
Chapter 1: A new beginning

I could open my eyes and it felt that all my memories were cloudy, actually, I had no idea how I got here, but I was beginning to feel a kind of anxiety or stress, I wanted and tried to remember what it was that It happened to me, but it seemed that several of my memories are fading from one moment to another, so much was the situation that I tried to stop thinking about it, but I couldn't help it, feeling how that doubt tormented me at every moment, until suddenly , I began to feel a small chill running through my entire body, felt my hands begin to shake, I wish I could explain the sensation I feel, but the truth is that I do not know how, but I can say that it is nothing like terror, I could say which is something much worse, but still, I'm not really scared, I don't know, I didn't know what to expect, but felt that someone from the back of the dark room was watching me almost as if they were trying to protect me. from myself, so I just closed my eyes to not see what was going on. I was like this for a long time, somewhat dazed and disoriented, until I began to hear a kind of strange noise, curiously it came near the window of the room in which I was concerned, the noise was constant, something like small knocks, I had no idea that it was, actually, I didn't know if the noise was just a figment of my imagination, or if I was just starting to freak out. I was still shaking, but I breathed deeply and took the courage to open my eyes again, when I opened them everything was somewhat blurry, I could see that I was in a small room, something dark, well, I felt somewhat heavy due to the confusing environment, so awkwardly I got up from the bed I was lying on and went with some fear towards the place where the sound was coming from, when I got to the place, I could see that it was just a simple bird touching the window with its beak, so I just hit the window in order to scare him away. I began to check the place where he almost suffered, at the same time, my whole body felt sore when walking, that's how I realized that almost my entire body was covered by bandages. I began to despair, I began to imagine some possibilities of what happened to end here, I did not know what to do, that I simply began to surround the whole place, until I found a passage, something dark, and that at the end of this it was I could see the entrance to a considerably large room. I walked correctly through the passageway, since I was afraid of tripping over something or stepping on something that would expose me to some danger, it was also completely dark and I did not want to have more problems than I already have now. When I was about to enter such a room, I felt something, I don't know exactly what, but it made me stop, so I just brought my head closer to see what was in the room, and what I saw, it was only the shadow of a person making some strange noises, I quickly left the place scared, I felt like my heartbeat was getting stronger, I even felt like my eyes wanted to shed some tears, but I didn't want to continue with that fear, so I decided to take another look, just in case, and I was taken by surprise, that there was only one girl, and curiously it had a lot of similarity with the shadow that I saw when I was losing consciousness, she was cooking, but out of fear, I tried to sneak out of the house to get out of there, I know, nor I even know what's out there, but I wasn't going to keep staying there, I didn't even know it was that woman's true intentions, so I didn't hesitate to do so, but looking around, I couldn't find any doors, well, apa rte I could not do much, since I was very hungry, for that reason, I decided to go to the kitchen, to see if I could steal some food, I was lucky that the girl was distracted, so I put my arm to reach even A cookie that was on the shelf, and for very little, it worked, but I realized something, but when I grabbed the cookie, I realized that the only escape door from this place was the kitchen, I thought too much, I know Such an action is risky, but finally I decided to focus as quietly as possible to the kitchen, avoiding making any slight noise, I could feel my nerves getting on my nerves, I even felt my heart race, and just before reaching the door. ..

I slipped just before reaching my chance to escape, and by the way, I was afraid of what was going to happen to me, just at that moment, the girl turned when she heard the noise I made when I fell. YeRi: Are you okay? I was completely terrified I wanted to escape or run from there, but I could not move, my legs were immobile with fear, the woman began to move towards me, and you could see a face like wanting to laugh at such a fall that I had. YeRi: Hey, don't worry, calm down, I'm not going to hurt you, not for pleasure I saved you from that mountain. " Isaid: Wait, you saved me? Ye Ri: You're welcome, by the way, you must be hungry, I'll give you some food. The girl kept cooking, I was somewhat embarrassed by how I acted, so I said a simple "Thank you", at first glance it did not seem like someone who was laughing so much, but I did not care much, rather I was grateful for having saved me from such a place , and not only that, but also having saved me from that loneliness in which I was. A few minutes later she served me a bowl of hot soup, upon giving it to me, I just thanked, but I was tremendously curious to want to know who she was, so I said: Who are you? Ye Ri: I'm a girl Isaid: Yes, but I already know that, I just wanted to know your name, or the place you come from or that. Ye RI: My name is YeRi Isaid: Ye Ri? Are you Asian or something like that? Ye Ri: Just so you know, we are in Asia, why so many questions? Isaid: Just curious…. An awkward silence was forming, and I didn't know what else to say, Ye Ri started taking her soup, I did the same too. The silence caused the sound of the wind to be heard, I was wondering things like: If I couldn't find anyone in these 2 days, how did this girl find me? What is this place? Who will she be? How can I get out of this place? And suddenly the silence was broken when Ye Ri said: Ye Ri: I found you, because I was just hanging around when you were apparently sleeping. I was somewhat static, I was surprised by what she had heard, it was as if she had read my mind. Ye Ri: This is a lost place in the world, where the strong wind from this place makes you remember certain moments of your life, and in case you wonder, I live here. Isaid: What? How did you know she was thinking ?! I asked him with a lot of intrigue. Ye Ri: Living in this place gave me a certain kind of ability, basically, I can feel some of your thoughts and emotions. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I was getting scared, I really wanted to run out the door, but I started to think, and if I did go out, it was very likely that I was going to lose myself and stop again where I started. Ye Ri: Do you really want to go? Relax, I understand you, if you want I can take you to the starting point of this place. I didn't know what to say at the time, I didn't know whether to be afraid of the girl's abilities or ashamed for feeling that way even though the girl took the trouble to help me, so I shook my head, reacted with a yes. - Ye Ri: Well, let me know when you're ready, and finish eating. - About 10 minutes passed and I was already full, Ye Ri had lent me some clothes so as not to feel so cold when leaving the place, she had put on a kind of singular sweater, I was behind her staring at the door, Ye Ri opened the door and said "Come on", I was approaching the door, wondering about the things that were going to happen. As I came out, I saw an entire landscape covered in great snow, Ye Ri was securing the door of her hut, and I was looking into the distant horizon. -Very good Isaid remember that the most important thing here is that you stay with me, so don't walk away from me I did not know why she said that to me but I only with her head affirmed that I did. Ye Ri: Ah, I almost forgot, the truth is… Your life ended in the accident you had before waking up here. * Creepy music sound * Well, if you want to know what happened to me and what will happen to me in this story, you will have to stay until the end of this story.