
My Anime Skill System

Burning_senpai · Cómic
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1 Chs

Chapter 01 : Why am I like this?

"Will we ever meet again?"

"Ofcourse we will meet again, Kazu-Chan".

"Even we will forget about each other but we will meet again someday".

------ AFTER NINE YEARS --------

I am Hagiwara Kazuhiko. I am sixteen years old and I am in the Volleyball Club in Takewara High School in Tokyo.

"Why Hagiwara-kun is absent again?"

Everyone laughs and told the teacher that he may be busy in his club activities.

------- LATER --------

"Bring the pig-kun , here", one club-senpai said.

"He don't have any talent and after he requested us , we made him our club member if he would be the servant of the club", Another Club Senpai said.

-------- LATER ---------

"Kazuhiko, are you home?"

His friend rings the doorbell, persistent in his attempt to reach through the solitude that seemed to envelop Kazuhiko's world. After a series of insistent rings, he reluctantly opens the door.

"Rohan, why did you come?" Kazuhiko asked, his voice tinged with a subtle mix of surprise and reluctance.

Rohan enters his house, and with a swift motion, he clicks on the switches, flooding the dimly lit space with light. The room, albeit small, reveals traces of a high schooler's life entwined with solitude and hobbies.

The air carries a faint scent of books, an indication of Kazuhiko's penchant for literature. Stacks of novels and manga line the shelves, forming a makeshift fortress around a small study desk cluttered with paper and pens. It seems like the haven where Kazuhiko immerses himself in stories, perhaps finding solace in the worlds created by others.

A solitary gaming console occupies a prominent spot in the room, accompanied by an assortment of game cases scattered haphazardly. The glow of a computer monitor emanates from a corner, suggesting another realm where Kazuhiko escapes reality.

The walls, adorned with posters of anime characters and scenes, narrate the tales of Kazuhiko's fandoms. A vivid display of colors and characters, each poster resonates with the emotions and dreams of a teenager navigating the intricacies of adolescence.

In the midst of this intimate space, there's a corner dedicated to a guitar, a silent witness to Kazuhiko's musical endeavors. The strings whisper the tunes of unspoken emotions, a channel through which he expresses the complexities of his inner world.

Rohan barged in and flicked on the lights. "Spill it, Kazu. What's up?"

"Man, everything's messed up, Rohan. Volleyball, school—feels like I'm stuck in a bad luck loop," Kazuhiko sighed, sinking into his bean bag.

Rohan plopped down next to him, a look of genuine concern on his face. "Alright, spill the tea, Kazu. What's eating at you?"

"Bullies in the volleyball club are on a whole new level. They're treating me like a ghost. And school? It's a disaster. Feels like I've got a curse or something," Kazuhiko confessed.

Rohan slapped a hand on Kazuhiko's shoulder. "Kazu, you're not cursed, dude. Bullies are just losers who don't get it. They can't define you."

"But it's screwing everything up, Rohan. Volleyball, school—it's all going downhill," Kazuhiko admitted.

"You're way stronger than you think, Kazu. Bullies are just like those annoying pop quizzes. Annoying, but you can totally ace 'em," Rohan reassured, speaking with that casual teenage confidence.

"I feel like I've got the worst luck, Rohan. Like life's playing a cruel joke," Kazuhiko said, frustration and sadness in his eyes.

"Luck's a funny thing, Kazu. It's not about what happens; it's about how you deal with it. You can't control jerks, but you can totally control your reaction," Rohan explained, all chill and determination.

"So, how do I change my luck, then?" Kazuhiko asked, leaning in, intrigued by Rohan's vibe.

"Start by flipping the script, Kazu. Instead of focusing on the crap, think about what you're learning from these messed-up situations. It's like XP points for real life, you know? Leveling up," Rohan suggested, giving Kazuhiko's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Happy sweet sixteen, Kazu!" Rohan said holding a bag of pastries and a beaming smile.

"Birthday surprise, my dude! Pastries from the best bakery in town," Rohan declared excitedly, unveiling the goodies.

"You really didn't have to, man. Thanks!" Kazuhiko grinned appreciatively.

"Come on, it's the big 1-6! Time to celebrate and devour these treats," Rohan suggested, slapping Kazuhiko's back.

They indulged in pastries, discussing school, games, and the typical teenage banter.

-------- LATER --------

Glancing at the clock, Rohan realized he had to leave.

"Hey, Kazu, gotta bounce. But seriously, happy birthday, buddy," Rohan said, standing up.

"Thanks a ton, Rohan. You made the day awesome," Kazuhiko replied with a smile.

"Anytime, man. Oh, and don't forget we're hitting the arcade tomorrow, birthday style!" Rohan announced as he headed to the door.

--------- LATER THAT NIGHT---------

"I wish I would have been brave enough to say something to my bullies," Kazuhiko mumbled to himself, his voice a whisper in the dimly lit room. The weight of unspoken words and the burden of silent suffering lingered in the air.

With a sigh, he continued, "I have never met my parents, and I don't have any photos of them. Everyone always bullies me because I am a weak boy. My only escape is my life as a weeb, finding solace in watching anime and reading mangas."

As these words echoed in the quiet room, Kazuhiko's vulnerability became palpable. The contrast between the cruel world outside and the refuge of his animated fantasies emphasized the struggles hidden beneath the surface.

Then, with the exhaustion of his emotions, Kazuhiko succumbed to sleep. The room, cloaked in shadows, became a silent witness to his dreams and the unresolved conflicts of his reality.

SUDDENLY, a deafening crash as thunder seems to shatter the window falls on Kazuhiko. Kazuhiko remains undisturbed, still lost in his dreams.

Amidst the chaos, an unusual sound emerges. A deep, echoing voice resonates in the room.

"Seal-1 has broken."