
My Attributes Cultivation Life

This is a story of a modern man returning to ancient times.斗罗之最强赘婿

Funa_ · Oriental
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12 Chs

Chapter 12

  The next morning.

  The morning bell rang, and the Taoist priests in the Qinghe Palace came out one after another from the residence, patrolling the patrol, cleaning, and please be safe.

   Wuxiu who went out to practice in the mountains also returned in twos and threes, changed clothes and prepared for the morning class.

   "Set up the furnace and set up the cauldron, exercise the essence and control the soul; gather and disperse to form changes, and dare to discuss the mystery."

   "The pharynx and qi are people's actions, and there is medicine to be able to create life. If there are no real seeds in the cauldron, it will still be boiled with water and fire."

   The sound of Daoist chanting sutras continued to spread.

   Palace Master Chen Heqiu stood in front of the Xuanxin Hall and quietly scanned the morning class chanting of the true disciples in front of the hall.

  Chen Heqiu has an old-fashioned and awe-inspiring temperament. Now that he is over eighty years old, he still walks like a fly.

  Because of his dual cultivation of civil and military, he has learned the twelve talismans of the rejuvenation period, and he has gone out and left a reputation, so the people in the rivers and lakes gave him the nickname: Xinfu Daoren.

   At this time, Chen Heqiu was standing at the gate of the palace, and after looking at the true passers for a while, he fell back to the direction of the palace gate.

   After a while, outside the palace gate, there was a mountain gate welcoming Daoist who led a team of five and stepped into the palace.

Everyone in the    team wore official uniforms, with official swords hanging from the waist, hat-shaped iron helmets, and brown hard leather armor.

   This is the typical dress of Daling officers and soldiers.

The one headed by   , wearing a green robe with narrow sleeves and a two-winged official cap, with a wide body and a fat body, strode into the square in front of the Xuanxin Hall.

   "Brother Heqiu, I haven't seen you for a long time, stay safe." This man looked over sixty years old, but his voice was full of energy.

   "Master Zheng, are you here for the mountain bandits?" Chen Heqiu smiled slightly, and went down the steps to meet him.

"Precisely, after the chaotic army was defeated, it was divided into nine mainstreams. One of them came to our mountain province. After being defeated by the provincial garrison, dozens of them were scattered again and now many of them flow into our Huaxin County." Master Zheng sighed. , "Now, this official is exhausted every day, but he is not at ease even when he takes a rest."

   "Your Excellency has something to say, but it doesn't hurt to say it. If you can contribute, I will do my best for Qing and Gong." Chen Heqiu smiled and said solemnly.

   "Thank you, Brother Heqiu, for your understanding. That's right." Master Zheng lowered his voice and talked to Chen Heqiu carefully for a while.

   "Do your best." Chen Heqiu's face was solemn, and he resolutely responded.

   "That would be the best." Master Zheng smiled.

   After a while, Master Zheng left.

   The Qinghe Palace sounded the drum, summoned the deacon of the masters in the palace, and went to the Xuanxin Hall.

   After a while, many Taoists scattered, spreading the new Taoist order of the Palace Master.

  Between Shangde Garden and Back Mountain, there is an over-separated area, in which there is a pavilion called Health Pavilion.

In the    pavilion, there are often inscriptions by pilgrims and nobles.

   At this time, in the health pavilion, a man with a sword and handsome eyebrows was sitting opposite a old man with a goatee beard.

   A charcoal basin was placed between the two of them, with a purple sand teapot standing on the top, and they were slowly boiling.

   These two are young and old, but their appearance and outline are somewhat similar.

   "Worry-free, Xiao Qingying, haven't you won it yet?"

   Lao Dao stretched out his hand to lift the lid of the teapot, and the rich heat mixed with the fragrance of milk poured out, turning into white steam.

   This is Daling's popular salted milk tea.

   In the milky white milk tea, a few bright red wolfberries are rolled over from time to time.

   "I didn't succeed twice before, so I planned to rely on my feelings to survive. It's just that Xiao Qingying likes me more and more, but whenever it comes to critical time, she always strictly observes etiquette, it is not good to be hard."

   The young Taoist is Xiao Rong's second disciple, Chen Wuyou.

   "The palace lord is about to change positions. Xiao Rong's attitude is very important. He is old and has a wide range of connections, and several deacons are all facing him." Lao Dao grabbed a pinch of salt from the seasoning plate on the side and sprinkled it into the teapot.

