
Chapter 98 - "I Was In Love With You."-01

Micajah"s PoV:

"Hey, you're not one of those people who are weirded out if someone talks while chewing, are you?"

Seneca looks taken aback by the random question that just popped out of my mouth, her brows flying up in surprise.

My brother cracks up laughing.

"Um—" She starts, but Ezra laughs even harder, slapping his thigh and throwing his head back, his eyes almost tearing up.

Okay, I admit that has now got me curious. Because this situation isn't that funny.

"She was the one that weirds everyone else by doing it, Micajah. Not the other way around." Ezra says after a few moments of laughing at a slightly flushed Seneca, sticking his tongue out at her.

"It's not you're the most well-mannered one out there. Hell, you can scoff down a Big Mac in 2 minutes flat." Seneca throws back, glaring at him with her arms crossed under her breasts in a self-justifying manner.