
My Anime Chat Group

On the year he turned 18, a boy named Tsukasa Aoi finally acquires his first cheat---an Anime Chat Group.

Ruriha · Cómic
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5 Chs


I don't want to bore you with a long ass explanation, so to make it short: we're having a short hiatus!

Wow, who else saw this one coming?

But seriously, the series is going to bet put in hiatus for 2 weeks. Why? Well, my internet service provider in their infinite wisdom somehow didn't bother to communicate with the land owner where they built their apparatus and just sat on their asses while the new lessee took over several months ago. Now the lessee built a 7/11 branch on the land in question and they don't want that apparatus sitting in front of their store, so they got it to cease functioning which led to a widespread internet downtime in my area. This is on top of the frequent power interruption due to an alleged oil crisis (but I'm betting it's just the power provider's incompetency at play), and I'm understandably pissed.

So yeah, I don't think it'd be possible to write a chapter in this circumstance.

Update: I've finally made the switch in ISP, but it may take a week to process.