
My animated life

Emma Williams enters the world where her favorite anime existed. Knowing the story had a tragic ending she decided to change the story entirely, she takes the character of mizuki the princess of the moon, trying to save Haruto the prince of the sun, she ends up falling in love with him.

Divine_ed · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Part 4

I finally got to Olivia's house, as expected the party was a big one. I locked the car and headed inside. The music was so loud I couldn't even hear my self. I looked around but I didn't see Tony. I could only see couples making out . I decided to go upstairs to check, if Tony wasn't at the party I was going to leave. I looked around, still no Tony. I decided to check Olivia's balcony. I didn't see Tony there either I could only see a couple kissing so passionately, I decided to excuse them because I didn't want to invade their privacy.

But wait! Why do they look like Tony and Olivia.....

I walk closer towards them, and grabbed Tony by his shoulders and made him turn around.. but I guess I was wrong it wasn't them. I apologized to the couples and then left still wondering where Tony was.. I tried calling his phone one last time, but he still didn't pick up. I guess Olivia wasn't at her own party either, but I saw her brothers, I asked them where Olivia was but they said they didn't know. Normally when Tony is sad or angry he normally goes to our favorite spot where he took me to the day he confessed his feelings to me. I decided to drive there to check if he was there


"Do you know why I brought you here" Tony said looking into Olivia's eyes passionately

"No I don't?, why?" Olivia answered

"Because you're my friend now I don't usually bring just anyone here. Seriously Tony you should use something else, that's old" I interrupted

"Babe.. I mean Emma what are you doing here?"

"So this is why I couldn't reach you? This is what you were busy with meanwhile I was worried sick about you, Tony this is just a week.. a week!!! And you're already doing this to me?" I walk towards him and then raised my hands so I could hit him. Olivia suddenly stops me

"What did you think ? That Tony actually likes you? Wasn't it obvious that this was just a game to him?"

Olivia looks at me with her devilish eyes

"Tony! Is that true" I was so sad and frustrated I didn't even know what to do

"No.. yes.. No it's not true, I...."

"Tony no need to pretend, I was there when you and your friends placed a bet on her, I just played along. I didn't just think Emma was foolish enough to fall for it" Olivia interrupts

I begin to cry although I tried my best to hold it in.my eyes started to turn red. I don't know if I was disappointed because I actually expected this but not so early and especially not from my best friend, I mean my ex best friend

"Olivia I thought we were friends ?"

"Oh please! You started it, you knew I had a crush on Tony but you decided to date him, who does that"

I ignore Olivia and then turned to Tony. Tony looked so confused, This situation made me realize Tony was really an idiot. I didn't bother to fight I just entered my car and I was about to drive off

"Where were we?" Olivia turns to Tony

"Never mind!" Tony walks away and started yelling my name. I could hear him but I ignored, and then drove off.  I was just too disappointed to listen to him . I drove with full speed and turned on the radio and put the music to its highest volume. I started to sing along to IDGAF by Dua lipa. Suddenly i saw a huge truck coming in full speed, the drivers breaks had failed, I tried my best to leave the way as fast as I could, I panicked then drove straight into another car, I lost control of my vehicle I didn't know what to do, the truck was still coming at full speed, should I jump? What should I do?.. it was already too late. I could see my whole life flash before my eyes. Is this really the end? I guess I was never the main character of this story. The truck hits my car , my car somersaults and then finally landed upside down, as i was about to scream for help the car caught on fire.so this is how I die?


"I don't understand? What do you mean by a car accident" Emma's mum ask

"Is this your car?" The police asked

"Yes!!! Yes!!! That's my car!! Where is my daughter?"

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what? Where is my Daughter?"

"She was one of the victims, but we couldn't find her body. We think her body turned to ashes, we don't really know how to explain. I'm really sorry about your daughter "

"It's a lie, this can't be true" Emma's mum starts to scream and cry. She was shocked, she didn't expect Emma to die like this.

"Mum what's wrong?"

"Your sister.. your sister is dead"

"You're joking? Tell me you're joking?"

"John what am I going to do? I couldn't protect her"

John walks out and then slams the doors, he goes to their neighbors house and began to knock as loud as he could. Mrs fredward opens the door. John didn't wait to be invited in and starts to scream out Tony's name

"Tony!! Come out, I know you're in there" John shouts his name with so much hatred


"What's wrong? Why are you yelling my name?"

John grabs Tony by the collar and then hits him

"I hope you're happy? Because of you Emma is dead, she went out looking for you and now I'm hearing that she's dead. What did you do to her?"

"How can Emma be dead?, we spoke today, she can't be dead"

John tries to hit Tony again but Tony's mother holds him and then told him to get out

"Just know that you killed my sister". John walks out.

Tony puts on the TV to check, and then saw it on the news

At around 2:30 pm there was a car accident, and there were 5 victims, 4 survived and one was found dead, although her body could not be found. The accident was caused by a faulty truck, the driver says he.....

Tony immediately turns off the TV . Then falls on he knees and then began to cry

"I can't believe it, Emma is really gone. This is all my fault".


"Ughhh! My head hurts, where am I?" Emma tries to get up

(Someone enters the room)

"You're awake?, your highness Mizuki is finally awake" she screams

"Wait.. what.. Mizuki?"