   "Don't always think about using strength. When things are successful, don't leave flaws. Look for the gaps, and then push a little, and you can easily get your wish."

   "What does father mean?" Chen Wuyou was puzzled.

   "Today, the palace lord ordered the disciples of martial arts to go out and inspect the surrounding mountains and forests. We also need to identify the ranks of experts and cooperate with the officers and soldiers to inspect all parts of Huaxin County." Laodao replied. "Not only us, but also Bailing Temple and Heiquanmen, we must send people to cooperate. This is an opportunity."

   "Do you still want those people from last time to do it?" Chen Wuyou asked in a low voice.

   Laodao rolled his eyes at him.

"Stupid! Your mother has already arranged it properly, don't always think about being strong, with Xiao Qingying's personality and feelings for you, you just need to create opportunities and see her whole body, then she can marry someone else Can't do it?

   At that time, if we push the boat with the current, even if Xiao Rong knows the inside story, he can only bear it. "

   "Father is brilliant!" Chen Wuyou suddenly understood and suddenly became enlightened.

   "For this inspection, as a patrolman, I can intervene in the team. If anyone wants to move, report back to me." Lao Dao finally said.

   Xunzhao is the deacon in the Taoist palace who is responsible for security and protection.

   Among them, the patrolman in charge of security and defense is the most powerful person among the deacons.

   "Understood." When Chen Wuyou heard the words, Xiao Qingying's sidekick who had done bad things to him suddenly flashed in his heart.

   If it wasn't for this person who reported the news in advance and put the messenger in time, he would have succeeded in his design.

   So for this design, we have to deal with this person first.

   I heard that he has also started to practice martial arts, and it is not uncommon for him to encounter danger during inspections.




   dong dong dong.

   A hurried knock on the door woke Zhang Rongfang from his nap.

   "Zhang Rongfang, are you awake? Are you going to the dojo?" A vigorous voice came in through the door.

   Zhang Rongfang exhaled, rubbed his eyes, and got off the bed.

   "Come. Go."

   "Wait for me to wipe my face." He walked over, opened the door, and outside was a white-faced scholar-like young man.

  The man was dressed as an ordinary martial arts disciple, holding a gourd as a water bottle in one hand, and a gray towel, made of cotton, hung on his shoulders.

   "Why haven't you woken up after almost half an hour of sleep?"

   Daling's time system is a twelve-hour system, but in order to facilitate the timing, Zhang Rongfang made a conversion in his mind, and still calculated it according to twenty-four hours.

   "I overworked in the morning." Zhang Rongfang replied, pulled out the wooden basin from the bottom of the bed, put the towel in, and prepared to go out to fetch water.

   In fact, the real reason is that he only improved the Yue-type talisman, and he couldn't hold back for a while, so he practiced for a while.

   "Then can you still do it?" The man said speechlessly.

   "You Dong Dafang can do it, how can I say no?" Zhang Rongfang smiled.

  Dong Dafang is his comrade who occasionally practiced martial arts together during these times.

  Like him, this person is also a fourth-class barbarian, but because he is not a Confucian householder, he is slightly better than him.

  After washing, changing clothes, the two of them left the room together and hurried towards the dojo.

   There are already many people in the dojo who have begun to exercise and practice.

  Zhang Rongfang and Dong Dafang walked to a corner with familiarity and got together with the other two people who had been practicing here before.

   "It's a little late today."

   A dark-skinned female Taoist greeted the two of them familiarly. Her name is Xu Mingyu, and her name is nice, but her skin is really dark. It is rumored that her ancestors have black blood.

   "I didn't rest well, why are there so many people today?" Zhang Rongfang replied.

   "It seems that it was influenced by the Taoist order of the palace master. Most martial artists have to go out for inspection. If you don't hurry to practice, it will be over if you get planted outside."

   Another woman said with a smile, this one has a slender figure, well-proportioned limbs, a straight and strong back, and her skin is healthy, rosy and shiny.

   In addition to the average face, the rest has no shortcomings, and the chest is quite predictable. Although not as good as Xiao Qingying, it is still powerful.

   Her name is Li Fuhua, and she is also a Yue-shaped talisman that was first practiced.

   "Are you going to Kundao?" Dong Dafang asked aloud.

   "Yes, many of us cultivate the Five Talismans, the main healing, and also go with the team." Li Fuhua nodded, also showing a sad look.

