
My anime harem second the war of orb a battle for cagalli

Arron and the harem must battle to reclaim orb's kingdom along with a new army they set out joined by the cline foundations army they make an attempt to invade the fallen yalfath. 5hen Arron boards the Minerva to fight the alliance and phantom pain.

Ian_Brooks_6315 · Cómic
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16 Chs

the tides of another war.

it is now cosmic era 0073 Arron Mcgee has been sent to the satelite colony of junius seven to discuss arms with the new secritary of defense for the PLANTS Zodiac Allianc of Freedom Treaty forces otherwise known as ZAFT. joining him is his body guard and one of his brides boa hancock.

"well be arriving shortly." said hancock from the captians chair aboard the Gaw class carrier.

the machine had been modified to be used in space and thanks to the Morgenroute labs it now came equiped with a stanered mobile suit hanger capable of carrying up to five mobile suits arron of course had loaded his mobile weapon the einharnjar G which had been equiped with a anti ship laser sword he decided to seperate the salvation gundam considering it would be dangerous to have the machine recognized by the zaft forces considering it had destroyed the genesis weapon of the previous war.

hancock also came piloting a new mobile weapon the SRG-01 Grungust ippon-shiki. the unit was supposed to keep her identity secret also they had it in it's gusthawk mode meaning it was still kept hidden.

the arrived at junius seven an hour before the estimated attack.

gilbert durendall who was joined by athrun zala and shin asuka.

athrun asighned as a combat instructor he along with shin had been asighned to two of the experimental prototypes the impulse gundam and the savior gundam.

arron decided to play the fool.

"so gilbert if you would be so kind as to tell me why you are developing new mobile weapons." asked the saiyan newtype

"please arron don't be so stiff," he began "you must know the importance of self defense as you are a practicioner of the martial arts," he told him as if it were obvious

"didn't you provide the independent nation of orb with mobile weapons" said durendal.

"yes i agree self defense is important however you must know that there is a big flaw in your defense, as we speak the omni forces special tactical unit phantom pain is deploying a unit to steal your mobile weapons." as we had encountered them.

"oh realy.' asked gilbert.

"their probably hiding their ship using a mirage coliode as we speak." Arron said.

" very well we shall deploy our forces to investigate we shall send out a squad of Guaize R Types." said Gilbert.

" and what about The squad after the prototype units." asked Arron.

" Well now how would you deal with them." asked Gilbert.

as Steller Sting And Auel approached the hanger they found that only one man stood their in their way he had a Blue sword with what appeared to be a laser gun for the grip and crosspiece his eyes seemed life less as if they were Planning their deaths.

he shot sting through the head.

" Sting!" cried stellar.

Auel ran up-to Him but The young man cut him down with twoswift hacks one vertical then on harizontal.

stellar wanted to cry but Arron simply knocked her out with a knife hand strike to the back of her head.

Arron brought the girl aboad the ship and he began to administer a healing with his ki freeing her of the influence of the drugs.

the girl opened her eyes.

" who are you." she asked.

" my name is arron McGee and I was hoping you would like to meet shin the boy who saved you." he said.

that was when shin right on cue entered the room.

" hey you're that pervert." she said.

" Yeah sorry about that anyway I found you amidst the rubble ofan attack." he said.

just then an alarm sounded and the arrival of a squadron of strike daggers appearing in the air.

"We'll be back." said shin

"Hancock Will watch over your."

then the most beautiful woman stellar had ever seen appeared.

Arron boarded the Einharnjar G shin wasn't the only one man army Arron hadn't only Equiped the Shining Gundam Custom with an anti-ship sword and a Beam boomerang but also a Beam Gatling gun and A scattering beam Canon mounted on the Cheast.

and since he had installed the core block system the machine could detach if needed Also it's core was built into it's wing's.

Arron smiled

"let's go Einharnjar G." and Arron deployed.

the long daggers attacked the colony but fortunately athrun deployed in the Savior Gundam.

the machine fired off it's Amfortas Beam Canons.

That machine is a lot like the Gundam F-91 Said Arron fortunately Arron Deployed in his Mobile Fighter with the intent to make these bastards pay for using children to fight wars against their will.

Arron fired of his beam Gatling Gun Shooting down two Long daggers the four Dopple horn daggers tried to get a lock on Arron but before they could he was already upon them cutting down one with his beam swords in a cross cut then taking the other out with his shining shot launcher's.

then he turned to see two Dagger L units.

" so they brought ace's well let's see how they do." said Arron as he dashed towards them.

they fired their beam rifels but we're surprised when this Gundam Repeled them it was because of the Gundams I-feild and when he jumped into the air beyond their computers sights they were shocked only to hear the call of One word.

" Marumasa!" he called andjump Cut down the first Dagger L with his anti-ship Laser sword it was a different model than the strike Gundams as it was a large Double edged sword it was basically a larger scale marumasa blaster like the one used by the crossbone Gundam X1 Full cloth.

" What type of anti ship sword is that?" asked one of the pilots.

just then the arrival of another Gundam the ZGMF-X56S/β Sword impulse Gundam.

"what three Gundams." shouted the pilots before they were all defeated by the coordinator naturale and the Saiyan Newtype.

after this Gilbert was informed the Guaize R Types had discovered the ship and the prototype units were brought aboard the ship.

Arron smiled as Gilbert Durendal looked him over He was able to single handedly wipeout twelve of the Twenty Four units that attacked meaning that Zafts own ace's had scored less then half of that.

Arron was currently housing the Remaining member of the squad that tried to steal the prototypes abyss Chaos and Gaia.

Arron had planned on having her serve as A Maid in his country until he could locate her parents it was agreed that Arron could deal with the spies as he seen fit.

( Flashback)

"I would deal with them as I see fit."

"you shall do it then." said Gilbert.

"But if I do take one captive he or she will be my Quarry." stated Arron.

" Do as you wish."said Gilbert.

( end flashback.)

'All according to plan.' thought Gilbert.

Arron was aboard the Minerva it brought back memories of his first ship the beloved betrothal and his first harem his first love his first pregnant wife Aya and her death.

( Spoiler for the next chapter of my video game harem.)

Arron arrived to find Captian Talia Gladys standing at his door.

" I am to Allow you to train the Pilots as you see fit." she said.

" and is there something else miss Gladys." I asked

she pursed her lips.

" I want to be a member of your harem." she said.

" From the first time I saw you I knew I loved you." she said.

Arron chuckled he knew she was not a woman who believed in love at first sight so he told her.

" Tonight at Nine come to my room I will be waiting." he said before placing a chaste kiss on her cheek.