angel came for me?" That's the thought surrounded my brain at that time, your long hair was behind your back, long blonde hair, touching your back, I was able to imagine myself touching your blonde hair, playing with your hair, "I bet her hair could be very soft" I thought, I was only living for you at that time, I was lost at your big blonde hair, I followed you till the end and soon I found out you entered my class and I realized that you're my classmate "Yes, she's here for me but why are you so beautiful? Who are you? Do I know her?" I asked myself but soon I saw you coming outside and turned your attention towards me, I was nervous, I haven't even talked to any girls ever before so I didn't know what to say, your eyes were blue, blue as the ocean, gorgeous as the ocean was staring at me, I felt like I was in the middle of the ocean, but then you said: "Are you following me?" Which made my mind blank, my heart was pumping, my whole body got stunned and it's all because you said a few words to me and that's what happens when a girl beautiful as you talk to a boy like me for the first time, your voice was sweet too, you were perfect in every way, I was standing there laughing (Nervous laugh) and my face was full of sweats, "C'mon say something, c'mon" my mouth was shut, "Help me God, help me" I wanted to run away from you but where could I run, I wanted to say something but I didn't want to make the bad situation worse too but then I saw our teacher coming to the room, "What are you guys doing here?" He asked "C'mon Mr Brown come inside we have a lecture to take and you too" you went inside with him and I followed you guys, I took my seat, next to the window, whenever I get bored during classes I just look through the window, it makes me realise that there's something out there too, when the class will be over then I can go there and enjoy the world, that's the thing what makes me pass my hard college days, but once again my mind hit me with you, my mind had started to love you too "I guess she realized that I was not following her, I think now she knew that I'm her classmate, but what about the weird reaction of me" my mind was full of what about, what if but then I heard a name "Luciana Hakkondottir, the new girl to our class, everyone welcomes her" "Luciana Hakkondottir, what kind of name is this?" I thought but then your voice, your sweet voice made me feel the emotion, the love, the voice of you, "My name is Luciana Hakkondottir, I'm from Scandinavia and I'm here for study" "Thank You, Luciana, now you can take your seat" every single boy at the class was looking at you like a pervert and I can tell you didn't like it, everyone's eyes were at your feet, at your body, at your face but then you looked towards me, at my eyes, directly at my eyes, "Are my eyes good?" I thought, once again you gave me the smile, your cute smile, that smile could rip your heart apart and make the way to your whole body, I got nervous obviously and took my head down, "What is happening today with me? Did she like me?" That was the thought running on my mind at that time, my whole body was cold, I was confused, soon I took my head up and saw you sitting at your seat, very far away from me, near the gate, I didn't know why I was sad to see you very far from me but I was sad very sad, I was dreaming of you, touching your eyes, kissing your lips, biting your lips, making love. "Ugh somebody kill me for my imagination" I turned my eyes towards you, "Is she real? How can a person be that much Beautiful?" I asked myself, everyone was just looking at you, I knew that made you uncomfortable, from your face it was like you're angry but it was beautiful too, even the girls were also staring at you, "Francis? Francis?"
"Mr Brown" my teacher's shouting took me out of your world "Yes sir, " I stood up, although I knew that it was time for them to laugh at me, "Okay, so can you tell me Which Famous battle was fought in 1066?"
"Uh…. Ragnar Lothbrok vs King Ecbert?" everyone started laughing, as usual, the teacher was worried about my future, but then I turned my eyeballs towards you, not laughing at me, but you was worried for me, "Sit-down you moron"
"Okay, so who wants to answer?" I saw you raising your hand, "yeah you, tell us the answer" "the Battle of Hastings in which King Harold II of England was defeated by The William the Conqueror and his force"
"Very good, understand Francis?"
"Although I'm from England, she knew a lot more than me about my country?" My mind was full of you at that time.
"Mr Brown, Francis? You there?"
"Uh... Huh… Yes, sir"
"Are you out of your mind?"
"Yes, lost in the ocean"
"The eyes, beautiful as the ocean"
"Are you dumb?"
"Uh… oh Sorry sir, I was distracted" I replied, I was really distracted.
"She's out of your league you moron" one of the cool boys of our class shouted, everyone, started laughing as always.
"Right I know, hehe"
"Shut up both of you," our teacher said, "Sit down Luciana". Soon the lunch time came, I was on my way to my favourite spot, near the tree but I wanted to see what you eat don't know why so I stayed there for a minute, I saw you take out something from your bag, it was your lunchbox gorgeous as you, soon the whole class surrounded you, boys and girls both so I thought "I should go to my place, she's busy I guess" I started going to the place, the tree, that tree always made me feel like myself, the wind of the tree was the best thing on my life at that time, that tree was long, it was very old but still that tree was the only good thing for me, the wind of the tree pressed against your skin it will make you feel the emotion like you're touching your heart, it'll take out the best of you well at least for me, so I was there, reading the book 'Left Behind by Tim Lahaye and Jerry B Jenkins' the book was amazing, I was at the very intense scene, I was completely lost at the book.
"What are you reading?" The sweet cute voice, "Left Behind" my first words to you, my focus was fully on the book so I didn't know that you were there but soon I realized that it was you "What? She's here, sitting beside me, what should I do? Just act like I'm completely on the book, yeah it would be good" the thoughts on my mind at that time, "So now you talk to me huh?" I gave you no reply "Stop acting like you're in the book okay?" "What? She knew?"