   "I heard that Zhou Ze entered the rank yesterday and passed the first rank assessment. Now I lead a team alone, I don't know if it's true?" She said softly.

   "Really, Zhou Ze is a group of us who are notoriously talented, nourishing blood for one year, forging tendons for one year, and getting the product in two months is really amazing!" Dong Dafang nodded.

   "I've been practicing the Yue-type Talisman for two years, and I haven't moved yet. I don't know how long it will take to nourish the blood. Is it so difficult?" Li Fuhua sighed.

   "I also practiced for a year and a half, just wait, don't even think about it for three years. After all, Zhou Ze's kind is very rare." Dong Dafang comforted.

   "The key to nourishing blood lies in nourishing, practicing martial arts to activate blood, and eating, drinking, and resting more to nourish. If we can eat better, maybe nourishing blood will be faster." Xu Mingyu said.

   "Like Tao Mengjie? Spend money? All kinds of blood nourishing pills are thrown down, three days of medicinal baths, five days of a big pill?" Li Fuhua asked back.

   Zhang Rongfang did not speak, but just listened. At this time, his heart moved.

   If there is better food and a big tonic pill, it may be able to further shorten the acquisition of attribute points.

   He glanced at the three people around him, plus himself, all four of them had no background, no talent, no money, and no martial arts.

  Dong Dafang, Xu Mingyu, Li Fuhua, all three of them are only beginners in a kind of Talisman martial arts.

   It will take at least a year or two, maybe even longer, to fully grasp the distance.

  Because thoroughly mastering a spell is a sign of reaching the level of nourishing blood.

   Otherwise, the Qi and blood will not be enough, and there is no way to complete a set of runes in a consistent manner.

  'So I have reached the level of nourishing blood now? ' Zhang Rongfang was thoughtful.

   If this is the case, with attribute points plus his own hard training, at most half a year, he will be able to step over the forging muscles and enter the final product.

   Thinking of this, Zhang Rongfang suddenly asked.

   "After entering the rank and passing the assessment of the Lingguan Hall, can you take a temporary post in the imperial court?"

   "To be precise, he was on a temporary post at Baihu Office." Dong Dafang replied, "But you and I are left alone." He sighed.

   "Why?" Zhang Rongfang wondered.

   "Fourth-class barbarians are not allowed to take temporary military posts." Dong Dafang's answer made Zhang Rong's side sluggish.

  Barbarians, barbarians, barbarians, barbarians again! ?

   "Even if our rank goes up in the future, we can't take a temporary post in the military affairs department of the local government. We can only follow the carrying route announced by Jixian Academy." Dong Dafang replied.

   "Carrier?" Zhang Rongfang was puzzled.

   "It's just following other officials, being someone's bodyguard, bodyguard, etc." Dong Dafang's words made Zhang Rongfang suddenly feel in his heart.

   It was only now that he understood why Xiao Rong could easily promote him as a disciple and let a disciple be his daughter's entourage.

   So, the root is here?

   "Then apart from the carrier, do we barbarians still have a way to get up?" Zhang Rongfang couldn't help asking.

   After Xiao Rong dealt with him last time, he felt that he had to find a way to get rid of his current identity.

   But one day is a teacher and a lifelong father, Daling attaches great importance to the relationship between master and apprentice.

   It is extremely difficult to break away from such a relationship.

   On the contrary, if she just stopped following Xiao Qingying, maybe she could still do it.

   Therefore, if he can enter the rank, even Xiao Rong can't always ask him to follow Xiao Qingying.

   "Yes, you can go through the franchise channel of Jixian Academy, but the assessment is very difficult. You need at least the second rank before you can take a temporary job, and the temporary job is much lower than that of other clans. Our second rank is equivalent to other people's first rank." Dong Dafang said.

Thank you for your donations last week. I am glad that the new book has been supported by everyone. The following is a list of more than 10,000 points. Two, but in fact, what Lao Gun wanted to write was not like that. We will find out later.

   1 plus one equals three


   Ouyang Exhibition


   Chen Feng Cuo Yu

   Night of cramps


   Rainy night

   Can't tell the original Daluotian

   Buddha 3 Uncles

   My brother's name is Sanzhe

   Toothache drinking Coke

   Chaos Flame

   Young Master Tiger Thirteen

   Fluttering in the wind f



   God Chao_Uncle Window