
My Beast Boyfriend

Most believed the beast is ment to kill, Absorbs, distruct and destroy but a girl from a small town village proves them wrong, as the advantures goes on she belived the Beast is the one keeping people safe from other Creatures, Their journey together ended up falling for eachother.

milliyfah · Fantasía
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42 Chs

The Beast In The Village

Early in the morning the other day Harry opened his eyes as he was sleeping holding a letter on his hand. He stood and destroy letter as he walked down the washroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.

Outside the house villagers were shouting Harry heard from inside he decided to go outside.

He saw the villagers all gathered to the market he saw his sisters tied with ropes and Milan was tied with chains very heard.

Tine and Caroline woke up Milan looking down very quietly as he was into a normal human being.

"What is this what do you think you are doing?" Harry says as the villagers were shouting. Ishaly and her people walked up in front of everyone.

"Villagers, people I know you were asking yourselves a lot of questions you think we broke our promises as we lay down quietly somewhere hunting down the beast. So as I stood here the first tine the late chief introduced us to you and made our promise that I will find the beast and we will burn him down in front of you so today we have brought a beast. Turned out that this beast was always among the people, eating like you, walking towards you and so on as this beast was on your new chief's side all this day? How did we find out? Its simple we just have to abduct your chief and the beast showed himself to us" (burn him) crowd shouting

"He lied to you all, and he lied to your chief as your chief was staying with him all these days without knowing who her boyfriend is so today we are giving her a chance a chance to correct herself again" Ishaly untied both Caroline and Tine.

Hannan gave the powder to Tine in front of everyone Elijah stood up Milan.

"Let us see you bring the devil to us chief, we give you a chance to correct your mistakes" Tine took the powder on her hands Najah gave her gloves.

"Becareful chief, you don't want to burn your hands with that" Tine walks towards Milan. (Bring out the beast) crowd were shouting. Tine stares at her brother as she stares at Milan she was very angry. Caroline returned back to her brother she was very tired.

"What is this?"

"Milan was the beast all this time, he was the one who murdered our parents long time ago" Harry was shocked hearing that. Villagers were quiet staring at Tine

"I resent the beast so as the monster" Tine spoke while throwing the powder on Milan's face.

Milan started hurting (groans) his eyes changed into pearly light blue as he turned into a huge beast and roars. Villagers were surprised. Harry was very angry as he wanted to step up and finish him.

Everyone was seeing the beast as it was struggling with chains on his hands and feet.

"See everyone, the beast who was absorbing your fellows, killing innocent people and there are a lot out there. Now should we burn him or kill him?"

"Burn him" People shouted.

"I know you are all eager to kill him" Tine spoke

"But we won't kill him or burn him today instead we will hold him in the locking cells because I know more of his friends will show up trying to rescue him, so we will give him 5 days before burn him as we will increase the guards to watch and guard him, so that we can be able to catch the others I say if we were able to catch this one beast who was hiding behind the mask then we will be able to catch them too"

Everyone agree on Tine as she fell down and throw up Caroline went to help her sister. Tine stood up and face the crowd.

"The guards will take shifts into guarding the prisoner until his last days, no one is allowed to see the beast until his execution day" People were cheering for their chief Tine stares at Ishaly and her crew as they let the villagers take the beast into the holding cell. People were dismissing Tine and Caroline went to their house along with Harry.

"So you knew all this tie that he was the beast!!! The beast who killed our parents?" Harry started shouting at Tine.

"I knew he was beast but he I didn't know that he was the one who killed our parents believe me" (door knocked) A man walked inside the house. He was a general commander.

"Welcome general, whats the status out there?"

"Chief we managed to hold the beast in one of our holding cell the strong one"

"Good triple the guards make sure no one enters to see the beast, prepare the tags too for the fire, spread words the beast will be burn in front of the market"

"Yes chief" general walked away Tine threw up again.

"Whats wrong with me?"

"You are pregnant" Caroline said all of them were
