


- "Maybe I Can Love After All."


"You need to calm the fuck down."

"Calm down?! I don't have to calm down! You calm down!"


"It's, 'Alpha'."


I turn to him finally, stubbornly glaring down at him.

"What?" I cross my arms, looking away.

"Just calm down." Ezra rises from the bed, walking to where I'm standing. Near my closet's door. He places his hands on my shoulders, looking down at me softly.

"It's just a date." He whispers, and I nod.

Then I shove his hands off me roughly.

"It's not 'just' a date. It's 'The' date." I snap, clenching my jaw.

He sighs.

"Okay. It's 'The' Date. Whatever. Now, just calm down."

I sigh, letting my shoulders droop in defeat.

"I..." I hesitate, "I'm sorry." I blurt out quickly, looking away in embarrassment.

His jaw drops.