"Your whole face is red right now" "Really, why?"
"Why are you running away from me?"
"I…. I'm… not" my voice trembled, "Look I just want to be your friend, I don't like these perverts and girls are not gonna be my friend I think"
"Hehehe" I was just laughing nervously, "Are you alright?" I'm sure that you asked because you saw me, full of sweats, but the sweat was because of you. Soon you said that I ran away to the bathroom, "Why are you running?" I didn't give you a reply. I didn't even turn around and look at you, I was out of my breath, "What does she think about me now? That I'm a weirdo?"
"Are you alright?" My friend well one of my old friend Joe was there, I had many friends in the past but now I am alone,
"Yeah I'm okay"
"Why were you running? I saw you running to the bathroom"
"Nah it's nothing, I'm fine" he nodded his head
"It's been a while since we talked yeah?" I asked
"Yeah right, we've been very busy lately I guess"
"So how's your relationship with my sister?"
"I never came closer to her, I guess I had no chance I mean she's out of my league"
"Yeah I know she's been busy nowadays, so the lunch gonna over so I have to go"
"Yeah right," he said.
I stood up and started going to my class, the class where I knew that you're waiting for me. I didn't want to face you, Luciana, "What would happen if she asks me out? I will be dead" I had your face in my mind the whole time, it was like you didn't want to leave me but at last, I reached my class, I came inside, there you were sitting on your seat, you were sad, your head was down, down on the table, I'm sure that I saw some tears in the ground at that time, "Why is she sad? Is it because of me? Did I do something wrong?" I was worried for you, the teacher came and took his class, the next day came, you were normal now, but you didn't even look at me, so I thought my relationship with you has ended, one week passed you didn't even look towards me, you made many friends some boys were too, the cool boys, I was shocked to know that you haven't even made a single boyfriend, I mean you were very famous with boys, well one more week passed, now I also stopped looking towards you, from the start I knew that you were out of my league, "Why am I being so sad? It's all my fault, she wanted to be my friend but I just ran away from her every time" these negative thoughts were only in my brain, whenever I started thinking about you, "It's been two weeks since she talked to me, should I go and talk to her now? No, no it would be very bad, it's not like we were old friends, she just thought that I'm different from others but now I guess she thinks that I'm a weirdo" I started laughing on my thoughts, but now today you have forced me to look towards you, but why you had kissed him, he's not a good guy, are you guys dating? I saw him kissing you on your lips and you have started sitting with him in the class too, I saw him touching your breasts, I hate it, I hate him, he isn't good for you Luciana, he's there with you only for enjoyment and sex, today I have seen him laughing with his few friends by looking at his phone so now I have understood that they were laughing at your photos, he's not good Luciana and now it's my job to escape you from your Dark Prince, it's 5:30 pm, I'm going to his house, I have done some research about him, he lives alone, his parents wokrs abroad so it's easy to just kill him, I'm not doing this because of jealousy, I'm doing this because of you Luciana, my love, I can't see my love hurting every day, I know being with him hurts you but I'm here, I'll escape you from him, I have reached my destination and his last few moments, he's house is so big, did he really lives alone? It's time to know that, I'll go inside through his window and then I'll fuckin kill him for you, okay so it's time to work now, I saw him through the window, he's shirtless don't know why? Whaaaaaaaaaat? Why are you here right now? Are you guys going to have sex? No Luciana don't do it, let me kill him, No… no don't kiss him, okay you guys have kissed but Luciana don't do sex with him, he's not a good guy, he's touching your soft body with his fuckin hands, please Luciana be limited with kisses only don't go any further, don't let him open your clothes, why is he opening your dress? I guess I have to do something but if I do that then you'll hate me for sure but I have no other choice, I'll at least stop him from doing sex with you, okay so here I go.... "No can we wait a few more days for it?" Your sweet voice gave me relief, I knew Luciana, you're a nice girl, "C'mon there's no harm in it"
I'll fuckin kill him, look Luciana he's forcing you, I knew that he's not a good guy, not today but I'll kill him in a few days, "I don't want to" I know you don't want to be with him, "C'mon let's have some fun" this fucker is making me angrier, "I have my periods right now" I know that you lied there, look at you how cute you are when you're lying, I know he would never understand….. "Okay there's nothing we can do" but still it doesn't prove that he's a nice guy, he's a fuckin bad guy, he has always been, he's angry on you, it's very clear from his face but you seems normal and calm, "Okay so I have to go, I have something to do"
"Okay so I'll take you to your house"
they both are gone now, I should get going too but I'll kill him, Luciana, don't worry, you're my priority now, I'll protect you but now I understand that you didn't love me, you love him but he's dangerous for you, I can't leave him near you for so long, I have to plan it and I will, you know these 2 weeks the only thing was on my mind was just you and you only, these 2 weeks were one of the best moments in my life, these 2 weeks had helped me fall for you, well now I have reached my house, I saw my sister talking to the phone.
"Yeah yeah, I will tell him, yeah okay"
"Whose phone was it?" I asked, why was she so shocked? and now she's happy and I'm confused, is it tears in her eyes, "Whaaaaat? Why is she crying? Are our parents dead or something?"
"What happened sis?" I asked
"You have been invited to a party, the call was from a girl"