
Chapter 89 - "A Horny Alpha, Closed Doors & Poor Lil' Me In The Same Equation."-02

"Um, hi." She blushes slightly, pulling back as she looks up at me with an expression I can only name as shyness.

What can I say? Today is full of shocks.

"Please, darling. The shy look doesn't suit you at all. You rock the dominant Alpha thing way better," I can't help but tease, as I peck her lips once again.

She glowers playfully, all traces of shyness vanishing in a second. "Oh yeah?" She cocks a brow and grabs me by the arm suddenly, pushing me against the side of her car. She steps forward, letting her full body drape against me as she wraps both hands around my neck, shoving her fingers into my hair as she pulls me down and places a hard kiss on my lips.

When she pulls back, she leaves me breathless.


She smirks, looking satisfied. "Liked the show?"

"Loved it, actually."

She winks, "Good. Now, we gotta go. A wedding doesn't happen on its own."


"Son? Can I have a word?"